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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy | ||||
Legislative Options for Cannabis - Australian Government |
Chapter 4. FIVE LEGISLATIVE OPTIONSReferencesBoaz, D. 1990, 'The consequences of prohibition', in The Crisis in Drug Prohibition, ed. D. Boaz, Cato Institute, Washington DC. Cohen, P. 1988, 'Building upon the successes of Dutch drug policy', The International Journal on Drug Policy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp22-24. Downes, D. 1988, Contrasts in Tolerance: Post-war Penal Policy in The Netherlands and England and Wales, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Driessen, van Dam & Olsen 1989, 'De ontwikkeling van het cannabisgebruik in Nederland, enkele Europese landen en de VS sinds 1969', Tijidschrift voor alcohol, drugs en andere psychotrope stoffen, vol. 15, pp2-15, cited in Leuw, E. 1991, 'Drugs and drug policy in The Netherlands,' in Crime and Justice: A Review Of Research, vol 14., ed. M. Tonry, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Engelsman, E. L. 1989, 'Dutch policy on the management of drug-related problems', British Journal of Addiction, vol. 84, pp211-218. Inciardi, J. (ed.) 1990, Handbook of Drug Control in the United States, Greenwood Press, New York. Kleiman, Mark A.R. 1989, Marijuana: Costs of Abuse, Costs of Control, Greenwood Press, United States. Kleiman, Mark A.R. 1992, Against Excess: Drug Policy for Results: Alcohol, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Tobacco, Basic Books, New York. Kleiman, Mark A.R & Saiger, A.J. 1990, 'Drug legalisation: The importance of asking the right question', The Hofstra Law Review, vol. 18, 1989-90, pp527-565. Leuw, E 1991, 'Drugs and drug policy in The Netherlands,' in Crime and Justice: A Review Of Research, vol. 14, ed. M. Tonry, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Marshall, I E., Anjewerierden, O. & Atteveld, H.A. 1990, 'Toward an Americanisation of Dutch drug policy', Justice Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 2, pp391-420. Nadelmann, E.A. 1991, 'Drug prohibition in the United States: Costs, consequences and alternatives', Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy, vol. 5, no. 37, pp783-808. National Institute on Drug Abuse 1991, Household Surveys as cited in US Bureau of Justice Statistics 1992, Drugs Crime and the Justice System, US Government Printing Office, Washington. Reuter, P. 1987, 'What impasse? A skeptical view', