National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse
Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding
Chapter III
Social Impact of marihuana use
Potential For Genetic Damage
The thalidomide tragedies of the 1950's have taught us to ponder carefully the
possibility of genetic damage subsequent to any drug use. The much publicized controversy
regarding LSD and subsequent genetic damage has led investigators to study marihuana and
its possible genetic effects. Although a number of studies have been performed, at present
no reliable evidence exists indicating that marihuana causes genetic defects in man.
Early findings from studies of chronic (up to 41 years), heavy (several ounces per day)
cannabis users in Greece and Jamaica also failed to find such evidence. In all its
studies, the Commission found no evidence of chromosome damage or teratogenic or mutagenic
effects due to cannabis at doses commonly used by man. However, since fetal damage cannot
be ruled out, the use of marihuana like that of many other drugs, is not advisable during