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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy | ||||
Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs | ||||
Volume 3 - Public Policy Options |
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Mohamed ben Amar, Professor, Pharmacology
andToxicology – University of Montreal, First Session, Thirty-seventh
Parliament,June 11, 2001, Issue no4.
Line Beauchesne, Professor, Department of
Criminology– University of Ottawa, Second Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament,
October 16, 2000, Issue no1.
Patricia Bégin, Director, Research and Evaluation
–National Crime Prevention Centre, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,
June10, 2002, Issue no22.
Marie-Andrée Bertrand, Professor Emeritus
ofCriminology – University of Montreal, First Session,
Thirty-seventhParliament, April 23, 2001, Issue no1.
Hilary Black, Founder and Director – B.C. CompassionClub
Society, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, November 7, 2001, Issueno10.
Tim Boekhout van Solinge, Lecturerand Researcher in
Criminology–Utrecht University, First Session,Thirty-seventh Parliament,
November 7, 2001, Issue no. 11. Micheal J. Boyd, Chair of the Drug Abuse Committee
andDeputy Chief of the Toronto Police Service – Canadian Association of Chiefs
ofPolice, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, March 11, 2002, Issue no14.
Neil Boyd, Professor, Department of Criminology
–Simon Fraser University, Second Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament, October
16,2000, Issue no1.
Serge Brochu, Professor and Director of
theInternational Center for Comparative Criminology – University of Montreal,First
Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, December 10, 2001, Issue no12.
Bill Campbell, President – Canadian Society
onAddiction Medicine, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, March 11,
2002,Issue no14.
Mark Connolly, Director General, Contraband andIntelligence
Services Directorate, Customs Branch – Canada Customs and RevenueAgency First
Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, October 29, 2001, Issue no8.
Conroy, Barrister, First Session, Thirty-seventhParliament, March 11, 2002,
Issue no14. Jean-Michel
Coste, Director – French MonitoringCentre for Drugs and Drug Addictions, First
Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,October 1st, 2001, Issue no7. Patricia Erickson, Researcher – Centre for
Addictionand Mental Health, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, May 14,
2001, Issueno2.
Julian Fantino,Chief –
Toronto Police Service, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,September 10,
2001, Issue no5. Benedikt Fischer, Professor, Department of
PublicHealth Sciences – University of Toronto, First Session,
Thirty-seventhParliament, September 17, 2001, Issue no6.
Griffin, Canadian Police Association, FirstSession, Thirty-seventh Parliament,
May 28, 2001, Issue no3. Henry
Haddad, President – Canadian MedicalAssociation, First Session, Thirty-seventh
Parliament, March 11, 2002, Issue no14. Health
Canada, First Session, Thirty-seventhParliament, June 10, 2002, Issue no22. Kash Heed, Vice Drugs Section – Vancouver
PoliceService, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, November 7, 2001,
Issue no10
Gary E. Johnson, Governor, Stateof New Mexico, First
Session, Thirty-seventh, November 5, 2001, Issue no9. Cal
Johnston, Chief – Regina Police Service, FirstSession, Thirty-seventh
Parliament, May 13 2002, Issue no16. Harold Kalant, Professor Emeritus – University
ofToronto, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 11, 2001, Issue no4.
Perry Kendall, Health Officer –Province of British
Columbia, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,September 17, 2001, Issue no6. Paul Kennedy, Senior Assistant Deputy
SolicitorGeneral, Policing and Security Branch – Solicitor General of Canada,
FirstSession, Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 10, 2002, Issue no22.
King, Former Chair of the Drug Abuse Committeeand Chief of the Brockville
Police Service – Canadian Association of Chiefs ofPolice, First Session,
Thirty-seventh Parliament, March 11, 2002, Issue no14. R.G. Lesser, Chief Superintendent – Royal
CanadianMounted Police, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, October 29,
2001,Issue no8.
Gillian Lynch, Director General, Drug Strategy
andControlled Substances Programme – Health Canada, First Session,
Thirty-seventhParliament, June 10, 2002, Issue no22.
Mary Lynch, Director, Canadian Consortium for
theInvestigation of Cannabinoids – Dalhousie University, First
Session,Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 11, 2001, Issue no4.
Nicole Maestracci, President – InterministerialMission
for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction, First Session,Thirty-seventh
Parliament, October 1st, 2001, Issue no7.
Colin Mangham, Director – Prevention Source
B.C.,First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, September 17, 2001, Issue no6.
Céline Mercier, Associate Professor, Department
ofPsychiatry – McGill University, First Session, Thirty-seventh
Parliament,December 10, 2001, Issue no12.
Croft Michaelson, Director and Senior General
Counsel,Strategic Prosecution Policy Section – Justice Canada, First
Session,Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 10, 2002, Issue no22.
John P. Morgan, Professor of Pharmacology – City
ofNew York Medical School, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, June
11,2001, Issue no4.
Dann Michols, Assistant Deputy Minister,
HealthyEnvironments and Consumer Safety Branch – Health Canada, First
Session,Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 10, 2002, Issue no22.
Dale Orban,Canadian Police
Association, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, May 28,2001, Issue no3. Michel Perron, Executive Director – Canadian
Centreon Substance Abuse, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, June 10,
2002,Issue no22.
Senate of Canada, Proceedings ofthe Senate Special
Committee on Illegal Drugs, First Session, Thirty-seventhParliament, March-April
2001, Issue no1. Senate of Canada, Proceedings ofthe Senate Special
Committee on Illegal Drugs, First Session, Thirty-seventhParliament, May 28,
2001, Issue no3. Eric Single, Professor, Department of Public HealthSciences
– University of Toronto, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,May 14, 2001,
Issue no2.
Diane Steber Büchli, Head, International Drug
AffairsUnit – Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, First Session,
Thirty-seventhParliament, February 24, 2002, Issue no13.
Art Steinman, Executive Director –
Alcohol-DrugEducation Service, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament,
November 7, 2002,Issue no10.
Ambros Uchtenhagen, Retired Professor – AddictionResearch
Institute, First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, February 4, 2002,Issue no13.
Mark Ware, Assistant Professor – McGill
University,First Session, Thirty-seventh Parliament, May 31st2002,
Issue no18.
Mark Zoccolillo, Professor, Department of Psychiatry–
McGill University, Second Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament, October 16,2000,
Issue no1.