High Culture:
Marijuana in the Lives of Americans
by William Novak
High Culture
Appears in The Psychedelic Library by permission of the author
Copyright 1980 William Novak ISBN 0-394-73828 |
I could not have written this book without the assistance of a
number of people. I learned a great deal from conversations with
experts in various areas of marijuana research, including Norman
Zinberg, Andrew Weil, Lester Grinspoon, Howard Becker, Wayne Harding,
Richard Evans Schultes, Erich Goode, Jack Margolis, Lance Christie,
Jonathan Earle, Carlton Turner, and Laurence Cherniak. I am grateful
to Daniel X. Freedman, Charles Tart, Reese Jones, Solomon Snyder,
Harry Klonoff, and Walter Houston Clark for answering the questions
I asked them.
Michael Aldrich of the Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library in San
Francisco was helpful and patient beyond my ability to thank him.
Laurence McKinney was extremely generous with his time and ideas
and offered many thoughtful and valuable suggestions.
I am grateful to the librarians at Wessell Library of Tufts University,
and to the staff of the Economic Botany Library of Harvard University
for assistance in locating obscure books and articles.
Steven Axelrod, my agent, and Ann Close, my editor, supported
this project from the beginning, providing much-needed encouragement
and advice at various points during the preparation of the book.
Several people were indispensable in the preparation of the final
manuscript: Peggy Wagner, Pamela Eells, and especially Linda Manaly
I benefited from the advice and comments of many friends: Karen
Gorman Kramer, Marc Kramer, Eva Fogelman, Richard Siegel, Jeanne
Maman, Leonard Fein, Barry Novak, Joel Rosenberg, Carol Kur, Bill
and Isa Aron, Naomi Katz Mintz, Anne Fishman, Stephen P. Cohen,
Robin Maradie, Moshe Waldoks, Anne Pomerantz, and Leon Wieseltier.
Nancy Grubbs typed the manuscript twice and was a strong support
Special thanks to the members of the Joint Distribution Committee.
Finally, I owe a great debt to the hundreds of marijuana users
who contributed anonymously to this book through their conversations
and letters. This is really their book as well as mine, and I
thank them for sharing their ideas and experiences, first with
meand now with you.