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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy
Drug Addiction, Crime or Disease?

Drug Addiction, Crime or Disease?

Interim and Final Reports of the Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs.

Appendix A

Some Basic Problems in Drug Addiction and Suggestions for Research*



1. Subcommittee on Improvements In The Federal Criminal Code of The Committee On The Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-Fourth Congress. First Session On: The Causes, Treatment, And Rehabilitation Of Drug Addicts.

Price Daniel, Chairman Joseph O'Mahoney James O. Eastland Herman Welker John Marshall Butler C. Aubrey Gasque, General Counsel W. Lee Speer, Chief Investigator

2. Subcommittee of The Committee On Ways And Means, House of Representatives, Eighty-Fourth Congress. On: Traffic In, And Control Of, Narcotics, Barbiturates, And Amphetamines.

Hale Boggs, Chairman Frank M. Karsten Eugene J. McCarthy Frank Ikard John W. Byrnes Antoni N. Sadlak Howard H. Baker Henry L. Giordano, Chief Investigator

3. Report to the House Committee on Ways and Means, from the SubCommittee on Narcotics, May 10, 1956 (PP. 13-14).

4. Report of the Committee of the Judiciary, U. S. Senate Summary and Preliminary Findings and Recommendations Sub-Committee on Improving the Federal Criminal Code, January 16, 1956.

5. Ibid. Report #1997. May 14, 1956 (P. 5).

6. Ibid. April 24, 1956 (p. 2).

7. Consisting of representatives of the Department of State, Defense, Health, Education and Welfare, Treasury, and Justice.

8. Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Narcotics To The President, Washington, D. C., February, 1956 (P. 16).

9. H. Isbell and W. White, "Clinical Characteristics of Addictions," American Journal of Medicine, May 1, 1955 (P. 558)

10. Senate Committee Report (p. 4198).

11. Ibid. (p. 4624).

12. L. Kolb and A. G. DuMez, "The Prevalence And Trend Of Drug Addiction in the U. S. and Factors Influencing It," Public Health Reports, Reprint #924 May, 1924

13. C. Terry and M. Pellens, The Opium Problem, New York: The Committee On Drug Addiction with the Bureau of Social Hygiene, Inc., 1928 (P. 48).

14. Bureau of Narcotics, Traffic In Opium And Other Dangerous Drugs, 1935.

15. Bureau of Narcotics, Traffic in Opium And Other Dangerous Drugs, 1937.

16. Op. Cit. (p. 8).

17. New York Attorney General's Survey, 1952 (p. 9).

18. See testimony Senate Committee 1441; House Committee, 9188.

19. Op. Cit. (p. 8).

20. Report on Narcotic Addiction to the Attorney General by the Citizen's Advisory Committee To The Attorney General On Crime Prevention. March 26, 1954 (p.17).

21. Op. Cit. (p. 52).

22. Ernest S. Bishop, Medical Times, May, 1916.

23. See #13 supra (p. 72).

24. D. Mauer and V. Vogel, Narcotics and Narcotics Addiction, Springfield, Illinois: C. C. Thomas, 1954 (P. 72).

25. H. Isbell, "Trends in Research On Opiate Addiction," Transactions and Studies of The College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia, Vol. 24 No. 1, June, 1956.

26. H. Isbell and W. W. White, "Clinical Characteristics of Addictions," American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 5, May, 1953 (P. 558).

27. See #24, supra (p. 20).

28. H. Kreuger, N. Eddy, and M. Sumwalt, "The Pharmacology of the Opium Alkaloids: Parts 1 and 2." Public Health Reports, Supplement No. 165, 1943 (P. 758).

29. Ibid. (p. 808) .

30. Op. Cit. (pp. 5-6).

31. A. Wikler, Opiate Addiction, Springfield, Illinois: C. C. Thomas, 1953 (PP. 36-37)

32. A. Lindesmith, Opiate Addiction, Evanston, Illinois: Principia Press, 1947 (PP. 87-88).

33. Ibid. (p. 165)

34. Op. Cit. (p. 729)

35. Documentation of the Fifth Annual Conference of Committees of the World Narcotic Defense Association and International Narcotic Education Association, New York, 1992.

36. M. Nyswander, The Drug Addict As A Patient, New York: Grune & Stratton, 1956 (P. 61).

37. L. Kolb, "Drug Addiction As A Public Health Menace," Scientific Monthly, May, '939 (P. 4).

38. A. Wikler and R. Rasor, Psychiatric Aspects of Drug Addiction, American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 5, May, 1953 (PP. 567-568) ss. Op. Cit. (p. 61).

40 See #28, supra (p. 709).

41. See #24, supra (p. 68).

42. Op. Cit. (p. 41).

43. V. Vogel, H. Isbell, and K. Chapman, "Present Status of Narcotic Addiction," Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 188, December 4, 1948 (P. 1997) .

