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American Society for Action on Pain

UI - 000127

AU - Devulder J

AU - De Colvenaer L

AU - Rolly G

AU - Caemaert J

AU - Calliauw L

AU - Martens F

TI - Spinal cord stimulation in chronic pain therapy

AB - Spinal cord stimulation was undertaken in 45 patients referred to the University Hospital in Ghent.

Failed back surgery was the major indication for implantation. Raynaud's phenomenon, causalgia,

polyneuropathy, phantom limb pain, and diverse causes were the other indications. Before neurosurgical

implantation of the system, a percutaneous epidural trial procedure was performed. The efficacy of the

implanted stimulation system was estimated by considering the use of medication and the patients' personal

appreciation of the obtained pain relief. Thirty-five patients experienced very good pain relief. Only two

patients needed further narcotic analgesics. Eight patients stopped using the stimulation system. To ensure

good results, strict selection criteria and many surgical reinterventions seemed to be necessary. Although

spinal cord stimulation is a nonablative technique, many complications may occur

SO - Clinical Journal of Pain 1990;6:51-5

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