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The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

The World's Greatest Newspaper

January 21, 1938

Mr. H.J. Anslinger,

Commissioner of Narcotics,

Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Anslinger,

Your chicago office has suggested that I write to you concerning a test with hemp that has been proposed to the Tribune.

For several years hemp for fiber purposes has been grown on the Tribune's experimental farm near Wheaton, Illinois. The question of the proposed test has been brought up by a Mr. Bell rose of Ottawa, Illinois. Mr. Bellrose believes that the hemp grown for commercial purposes near Ottawa and on the Tribune farm does not contain the injurious materials used in making marihuana cigarets [sic]. I am a bit skeptical about his views but thought it worth while to follow them through, providing the test could be made without violating existing laws.

Through Dr. I. S. Cutter, health editor of the Chicago Tribune, and dean of the school of medicine at Northwestern university, we can quickly make arrangements to have the necessary test made to determine whether there is anything to the belief of Mr. Bellrose. Before attempting such a test, the Tribune would want your consent to conduct it. We would certainly want to do everything that would be necessary to avoid any conflict with the marihuana law.

I would appreciate it if you could advise me directly or through your Chicago office how such a test could be made with your approval. I would be glad to take up all the details of the test with Mrs. George Bass in your Chicago office. My reason for writing you is that I understand Mrs. Bass is to be away from her office until about the first of March.

Very truly yours,

signed Frank Ridgway

Frank Ridgway,

Agricultural Editor.


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