ven before Oregon became part of the United
States its citizens tried to control the manufacture and sale of liquor. In spite of this
early effort, a thriving commerce developed to import, brew, distill, and dispense a wide
variety of products. Still, by the late 1800s the temperance movement forced the question
of a complete ban on liquor to the forefront of the nation's social debate. And, by 1916
Oregonians began to live with prohibition. The state law took effect three years before
the ratification of the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution that banned liquor
nationally. But soon enterprising individuals -and organized crime- filled the void with
illegal stills, rumrunning, and speakeasies. Oregon law enforcement geared up to respond
to this challenge but couldn't keep up. Eventually, Oregon and the rest of the nation
tired of the experiment. By 1933 voters repealed both the state law and the national
constitutional amendment. |
