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American Society for Action on Pain

UI - 000176

AU - Zenz M

TI - Therapy of pain caused by gastrointestinal tumors. [German]

AB - Therapy of pain induced by malignant diseases is an important task for any physician. A proper

diagnosis is necessary for an adequate treatment. Pain in the bones can be treated successfully with

peripherally acting analgesics such as acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol or metamizole. On the other hand,

certain tumors require local blockade as in cases with pancreatic or perianal tumors. If such a therapeutic

approach is not possible or if pain is felt all over the body then centrally acting analgesics such as opiates are

necessary. Opiates should be administered according to a tight schedule and not on demand. Combinations

of certain analgesic drugs are often quite useful. Apart from their peripheral application opiates can also be

administered epidurally or intrathecally which reduces the required dosage

SO - Leber, Magen, Darm 1987;17:238-243

Major Studies
Special Collections
Schaffer Library of Drug Policy