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Relationship Between Drinking Patterns of College Students and Their ResidenceT. Fukuda, T. Kocha, E. OtsukaShowa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3-chome Higashitamagawagakuen Machida-shi Tokyo 194 Japan ABSTRACTIn order to clear the factors affect on the drinking patterns of college students and to take measures for health of the students, we investigated now above mentioned theme after relating studies already performed. Significant differences of drinking patterns between the one's home students and the boarders were found in 7 items in male and 3 items in female. But we describe now only main items due to the limitation of space. Male 1. Drinking frequency of the one's home students was large than that of the boarders and this phenomenon suggested the one's home students drink often with their family. 2. The drinking volume of the boarders was large in a banquet but that of the one's home students was large in an evening drinking. This suggested the boarders drink often and much in a social gathering but the one's home students drink often with their family. 3. The boarders drink insatiably 2 times more than the one's home students do. This suggested the boarders get rid of their family's restraint. Female 1. The first drinking age of the students in the metropolitan districts was younger than that of the local students. Successively we investigated the relationship between drinking patterns and the residence in the case of putting together male and female. We will also report these results. INTRODUCTIONWe have already presented "Alcohol Drinking Patterns Among College Students and the Analysis by Club Activity" at T89 Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., "Studies on Problem Drinking and Property of Heavy Drinking" at T92 Cologne, Germany and "Relationship Between the Drinking Patterns and the Health Condition Score or Self Appraisal for One's Own Health Condition Of A College Students" at 7TH ISBRA Gold Coast Australia (1994). Now as a link in the chain of the investigation of factors affected on the drinking patterns and measures to drinking of college students we investigated a above mentioned heading theme. METHODSObject : Junior students of our college, male 88, female 157. Questionnaires consisted of 32 items were delivered in class and filled up with student registration number. Survey time : January 1988. RESULTSTable 1
Values in parentheses are percentagesTable 2
** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05Table 3
Refer to Table 2. for the meaning of items symbolsTable 4
Refer to Table 2. for the meaning of items symbolsTable 5
The categories and their values were omitted for lack of spaceDISCUSSIONMaleAs you can see in Q.4 and Q.4' of Table 2. the drinking frequency of the one's own house students was larger than that of the lodgers. We have already reported that the college students dislike drinking alone (2.3%) and like to drink together with friends and others (78.4%; Teruo, 1990). Accordingly, this result suggests that one's own house students have more opportunities of drinking with their family than the lodgers and the opportunity of a party or a meeting which the lodgers often drink is not so often held and as a result the drinking opportunity of the lodgers is a little. As you can see in Q.5 of Table 2., the drinking quantity of the lodgers at a banquet was more than that of one's own house students but the quantity of one's own house students at evening drinking and others was more than that of the lodgers. This suggests that the lodgers often and much drink at a party or a meeting and one's own house students often drink with their family. One's own house students were much pleased with inviting to drinking by others than the lodgers (Q.6 in Table 2.). This is not clear if many one's own house students like to drink or atmosphere of drinking or the residence environment affects. The studies on the above mentioned result and residence environment need to be investigated more. One's own house students also more press to drink against other's will than the lodgers (Q.7 in Table 2.). This seems that one's own house students much like drinking or atmosphere of drinking. One's own house students did not more often drink insatiably than the lodgers (Q.10 in Table 2.). This suggests the effect of many restrain and superintendence by their family. The drinking of one's own house students was not more amicable to their family than that of the lodgers (Q.24 in Table 2.). This suggests the family of the lodgers do not know the drinking state of their sons or daughters due to far away each residence. FemaleThe lodgers more eat after drinking than one's own house students (Q.12 in Table 2.). The drinking of the lodgers was much better for health than that of one's own house students. The lodgers care of their health more than one's own house students because of the lonely life. The lodgers invited more often by their family as the motive of drinking than one's own house students (Q.19 in Table 2.). This suggests that the lodgers begin to drink at more earlier stage (before matriculation) than one's own house students. This result also was coincident with the result of next Q.25 which indicates that the lodgers whose first drinking age is 16 years old was much about 7 times than one's own house students whose first drinking age is 16 years old . This result was coincident with the suggestion which the lodgers begun to drink before matriculation. The local female students seem to begin drinking than the female students of metropolitan area. Unifying of Male and FemaleBy unifying male and female students, 9 items found significant difference between one's own house students and the lodgers disappeared and 2 items found significant difference between one's own house students and the lodgers newly appeared. These results suggest that the tendency to drinking of male and female were coincident in 2 items and was not coincident in 9 items. CONCLUSIONIn this study we found the following results. In the case of male
In the case of female
In the case of unifying male and female and the reference were omitted for lack of space.
REFERENCESTeruo Fukuda, Etsuko Asaga, Yoichi Matsura, and Tomoji Kocha : Alcohol Drinking Patterns of a College Students. J. Alcohol & Drug Dependence 25(1), 93-102, 1990