44. Ibid.

45. Ibid. (pp. 1997-1999).

46. See #31, supra (p. 54).

47. D. Gerard and C. Kornetsky, Adolescent Opiate Addiction: A Study Of Control And Addict Subjects, Research Center For Human Relations New York University, 1955.

48. C. Winick, "Narcotics Addiction And Its Treatment," Law And Contemporary Problems, Duke University School of Law, Vol. 42, W. 1957 (pp. 9-34).

49. See, for example, R. F. Faris and H. W. Dunham, Mental Disorders In Urban Areas, Chicago, 1999.

50. Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research and Chicago Area Project, Drug Addiction Among Young Persons In Chicago, October, 1953.

51. Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, Studies On Narcotics Use Among Juveniles, September,1955 (P. 12).

52. See #50. supra (p. 16).

53. Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, Heroin Use and Street Gangs, March, 1956 (pp. 12-13).

54. Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, Family Background As An Etiologic Factor In Personality Predisposition To Heroin Addiction, 1956 (P. 8).

55. Ibid. (p. 9).

56. Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University School of Law, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1957 (PP. 53-54)

57. Special Report on Heroin Addiction in Chicago, 1957 (P. 43).

58. M. Pescor, "A Study Of Drug Addicts," Public Health Reports, Supplement No. 143. 1943.

59. H. J. Anslinger and W. F. Tompkins, The Traffic in Narcotics, New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1953 (P. 170).

60. L. Kolb, "Drug Addiction, A Study Of Some Medical Cases," Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol. 20, 1928 (pp. 171-188).

61. See #50, supra (p. 6).

62. See #57. Supra.

63. Ibid.

64. Ibid. (p. 44).

65. See #24, supra (p. 211).

66. Ibid. (pp. 216-217).

67. 38 Stat. 785 (1914). 26 U. S. C. 2550 (1959), 16 U. S. C. 4701 (1954).

68. 249 U. S. 86 (1919).

69. Ibid. (p. 94).

70. 249 U. S. 96 (1919).

71. (Italics mine).

72. 249 U. S. 96, 100.

73. Jin Fuey Moy v. United States, 254 U. S. 189 (1920).

74. Ibid. (p. 194) (Italics mine).

75. United States v. Behrman, 258 U. S. 280 (1922).

76. Ibid. (p. P89).

77. United States v. Linder, 268 U. S. 5 (1925).

78. Ibid. (p. 18) (Italics mine).

79. Ibid. (p. 20) (Italics mine).

80. Ibid. (p. 22) (Italics mine).

81. 276 U. S. 332, 342 (1928).

82. 271 U. S. 104 (1926) .

83. 271 U. S. 104, 107 (1926).

84. 72 F. 2d 589 (10th Cir., 1994).

85. Ibid. (p. 591) (Italics mine).

86. 16 F. 2nd 709 (5th Cir., 1927).

87. 12 F. 2nd 224 (7th Cir., 1926).

88. Ibid. (p. 245).

89. 15 F. Supp. 558. Dist. Ct., S. D. Calif. (1936).

90. Ibid. (p. 560).

91. Department of Public Health, Illinois, Medical Counselling For Drug Addicts, 1953.

92. Ibid. (p. 73).

93. M. J. Pescor, "Follow-Up Study of Treated Narcotic Drug Addicts," Public Health Reports, Supplement No.170, 1941 (PP. 1-18).

94. A. Lambert, "Narcotic Addiction, Report Of The Mayor's Committee To Honorable Richard C. Patterson, Jr., Commissioner Of Correction," Journal Of American Medical Association, Vol. 98, October 26, 1929 pp 1297-1801).

95. R. Knight and C. Prout, "A Study Of Results in Hospital Treatment of Drug Addictions," American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 108, 1951 (P. 303)

96. Research Center for Human Relations, New York University, Post Hospitalization Adjustment: A Follow-up Study Of Adolescent Opiate Addicts, October, 1956 (P. 48).

97. L. Kolb, "Let's Stop This Narcotic Hysteria," Saturday Evening Post, 829: July 28, 1956

98. See #20, supra (p. 40).

99. Report of the Council on Mental Health, of the American Medical Association, on Narcotic Addiction (p. 86).

100. G. H. Stevenson, "Arguments For And Against The Legal Sale of Narcotics," Bulletin of the Vancouver Medical Association, Vol. 31, No. 4.

101. Op. Cit.

102. See #99. Supra (pp. 7-8).

103 Ibid. (p. 48).

104 Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck, 500 Criminal Careers; 1,000 Juvenile Delinquents; 500 Delinquent Women; Unravelling Juvenile Delinquency.

105. Senate Report (p. 880).

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