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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
December 3, 1996
Rhetoric Mounts Over Medical Marijuana Issue
December 3, 1996, Washington, D.C.:
Voter-approved initiatives in California and Arizona regarding
medical access to marijuana are not only garnering national
headlines, but also the ire of various federal and state
officials. Most recently, the initiatives were the subject
of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which federal elected
officials and representatives from law enforcement reaffirmed
their opposition to the notion of medical marijuana and warned of
the potential for similar initiatives to crop up in other states.
"[This ballot measure] begins a road to destruction of
people's lives in this country," said Sen Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.),
one of only three senators who attended the hearing. Kyl
called the Arizona and California drug-law reform campaigns
classic examples of "bait and switch" tactics and
alleged that the voters in those states were "deceived"
by proponents.
"The contention that the public was duped is absurd,"
countered Marvin S. Cohen, who testified on behalf of Arizonans
for Drug Policy Reform. "Voters knew exactly what they
were doing on November 5."
"Rather than accept the outcomes of the initiatives as a
mandate that Americans want access to medical marijuana for the
seriously ill, some elected officials on both the state and
federal level are in a state of denial," charged NORML
Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre. "It is more
convenient for them to claim that voters were somehow misled by
initiative proponents rather than to acknowledge that they are
out of step with their constituents. The voters of America
strongly favor allowing seriously ill patients to use medical
Since the initiatives' passage, there has been considerable
public speculation as to whether the federal government will
target physicians and patients who comply with the new state
laws. To date, no specific recommendations have come from
the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Both
Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey and Drug Enforcement Administrator
Thomas Constantine testified that federal law prohibiting
cultivation and possession of marijuana remain in full force
despite the states' actions. Constantine also threatened
that the federal government could "take both administrative
and criminal actions against doctors who violate the terms of
their DEA drug registrations that authorize them to prescribe
controlled substances." However, both officials also
admitted the federal government lacks the manpower to enforce the
federal marijuana laws on a wide scale within the states.
The California initiative says that, "Patients or defined
caregivers, who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical
treatment recommended by a physician, are exempt from the general provisions
of law which otherwise prohibit possession or cultivation of
marijuana." It further provides that, "Physicians
shall not be punished or denied any right or privilege for
recommending marijuana to a patient for medical
purposes." The Act does not supersede state
legislation prohibiting persons from possessing or cultivating
marijuana for non-medical purposes. California voters
approved the measure by a vote of 56 to 44 percent.
Proposition 200 in Arizona, known as the "Drug
Medicalization, Prevention and Control Act," is broader than
California's measure and would essentially "medicalize"
Arizona's drug policy. The Act calls for mandatory, court
supervised treatment and probation as an alternative to
incarceration for non-violent drug users and provides expanded
drug treatment programs. It also permits doctors to
prescribe controlled drugs such as marijuana to patients
suffering from serious illnesses such as glaucoma, multiple
sclerosis, cancer, and AIDS. Arizonans voted in favor of
the initiative by a vote of 65 to 35 percent.
Fallout from the ongoing medical marijuana debate has quickly
branched out to other states. In Ohio, lawmakers have
threatened to repeal a 1995 provision that provides patients with
an "affirmative defense" in court if they can prove
they were using marijuana under the prior written order of their
physician. NORML activists in Ohio lobbied the state
legislature for nearly two years on behalf of the measure which
took effect on July 1, 1996. To date, no medical marijuana users
have had to utilize the new law.
"If it is repealed, there is every reason to believe that
the voters will get a chance to put the law back on the books in
1998, through an initiative," said Dave Fratello of
Americans for Medical Rights (AMR), which sponsored the
successful Proposition 215 campaign in California.
"Our group will work with local patients' rights advocates
and medical groups to examine the options if repeal
Northcoast NORML President John Hartman, who lobbied for the
provision, is hopeful that such action will not be
necessary. Currently, he is mobilizing citizens to urge
legislators to keep the present law.
Meanwhile, in Connecticut, Chief State's Attorney John M. Bailey
warned Monday that a similar referendum regarding medical access
to marijuana could develop in that state as well. "People
who are promoting legalizing drugs will be coming into
Connecticut," he told the press in reference to the
successful Arizona and California campaigns. Ironically,
Connecticut already has a law on the books that allows physicians
to prescribe marijuana to patients suffering from glaucoma or
cancer chemotherapy. Because of apparent conflict with
federal law and the fact that the state measure fails to make
provisions regarding a legal supply of marijuana, the law has
never been used.
"It is somewhat presumptuous for the Connecticut State
Attorney General to claim that medical marijuana reformers will
be coming to his state, specifically when Connecticut is one of
the few states that already has a law on the books allowing
physicians to prescribe marijuana," said St. Pierre.
"I am unaware of any current plans by medical marijuana
proponents to target Connecticut."
"The outpouring of national debate and public sympathy
regarding medical marijuana since the election has been
tremendous," said NORML Publications Director Paul
Armentano. "The American people have spoken and our
state and federal officials have an obligation to listen, not to plot
against them."
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre or Paul
Armentano of NORML @ (202) 483-5500.
For further information about medical marijuana initiatives,
please contact Dave Fratello of Americans for Medical Rights @
(310) 394-2952. For further information about Ohio's
medical marijuana laws, please contact John Hartman of Northcoast
NORML @ (216) 521-9333.