223. The term narcotic has had wide and inconsistent usage in lay, legal and scientific
circles. Some use the word to characterize any drug which produces stupor, insensibility
or sleep; many apply it only to derivatives of the opium plant ('opiates'); others
consider the term equivalent to addiction-producing; and in legal matters, 'narcotics' may
refer to almost any allegedly dangerous drugs (for example marijuana and cocaine are often
considered with opiate compounds in narcotics regulations in spite of the fact that they
have little in common with them). To reduce some of this ambiguity, the specific phrase
opiate narcotic will be used in this report, and will be restricted to drugs which are
derivatives of, or are pharmacologically similar to products of the opium plant papaver
224. The earliest unambiguous description of opium to which we have access was written
in the third century B.C., although some scholars have cited references to opiate-like
drugs dated more than 5,000 years ago.29 Many believe that Homer's 'Nepenthe' was opium.
These drugs are obtained from the juice of the unripened seed pod of the opium poppy plant
soon after the flower petals begin to fall - no other part of the plant produces
psychoactive substances.
Although 'opium eating' has been known in Asia for thousands of years, widespread use
of the drug did not occur until the development of the British East India Company's
wholesale opium empire in the eighteenth century. The practice of smoking opium developed
in China soon after American tobacco was introduced to the Orient. Chinese prohibition of
the British opium precipitated the 'opium war' in which the world's greatest naval power
forced China to open its door to the British (opium) trade. 223
225. In 1805, the major active constituent in opium was isolated - an alkaloid given
the name morphine, after the Greek God of Dreams, Morpheus. In the next half century,
various other alkaloids were discovered, such as codeine and papaverine, both if which are
in general use today. Since then, a variety of semisynthetic (e.g., heroin, in 1874) and
synthetic (e.g., methadone, Demerol* and Alvodine*), opiate-like drugs have been
developed. These compounds have the potential of producing qualitatively similar actions
(at different doses), although there is considerable variability among them in the potency
of the different opiate effects. Heroin, more potent on a weight basis than morphine, is
usually the choice of the chronic opiate narcotic user. This drug was originally
considered 'non-addictive' when put on the market. Those members of the medical and
related profession who use these drugs non-medically, as well as others who have become
dependent as a result of medical use, tend, to use morphine or the synthetics. Because of
the similarities among these drugs, they will, with a few exceptions be dealt with as a
group. Heroin (and sometimes other opiate narcotics) is often referred to as 'H', 'horse',
'junk', 'scrag' or 'smack'.
226. Until the nineteenth century, 'raw' opium was either smoked or taken orally. There
is a decidedly lower dependence liability -with these techniques than: with 'practices'
which followed and it was not until the isolation of morphine and the invention of the
hypodermic needle that the opiate narcotics became a serious problem in the Western World.
Morphine was widely acclaimed among medical practitioners and was used freely, to treat
pain during the American Civil War, sometimes producing a dependency called 'soldiers'
disease'. General use of tincture of opium in many patent medicines (e.g. Paregoric) made
the quasi -medical use of opiates a common practice in North America at that time. On the
West Coast, the influx of Chinese labourers, some of whom smoked opium, apparently
stimulated non-medical use to some degree. The extent of opiate narcotic problems in the
nineteenth century is difficult to ascertain, however, it would appear that the use of
these drugs was not a major moral issue. In the early part of the twentieth century, some
of the problems of morphine and heroin dependence became apparent, and most opiate
products were removed from the open market in North America and non-medical possession was
227. Because characteristics fluctuate with social change, a description of drug users
is necessarily tied to a given population at a given point and time and may have little
general application. There is little information on opiate narcotic users in North America
prior to this century, but many researchers contend that far more women than men made use
of these drugs at that time. Since the general opiate prohibition in the early part of
this century, men have become the predominant users. While Chinese opium smokers were not
uncommon a half century ago, there appear to be very few Orientals in North America using
opiate narcotics today. In recent decades, the use of these drugs in Canada has tended to
centre on a few urban areas. Medical and related professions represent a frequently noted
high-risk group with respect to the development of drug dependency. For various reasons,
statistics on the incidence of dependency in this group are quite inadequate. Many
researchers contend that health profession dependents constitute a significant proportion
of the total chronic opiate narcotic using population.28 For many years, the known opiate
narcotic users have made up about 0.02 per cent of the overall Canadian population.
