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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy | ||||
Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs | ||||
Volume 3 - Public Policy Options |
Chapter 19 - The International Legal EnvironmentSome
Three points
bear making concerning the substance of the current conventions. The first has
to do with the absence of definitions. The terms drugs, narcotics and
psychotropics are not defined in any way except as lists of products included
in schedules. It follows that any natural or synthetic substance on the list of
narcotics is, for the purposes of international law, a narcotic, and that a
psychotropic is defined in international law by its inclusion in the list of
psychotropics.[1][96] The only thing that the 1961
Convention tells us about the substances to which it applies is that they can
be abused. The 1971 Psychotropics Convention, which, as noted earlier, reversed
the roles in that the synthetic drug producing countries wanted narrower
criteria, indicates that the substances concerned may cause dependence or
central nervous system stimulation or depression and may give rise to such
abuse as to “constitute a public health
problem or a social problem that warrants international control.” The second
point, following from the first, relates to the arbitrary nature of the
classifications. While cannabis is included, along with heroin and cocaine, in
Schedules I and IV of the 1961 Convention, which carry the most stringent
controls, it is not even mentioned by name in the 1971 Convention, though THC
is listed as a Schedule I psychotropic along with mescaline, LSD and so on. The
only apparent criterion is medical and scientific use, which explains why
barbiturates are in Schedule III of the 1971 Convention and therefore subject
to less stringent controls than natural hallucinogens. These classifications
are not just arbitrary, but also inconsistent with the substances’
pharmacological classifications and their danger to society. Third, if
there was so much concern about public health based on how dangerous “drugs”
are, one has to wonder why tobacco and alcohol are not on the list of
controlled substances. We conclude
from these observations that the international regime for the control of
psychoactive substances, beyond any moral or even racist roots it may initially
have had, is first and foremost a system
that reflects the geopolitics of North-South relations in the 20th
century. Indeed, the strictest controls were placed on organic substances -
the coca bush, the poppy and the cannabis plant - which are often part of the
ancestral traditions of the countries where these plants originate, whereas the
North's cultural products, tobacco and alcohol, were ignored and the synthetic
substances produced by the North’s pharmaceutical industry were subject to
regulation rather than prohibition. It is in this context that the demand made
by Mexico, on behalf of a group of Latin American countries, during the
negotiations leading up to the 1988 Convention, that their use be banned must
be understood. It was a demand that restored the balance to a degree, as the
countries of the South had been forced to bear the full brunt of the controls
and their effects on their own people
since the inception of drug prohibition. The result may be unfortunate, since
it reinforces a prohibitionist regime that history has shown to be a failure,
but it may have been the only way, given the mood of the major Western powers,
to demonstrate the irrationality of the entire system in the longer term. In
any case, it is a short step from there to questioning the legitimacy of
instruments that help to maintain the North-South disparity yet fail miserably
to reduce drug supply and demand. Putting aside
such questions of substance, we will now examine how much leeway countries have
within the current conventions to adopt less prohibitionist policies. Several
states have adjusted their criminal enforcement systems to allow de facto possession of small amounts of
certain soft drugs, such as cannabis and its derivatives, for personal
consumption while remaining within the legal bounds of the Conventions.[2][97] Although the Conventions do not
permit legalization or even decriminalization of possession, those countries
have circumvented the limitations by criminalizing possession, as required by
the treaties, but not strictly enforcing the legislation, or they have
effectively “depenalized” the offences by exempting them from punishment.[3][98] According to
some observers, such approaches clearly violate the spirit of the Conventions,
especially the Trafficking Convention, which seems to use the term
“trafficking” very broadly to include demand-side activities within a
supply-oriented control regime. Yet there is a legal basis for these “softer”
approaches because the treaties do not explicitly forbid them. The
hard-nosed criminal law approach adopted by the international drug control
system has drawn criticism from human rights activists. Some maintain that the
imprisonment penalties are excessive for soft-drug offences such as possession
of a small amount of cannabis for personal consumption.[4][99] It is argued that imprisonment in
such circumstances is disproportionate to the offence and therefore violates
