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American Society for Action on Pain

UI - 000129

AU - Osipova NA

AU - Novikov GA

AU - Ziai GR

AU - Mel'nikova ZL

TI - [Tramal in the treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes in cancer patients]. [Russian]

AB - The study of 65 cancer patients has demonstrated the advantages and disadvantages of tramal as an

agent used for the relief of acute and chronic pain syndrome. In 18 patients tramal was used in postoperative

analgesia, in 17 patients it was used for the treatment of chronic pain syndrome. It has been shown that in

the postoperative period tramal has no noticeable advantages over promedol. However, tramal had definite

advantages over other opiate agonists when used for the treatment of chronic pain syndrome in incurable

cancer patients. Thus, the data obtained show that tramal, a synthetic analgesic of a new generation, has no

dangerous side effects, is effective in a convenient, non-invasive drug form, interacts well with non-narcotic

and supplementary agents and causes no clinical signs of drug tolerance or addiction in prolonged


SO - Anesteziologiya i Reanimatologiya 1990;:55-5