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The New York Times December 3, 1950
U.S., Canada and Britain Report 'Graduation' From Marijuana

LAKE SUCCESS, Dec. 2 (AP)-- The United States, Canada and Britain today reported a sharp increase in dope addicts-- victims who have "graduated" from marijuana to heroin.

Post趴ar prosperity, a desire for "kicks," international tension, and a greater availability of heroin because of increased smuggling from Italy and Turkey were responsible, the United Nations Commission on Narcotics was told.

In the United States one in every 3,000 of the general population-- or an estimated total of 53,000 persons-- is a heroin addict, Harry J. Anslinger, Federal Narcotics Commissioner, reported.

"Most of them are young hoodlums," he said. "All started by smoking marijuana cigarettes."

Samuel Hoare of Britain said that 326 new drug addicts had been recorded in his country during 1949, but that the great majority were past thirty years of age.

Col. C.H.L. Sherman of Canada told the commission that never before had the heroin traffic been so prevalent, with street peddlers now selling as much as half a pound at a time instead of merely a few grains.

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