the inherent dignity of persons, the right to be free from cruel and degrading
punishment, and the right to liberty, as set out in such instruments as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, and the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.[5][100] It has also been argued that drug
use is a human right and should be recognized as such in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[6][101] The
Trafficking Convention is the only one of the three Conventions that mentions
human rights. Article 14(2) of the Trafficking Convention explicitly requires
Parties “to respect fundamental human rights” when they take measures to
prevent and eradicate the illicit cultivation of plants containing narcotic or
psychotropic substances, such as opium, cannabis and coca. The same provision
also requires states to take into account traditional licit uses, where there
is historical evidence of such use, and protection of the environment. There are
three factors that provide states, including Canada, with some leeway. The
first is the fact that the conventions recognize the primacy of national legal
systems. Indeed, the international drug agreements have no direct application
in national law. To make them enforceable within its territory, the state must
enact a law; in Canada, that law is the Controlled
Drugs and Substances Act. Specifically, the conventions variously state
that the proposed penalties are to be imposed “subject to [the Parties’]
constitutional provisions” or “having due
regard to their constitutional, legal and administrative systems.” In
Canada, the provisions of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the interpretations given to them by the
Supreme Court are the framework for interpreting the international conventions
on drugs. The second,
slightly more technical point suggests that sanctions for possession apply only
to possession for the purposes of trafficking, especially in view of this
provision’s position between two articles on trafficking and of its earlier
wording.[7][102] Failing to punish people for
possession for personal use would not be, strictly speaking, prohibited. That
is the legal opinion of an expert asked by Switzerland’s Federal Office of
Public Health to comment on its draft legislation to legalize cannabis:
[Translation] “The statute’s general
depenalization of the consumption and small-scale cultivation of cannabis would
be compatible with the conventions.”[8][103] With regard to cannabis trade and
supply, the author writes: [Translation] “Even
though regulating cannabis trade with a licensing system does not appear to be
out of the question, some practical problems remain, partly because of the
control mechanisms required by the 1961 Convention, and partly because the
international community interprets the 1988 Convention as an obligation to
punish the buying and selling of cannabis.”[9][104] The third
factor is that the conventions impose moral obligations on states and not legal
obligations, much less penalties or sanctions for violating them, and that they
also include review or amendment mechanisms. [1][96]
Caballero and Bisiou, op. cit.,
page 26. [2][97]
For example, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and some
Australian states. Switzerland is currently considering a bill to legalize
cannabis. The next chapter provides more detail on the Australian, Dutch and
Swiss approaches in particular. [3][98]
See Krzysztof Krajewski, “How flexible are the United Nations drug
conventions?” International Journal of
Drug Policy, No. 10, 1999, page 329-338. Krajewski provides an
excellent overview of the conventions’ legal limits in the area of legalization
and prohibition. He concludes that legalization or decriminalization would
probably require amendment of Article 3(2) of the Trafficking Convention.
See also the discussion on legalization in Dupras (1998), page 24-33; and
Alfons Noll, “Drug abuse and penal provisions of the international drug control
treaties,” Bulletin on Narcotics,
Vol. XXIX, No. 4, October/December 1977, page 41-57. [4][99]
See, for example, the following pages on the Web site of Human Rights
Watch, a human rights non-governmental organization: http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/drugs/ and [5][100]
The full text of these international instruments is available on the Web
site of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: [6][101] See Erik Van Ree, “Drugs
as a Human Right,” International Journal
of Drug Policy, Vol. 10, 1999, page 89-98. Van Ree proposes the
addition of a new Article 31 to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to use psychotropic
substances of one’s own choice. [7][102]
See Daniel Dupras (1998) Canada’s
International Obligations under the Leading International Conventions on the
Control of Narcotic Drugs. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, available on the
Committee’s Web site at www.parl.gc.ca/illegal-drugs.asp . [8][103]
Peith, M., (2001) “Compatibilité de différents modèles de dépénalisation
partielle du cannabis avec les conventions internationales sur les stupéfiants”
[Compatibility of various models of partial depenalization of cannabis with
international narcotics conventions]. Legal opinion requested by the Federal Office of Public Health of the
Swiss Confederation, page 14. [9][104]
Ibid., page 15. |