228. Although many observers do not feel that the non-medical use of opiate narcotics
is currently a major public health problem in Canada, there are numerous reasons for
directing attention to this group of drugs. Historically, the popular conception of the
'narcotics addict dope fiend' has established an image of the non-medical drug user which
persists and intrudes into almost every examination or investigation of drug use today.
Furthermore, the opiate narcotics have played an important role as a model in much of the
past and present drug legislation, and in general crimino-legal approach to the control of
socially censured drug use. Although many important questions about the opiate narcotics
are still unanswered, it is clear that much of what has commonly passed for fact, is
fiction, and often bears little resemblance to scientific information.
Medical Use
229. Most of the current medical uses for the opiate narcotics were fairly well
understood and established in Europe by the middle of the sixteenth century, and were
probably well known in certain areas long before that time. These drugs are primarily used
in the relief of suffering from pain, in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery, and to
reduce cough. Hundreds of related compounds have been synthesized in attempts to retain
the clinical benefits but reduce the dependence liabilities of the opiate narcotics. These
efforts have not been very successful, and thus morphine and related drugs are still
considered by physicians to be among the most valuable drugs available to the practitioner
today. Heroin is no longer used medically in North America.
Administration, Absorption,
Distribution and Physiological Fate
230. Opiate narcotics are produced in a variety of tablets and capsules, elixirs, cough
syrups (with codeine), injections, rectal suppositories and, on the illegal market, are
also available in a gummy solid or powdered form. Codeine is often mixed with other
non-opiate analgesics (e.g. APC & C*; 222's*). While the opiate narcotics are well
absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, this route is often erratic and unpredictable
compared to injections. Among non-medical users, subcutaneous ('skin popping') and
intravenous ('mainlining') injections are commonly used with heroin and morphine. Raw
opium is usually eaten or smoked and the powder is sometimes sniffed ('snorted'). Only a
minute fraction of the drug absorbed actually enters the central nervous system. The
duration and intensity of the effects vary considerably with the different drugs in this
class (and as a function of dose), although the major action might typically last from
three to six hours. These drugs are usually inactivated in the liver and excreted in the
urine, often along with small quantities of free morphine.
 Physiological Effects
231. Pure opiate narcotics produce few significant non-psychological effects in
therapeutic doses. The immediate or short-term physiological response usually includes a
general reduction in respiratory and cardiovascular activity, a depression of the cough
reflex, a constriction of the pupil of the eye, and minor reduction in visual acuity,
slight itching, dilation of cutaneous blood vessels, warming of the skin, a decrease in
intestinal activity (often causing constipation), and, in some individuals, nausea and
vomiting. In higher doses, however, insensibility and unconsciousness result. The primary
toxic overdose symptoms are coma, shock and, ultimately, respiratory arrest and death.
232. There appears to be little direct permanent physiological damage from chronic use
of pure opiate narcotics. Numerous complications are observed, however, if the overall
drug use pattern involves adulterated street samples, unsterile administrations,
unhygienic living standards, poor eating habits and inadequate general medical care - all
of which are commonly part of the criminal-addict behaviour syndrome. Commonly reported
disorders in street users are hepatitis, tetanus, heart and lung abnormalities, scarred
veins ('track marks'), local skin infections and abscesses, and obstetrical problems in
pregnant females. At one time, malaria was also commonly seen in this population.
