Goal 1: Educate and enable America's youth
to reject illegal drugs as well as alcohol and tobacco.
Objective 1:
Educate parents and
other care givers, teachers, coaches, clergy, health professionals, and
business and community leaders to help youth reject illegal drugs and
underage alcohol and tobacco use.
Objective 2:
Pursue a vigorous
advertising and public communications program dealing with the dangers of
illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use by youth.
Objective 3:
Promote zero tolerance policies for youth
regarding the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco within the family,
school, workplace, and community.
Objective 4:
Provide students in grades K-12 with alcohol,
tobacco, and drug prevention programs and policies that are research based.
Objective 5:
Support parents and adult
mentors in encouraging youth to engage in positive, healthy lifestyles and
modeling behavior to be emulated by young people.
Objective 6:
Encourage and assist the development of
community coalitions and programs in preventing drug abuse and underage
alcohol and tobacco use.
Objective 7:
Create partnerships with the media,
entertainment industry, and professional sports organizations to avoid the
glamorization, condoning, or normalization of illegal drugs and the use of
alcohol and tobacco by youth.
Objective 8:
Develop and implement a set of research-based
principles upon which prevention programming can be based.
Objective 9:
Support and highlight research, including the
development of scientific information, to inform drug, alcohol, and tobacco
prevention programs targeting young Americans.
Goal 2: Increase the safety of America's
citizens by substantially reducing drug-related crime and violence.
Objective 1:
Strengthen law
enforcement – including federal, state, and local drug task forces – to
combat drug-related violence, disrupt criminal organizations, and arrest and
prosecute the leaders of illegal drug syndicates.
Improve the ability of High Intensity Drug
Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs) to counter drug trafficking.
Objective 3:
Help law enforcement to disrupt money
laundering and seize and forfeit criminal assets.
Objective 4:
Break the cycle of drug abuse and crime.
Objective 5:
Support and highlight research, including the
development of scientific information and data, to inform law enforcement,
prosecution, incarceration, and treatment of offenders involved with illegal
Goal 3: Reduce health and social costs to the
public of illegal drug use.
Objective 1:
Support and promote effective, efficient, and
accessible drug treatment, ensuring the development of a system that is
responsive to emerging trends in drug abuse.
Objective 2:
Reduce drug-related health problems, with an
emphasis on infectious diseases.
Objective 3:
Promote national adoption of drug-free
workplace programs that emphasize a comprehensive program that includes: drug
testing, education, prevention, and intervention.
Objective 4:
Support and promote the education, training,
and credentialing of professionals who work with substance abusers.
Objective 5:
Support and promote the education, training,
and credentialing of professionals who work with substance abusers.
Objective 6:
Support and highlight research and
technology, including the acquisition and analysis of scientific data, to
reduce the health and social costs of illegal drug use.
Objective 7:
Support and disseminate scientific research
and data on the consequences of legalizing drugs.
Goal 4: Shield America's air, land, and
sea frontiers from the drug threat.
Objective 1:
Conduct flexible operations to detect,
disrupt, deter, and seize illegal drugs in transit to the United States and
at U.S. borders.
Objective 2:
Improve the coordination and effectiveness of
U.S. drug law enforcement programs with particular emphasis on the Southwest
Border, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Objective 3:
Improve bilateral and regional cooperation
with Mexico as well as other cocaine and heroin transit zone countries in
order to reduce the flow of illegal drugs into the United States.
Objective 4:
Support and highlight research and technology
– including the development of scientific information and data – to detect,
disrupt, deter, and seize illegal drugs in transit to the United States and
at U.S. borders.
Goal 5: Break foreign
and domestic drug sources of supply.
Objective 1:
Produce a net reduction in the worldwide
cultivation of coca, opium, and marijuana and in the production of other
illegal drugs, especially methamphetamine.
Objective 2:
Disrupt and dismantle major international
drug trafficking organizations and arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate their
Objective 3:
Support and complement source country drug
control efforts and strengthen source country political will and drug control
Objective 4:
Develop and support bilateral, regional, and
multilateral initiatives and mobilize international organizational efforts
against all aspects of illegal drug production, trafficking, and abuse.
Objective 5:
Promote international policies and laws that
deter money laundering and facilitate anti-money laundering investigations as
well as seizure and forfeiture of associated assets.
Objective 6:
Support and highlight research and
technology, including the development of scientific data, to reduce the
worldwide supply of illegal drugs.