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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy | ||||
Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs | ||||
Volume 3 - Public Policy Options |
Chapter 21 - Public policy optionsineffectiveness
of criminal policies
Two key indicators are usually
applied to measure the effectiveness of drug-related criminal policy: reduced
demand and reduced supply. Some authors attempt to measure the economic
efficiency of various control options[1][2]; we do not address this aspect as the data are
incomplete. The methods of measuring the impact
of public policy on supply and demand are faced with a series of methodological
pitfalls. Firstly, the two indicators are relatively artificial and not easily
distinguished from one another. In other words, a given measure impacts both
indicators simultaneously and are often accomplished by the same institution
For example, a police officer conducting drug “education” in schools,
theoretically for the purpose of affecting demand, also works to reduce
supply. Secondly, the capacity of agencies
responsible for affecting one or the other depends on a series of factors
relating to their means and resources, their practices and skills, and their
competence. For the police, the number of officers per capita and the general
thrust of law enforcement services (community police, traditional more reactive
police) as well as the priority given to drug-related offences, can influence
the volume of reported incidents as well as the decision to lay a charge.
Generally speaking, the total resources allocated by a government to its drug
policy may affect one or both of these indicators. In short, effectiveness
cannot be measured directly. It is even more difficult to assess,
even indirectly, the impact of action taken, when clear objectives, ideally
associated with indicators, are not defined, as is the case in Canada at this
time, as was seen in Chapter 11. This being the case, and because we are in no
position to make a rigorous assessment of public policy on drugs, we will
examine the question on the basis of a series of indirect indicators. Impact on consumption
General policy direction
At the most general level, national
governments (see preceding chapter) define a general direction for their
policies on drugs. Some are more tolerant or permissive (e.g., the Netherlands,
Belgium, Spain, and Germany); others stress prohibition and abstention (e.g.,
the United States, Sweden, France). Admittedly, these are crude categories,
ignoring the complexity of each country’s policy. Even in the U.S.A. with its
“war on drugs”, individual cities and states may implement widely different
measures. Furthermore, there is often a huge gap between public policy
statement and concrete action. For example, in France, a tough stance on use is
accompanied by limited user-related police activity. In Canada, as a number of
witnesses told us, enforcement by police is often at odds with “lenient” court
decisions. In other words, there is no direct relationship between political
statements and concrete action. Some comparative studies have
attempted to determine whether or not public policy influences use levels. A
study by Reuband compares “tolerant” European countries (the Netherlands,
Spain, Denmark, and Italy) and restrictive countries (Germany, France, Norway,
United Kingdom, and Sweden). The study found no significant differences between
consumption levels, regardless of public policy direction.[2][3] The “Message” of the Conseil fédéral suisse sur la révision de la
loi sur les stupéfiants reports the results of a comparative study on seven
European countries by Cesoni, which reached the conclusion that the legal
regime had no influence on the frequency of consumption.[3][4] Another study carried out for the Office fédéral suisse de la Santé publique
classifies the policies of European countries on a line from “very liberal” to
“very restrictive”, relating them to the lifetime prevalence of cannabis
consumption. The study shows no relation between severity of legislation and
level of use.[4][5] We have drawn up two similar charts,
classifying the policies of the various countries and adding Canada, Australia,
and the United States. We used the Chapter 6 data on lifetime prevalence of
consumption in the general population (Chart 1) and in the past month among
15-16 year olds (Chart 2). The charts show no direct
relationship between consumption levels and public policy direction. Very
liberal countries show low rates (Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal), whereas
countries that have very restrictive policies show high rates (USA, Canada,
France). Of course this may be explained by the fact that these are static
statistical data not a time series, and
are thus little influenced by variations from year to year. Another possible
explanation is that, as few users are arrested, there is a strong inconsistency
between words and action. The following section looks at this issue. Cannabis consumption and
A number of authors have looked at
the relationship between arrest levels and delinquent behaviour in general, and
in drug consumption in particular. One recent study was conducted by Kilmer[5][6] within the context of the International Scientific
Conference on Cannabis. The following graph is from that study. The graph shows that, in all
countries, the number of arrests per inhabitant for simple possession of
cannabis increased during the 1990s, with Australia the only exception.