233. The general mortality rate among heroin dependents is considerably higher than
normally expected for their age group. Sudden collapse and death following intravenous
injection has been reported in a number of these individuals. Such fatalities have often
been attributed to overdose resulting from erratic and unexpected variations in the purity
of drugs obtained from the black market. However, there is considerable evidence that many
of these deaths are not merely due to overdose but are a consequence of partly soluble
contaminant substances in the sample and, perhaps, some drug hypersensitivity
234. The subjective effects of narcotics may vary considerably among different
individuals and situations. Most persons reportedly do not enjoy the experience and may
actively avoid its repetition in a controlled or experimental situation, while others
describe feelings of warmth, well-being, peacefulness and contentment. Euphoria or
dysphoria, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, inability to concentrate, apathy and lethargy
are commonly noted. Certain individuals, especially when fatigued may be stimulated into
feelings of energy and strength. Higher doses produce a turning inward and sleep. Often a
pleasant dreamlike state occurs. Some regular users describe their drug experiences in
near ecstatic, and, often sexual terms (especially the 'rush' of intravenous injection).
The potential of the opiate narcotics to relieve suffering from pain depends upon
several mechanisms. The major effect is not on the sensation directly, but on the
psychological reaction to it. Often individuals can still feel the pain sensation, and
rate its intensity reliably, in spite of the fact that much or all of the negative or
unpleasant aspects are absent. In other words, they may still feel the pain, but it does
not bother them to the same extent. Morphine has little effect on the other senses and
unlike non-narcotic analgesics and sedatives, it can often control pain at doses which do
not necessarily produce marked sedation, gross intoxication or major impairment of motor
coordination, intellectual functions, emotional control or judgement.110 In addition to
reducing the anxiety of pain and therefore the motivation to avoid it, the opiate
narcotics also tend to decrease other primary motivation associated with sex, food, and
235. The psychological effects of chronic opiate narcotic use are often rather
straightforward extensions of the short-term response. In regular users, much of the
variability and unpredictability of the immediate response is lessened, partly because
individuals who find the experience unpleasant tend to avoid additional exposure, and also
because many who were initially upset by the unusual physiological and psychological
sensations caused by the drugs learn to tolerate and even seek them and may no longer be
distressed in the situation. While some individuals who become dependent on the opiate
narcotics withdraw from regular social activities, and live what might appear to be an
immoral, criminal and slovenly existence, others are able to lead an otherwise normal life
with little change in work habits or responsibilities. Possible factors underlying these
differences will be discussed later.
Tolerance and Dependence
236. Tolerance to the different actions of opiate narcotics varies with the magnitude
and frequency of administration, and the response being measured. In chronic use, a
considerable degree of tolerance occurs to the sedative, analgesic, euphoric and
respiratory depressant (and, therefore; potentially lethal) effects; less tolerance
develops to the constipating and pupil-constricting activity. Consequently, persons who
are motivated by the chronic avoidance of pain or other unpleasant subjective conditions,
or perhaps simply by the positive euphoric effects of the drug, are likely to increase
dose and may eventually tolerate several times the quantity which would be lethal to a
normal individual. Occasional use does not produce tolerance, however.
237. The degree of physical dependence acquired to these drugs is closely related to
the tolerance developed. With low dose or infrequent use, little dependency occurs and
withdrawal symptoms may be nonexistent, or merely resemble the symptoms of a mild flu.
Withdrawal of the drug after chronic high-dose use results in a severe and painful pattern
of responses which are similar to those associated with alcohol and barbiturate dependence
(although it is not as physically dangerous). Usually less than half a day after the last
administration, the dependent begins to feel irritable, anxious and weak; he sweats and,
shivers and his eyes and nose become watery. A few hours of uneasy sleep may intervene
before he begins the 'cold turkey' phase. The skin becomes clammy, the pupils dilate,
chills, nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal cramps occur with uncontrollable
defecation; tremors and, rarely, convulsions may develop. While death has been reported,
fatalities are much rarer than with sedative withdrawal. The major symptoms of the
abstinence syndrome generally last several days, and gross recovery usually occurs within
about a week, although complete recuperation may take up to six months .145 Tolerance is
eliminated or greatly reduced with withdrawal. Babies born of dependent mothers are also
physically dependent on the drug, and may die if withdrawal symptoms are not recognized
and treated soon after birth. It should be noted that the different opiate narcotic drugs
have varying dependence-producing potentials, and physical dependence is rarely seen in
opium smokers or users of codeine (although strong psychological dependence may occur).
