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American Society for Action on Pain

UI - 000161

AU - Fishbain DA

AU - Rosomoff HL

AU - Rosomoff RS

TI - Detoxification of nonopiate drugs in the chronic pain setting and clonidine opiate detoxification.


AB - Although the pain physician is most familiar with the treatment of the opiate withdrawal syndrome,

other drugs are abused by the chronic pain patient. The pain physician should then be familiar with the

withdrawal syndromes associated with other drug groups. The withdrawal syndromes associated with

hypnosedatives, psychotomimetics, nicotine, stimulants, ergot alkaloids, beta adrenergic blocking agents,

antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and alpha-adrenergic agonists are described. Drug detoxification protocols

for these drugs are reviewed. Additionally, the rationale for clonidine opiate detoxification is discussed, and

current clonidine detoxification protocols are reviewed. [References: 89]

SO - Clinical Journal of Pain 1992;8:191-20