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The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 |
March 5, 1938. PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL Mr. H.J. Anslinger, Commissioner of Narcotics, Washington, D.C. Mr. Anslinger: Mr. Frank Ridgeway, experimental farmer for the Chicago Tribune is a very fine person, college man and scientific in his experimental work at the Tribune Farm. He talked with me over the telephone today, having heard from you regarding his request to do a little experimental work with Cannabis. He had heard from a member of the Bellrose family who lives in Ottowa, and was the main factor in producing the decorticating machine, and who believes they will find the Cannabis seed used by the Tribune Farm to be without the "Marihuana" principle. He told me that you had replied to his request by asking him to send several pounts [sic] of their Marihuana product to you for analyses by the government chemists, with regard to the presence or absence of the "Marihuana" principle in their seed. He will do that at once, but he is also anxious to conduct a small test of his own with Mr. Bellrose and with me present. If there is no objection to that, will you wire me to that effect on Monday, or send me an air mail note. Very truly yours,
Signed Elizabeth Bass Elizabeth Bass, District Supervisor, District No. 9.
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