238. Considerable cross-tolerance and cross-dependence exists among the opiate
narcotics. An intravenous injection of any of these drugs, in sufficient dose, can
completely eliminate the withdrawal syndrome in a matter of minutes. Methadone can prevent
withdrawal symptoms at doses which provide little psychological effect, and is frequently
used in chronic 'maintenance' programmes designed to rehabilitate dependents. Although the
sedatives and opiate narcotics do not usually show significant cross-tolerance and
dependence, barbiturates can ease the pain of opiate withdrawal. Nalorphine (Nalline*)
antagonizes the effects of the other opiate narcotics and precipitates the withdrawal
syndrome in dependent individuals. This drug has been used to 'test' for dependence in
suspected users.
219. ' The role of physical dependence in the overall picture of chronic opiate
narcotic use has been the subject of much controversy and many observers feel that the
psychological components are the most important. Some investigators argue that the fear of
withdrawal is often the primary motivating factor behind continued use, while others
emphasize the profound craving seen in some individuals, or the drug's positive
reinforcing or reward potential. Many dependent persons return to the drug at some time
after withdrawal, and some have occasionally been known to voluntarily undergo withdrawal
in order to lose tolerance (for economic reasons), and immediately initiate chronic use
again, at a less expensive level. This practice suggests that, with some individuals,
psychological factors other than mere avoidance of the abstinence syndrome can be dominant
in the drug dependence. Whether this motivation is related to the desire to escape or
avoid a life that is unpleasant, or emotionally painful or depressing, or perhaps a more
directly hedonistic demand for pleasure or 'kicks', or even a disguised attempt at
self-destruction is not clear - no simple answer could be expected to have much generality
or validity. It has frequently been observed that some individuals become dependent on the
hypodermic syringe (or 'point') in a way which is, in some respects, independent of the
pharmacological properties of the drug. Persons showing such conditioning are often called
'needle freaks'.
240. It is interesting to note that there are only a few middle-aged persons who are
dependent on opiate narcotics. Most individuals spontaneously lose interest in the drugs
before they turn 45 years of age (barbiturate and alcohol dependents show no such decline
in use). Whether this is due to psychological or physiological factors is uncertain.
Opiate Narcotics and Crime
241. A consensus exists among medical, law enforcement and research authorities, as
well as drug users themselves, that few crimes of violence are directly produced by the
use of the opiate narcotics. On the other hand, there is a considerable relationship
between crime and opiate narcotic dependence in North America and many drug dependent
persons have non-drug criminal records. This apparent paradox can be explained by two
important factors. To begin with, both in Canada and in the United States, many
individuals who become dependent on opiate narcotics have a prior history of behavioural
problems and delinquency and have continued these practices. The second factor is
economical, and is associated with the high cost of heroin on the black market and the
demands made by extended tolerance.
Because of the illegal nature of the drug, the cost of a heavy heroin habit may run
anywhere from $15.00 to $50.00 a day and higher, in spite of the fact that the
medical-cost of the drugs involved would just be a few cents. There are very few
legitimate ways in which most individuals can afford to meet that kind of an expense.
Consequently, when tolerance pushes the cost of drug use above what the user can afford
legitimately, he is forced into a decision - either quit the drug and go through
withdrawal, or turn to easier, criminal, methods of acquiring the necessary money. While
many users refuse to become involved in such activities and stop using the drug, at least
temporarily, many turn to petty crime, small robberies, shoplifting and prostitution.
These are the individuals who regularly come to the attention of the law enforcement
officials. More affluent persons may be able to support the habit and continue
indefinitely without running afoul of the law. Medical profession dependents, for example,
apparently have less tendency to commit non-drug offences - perhaps (in addition to
predisposing psychological and sociological factors) because they can often steal with
little risk or purchase the necessary drugs at low cost.
As Jaffe has stated:111
The popular notions that the morphine addict is necessarily a cunning, cringing,
malicious and degenerate criminal who is shabbily dressed, physically ill and devoid of
the social amenities, could not be farther from the truth. The addict who is able to
obtain an adequate supply of drugs through legitimate channels and has adequate funds,
usually dresses properly, maintains his nutrition and is able to discharge his social and
occupational obligations with reasonable efficiency. He usually remains in good health,
suffers little inconvenience and is, in general, difficult to distinguish from other
persons. Good health and productive work are thus not incompatible with addiction to
opiates. However. ... such continued productivity is the exception rather than the rule.
