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American Society for Action on Pain

UI - 000179

AU - Zenz M

AU - Piepenbrock S

AU - Tryba M

AU - Klauke W

AU - Everlien M

TI - Sublingual buprenorphine tablets: initial clinical experiences in long-term therapy of cancer pain.


AB - Buprenorphine sublingual tablets (0.2 mg) were investigated in therapy of cancer pain. In 67 patients

there was a good analgetic effect in 60%, even in those cases treated with other opiates before. The

induction time was quite long (60 min.) but is no problem in chronic administration. Effective pain relief was

obtained even in final stages of cancer. The mean daily dose of buprenorphine had been 1.2-1.7 mg, the

mean duration of analgesia being 6-8 hours with a single dose of 0.2-1.0 mg buprenorphine. Typical opiate-

side-effects were registered and well tolerated after some days' treatment. There was no respiratory

depression. Buprenorphine sublingual tablets are certainly a good alternative in orally available opioids

SO - Fortschritte der Medizin 1983;101:191-194