Switzerland, currently considered relatively moderate, has the highest level of
arrests per inhabitant, followed by the USA, Austria, the United Kingdom,
France, and Germany. Here again there appears to be no
direct relationship between direction of public policy and arrests. Switzerland
and Australia, both of which have far more moderate policies than the USA,
arrest proportionally larger numbers of people than that country, although
Switzerland’s consumption rate is far lower than that of the USA, and
Australia’s is virtually the same. The variation in rates of arrest
cannot be explained by the number of police officers per inhabitant. France has
far more officers than does the USA or England, but arrests far fewer people
than the USA and fewer than the UK for simple possession. We created a graph charting the
relationship between the number of users among high school youth in Ontario in
the past twelve months and incidents declared by the police of cannabis-related
offences in the same year in Ontario. We chose Ontario because it is the only
province that produces continuous time series on consumption levels, and the
Ontario figures are almost identical to the Canadian mean (Chapter 14). The
results are shown below.
Numberof users
shows a very weak statistical relationship (0.15) between police activityand
cannabis use. In other words, police activity has no dissuasive effect
oncannabis experimentation by young students. Criminologyteaches
that probability of arrest carries far more dissuasive weight thanseverity of
sentence. As the following table shows, the probability of arrest isvery low
for cannabis possession offences. Probability of being arrested for cannabis possession[1][7]
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Germany Australia Austria Canada United
States France United
Kingdom Sweden 3.7% 1.7% 1.8% 2.8% 3.0% 2.1% 2.7% 1.7% 3.1% 2.4% 2.1% 3.2% 2.9% 2.0% 3.2% 2.0% Public
of the preceding factors appears related to consumption levels, can a casebe
made for public spending? There
isdanger in trying to estimate the overall cost of public policy on drugs.
Evenfor a budget item as seemingly well-defined as law enforcement, estimates
areunreliable. As we saw in Chapter 14, the cost of law enforcement ranges
from$700 million to $1 billion. Figures on public expenditure related
totreatment and prevention, even if we know that they are much smaller than
thosefor law enforcement, are equally unreliable.[1][8] Makinginternational
comparisons is even riskier. Services are organized differently,costs are not
accounted for in the same way, and service orientation and overallgovernment
direction vary widely. Withthese
reservations, we will attempt the exercise based on data from a number
ofsources. To make the results a little more comparable, we restrict
thecomparison to law enforcement expenditures which, in any case, account
forbetween 70% and 90% of public spending relating to illegal drugs. The
followingtable summarizes the data. (Note that, for Canada, we have used the
data fromthe CCSA study rather than our own estimates from Chapter 14. Our data
show acost estimate of law enforcement (police, courts, prisons) of
approximately $1.5billion or $50 per capita). Costs
of enforcinglegislation in various countries
Cost ofenforcing legislation Per capitacosts Germany,
1992[1][9] Australia, 1992[1][10] Canada,
1992[1][11] United
States[1][12] France, 1998[1][13] The
Netherlands[1][14] DM 6.3 billion A$450 million US$300 million US$12.3 billion US$500 million US$230 million US$10 US$40 US$8 US$15 We
notethat countries in which consumption levels are average (Germany, theNetherlands)
spend less than the USA, which has a high consumption rate; inaddition, these
countries, specifically, show law enforcement expenditures abovethose of two
far more restrictive countries (France and Canada). Inshort,
here again cannabis consumption levels appear unaffected by public policythat
aims to reduce demand by cracking down on use. Impact
on supply
Doe spublic
policy affect drug availability or price? The available data suggest not. In
spiteof sustained efforts to exert national and international control, battle
drugtrafficking (macro and micro, local and international), the availability
ofdrugs, and cannabis in particular, has not fallen. Price has
fallensignificantly (e.g., heroin, cocaine) or remained relatively stable
(e.g.,cannabis and derivatives).[1][15] The relative price increase for some grades of
cannabis is at least asclosely linked to attempts to improve “quality” (e.g.,
THC content, organiccultivation) and the large profit margin earned by
producers and traffickers, asit is to the efforts of law enforcement agencies. |