The Development of Dependence
242. There have been a number of popular misconceptions about the pattern of
development of opiate narcotic dependence. Rumours have frequently been heard that
marijuana and hashish had been spiked with heroin to produce opiate addiction in the
unsuspecting user. Similar rumours have been heard about 'spiked' LSD. In fact, there are
no known documented cases in Canada of opiate narcotic adulteration of other drugs alleged
to be pure. The high price of illicit heroin renders such a hypothesis extremely
improbable. Furthermore, it would be highly unlikely, if not impossible, for tolerance and
dependence to develop without the user knowing it. The majority of users, both here and in
the United States, were apparently first 'turned-on' by their friends and peers. Blum (in
the United States Task Force Report) points out:28
There is no evidence from any study, of initiation as a consequence of aggressive
peddling to innocents who are 'hooked' against their will or knowledge. . . The popular
image of the fiendish pedlar seducing the innocent child is wholly false.
243. The once popular notion that the opiate narcotic experience is intrinsically so
pleasurable, or that physiological dependence develops so rapidly, that most who are
subjected to it are promptly addicted is without support. In one experiment, injections of
morphine were given to 150 healthy male volunteers. Only three were willing to allow
repeated administration and none indicated that he would have actively sought more. The
investigators42 conclude:
. . .opiates are not inherently attractive, euphoric or stimulant. The danger of
addiction to opiates resides in the person and not the drug.
Lasagna et al 126 also report that the majority of normal pain-free individuals found
effects of opiates quite unpleasant. Beecher22 reports that only ten per cent of a normal
population liked the morphine experience. Furthermore, many individuals who developed
tolerance and physical dependence in a medical situation show little interest in the drug
experience itself and tend not to resume use after withdrawal. Even in non-medical cases,
there is evidence that only a small proportion of drug users who have experimented with
opiate narcotics in the streets become physically dependent on them.42
244. Many observers contend that certain, social and personality factors predispose
some individuals to drug dependence and that otherwise normal individuals rarely, if ever,
become chronically dependent. There is considerable evidence that both the ready
availability of the drug and a social milieu tolerating or encouraging drug use (either
medical or non-medical) are also important factors. Although there are numerous
individuals who have gradually worked up from occasional 'skin popping' to chronic
'mainline' dependence, there is at present, little evidence that a large proportion of the
Canadian population is running this particular risk. However, there is cause for
apprehension because of the rapidly growing incidence of heroin use among the young in the
United States. Although there are no known methods of predicting the likelihood of
dependence for any individual at this time, the use of opiate narcotics involves a risk of
considerable proportions for anyone.
Opiate Narcotics and Other
245. In the United States, the opiate narcotic offender coming to the attention of the
law enforcement officials was often reported to have previously and concurrently been a
heavy user of alcohol, barbiturates, tobacco, and marijuana. In Canada, the pattern
appears to be much more variable and heterogeneous. Alcohol and barbiturates (and probably
tobacco) have apparently been the drugs most often associated with opiate narcotic use
here246, 215, although recent indications suggest that many new heroin users may have
experience with marijuana and other psychedelic drugs as well. 170a There are reports that
LSD is generally not popular with regular heroin users, however.41 Some opiate narcotic
users also make use of stimulants such as amphetamine and cocaine.
- Much attention has been and is now being given to the 'stepping-stone' or 'progression'
theory of opiate narcotic dependence. Although there is no pharmacological basis for the
hypothesis that one drug creates a 'need' for, or necessarily leads to another, there are
numerous social factors which might link together the use of various drugs. It may well be
that the questions of 'progression' or predisposing experiences can never be definitively
answered. Like other characteristics associated with deviant behaviour, they must be
continually evaluated anew as the social context changes. Some observations on the
possible relationship between marijuana and opiate narcotic use were presented in the
previous section on cannabis.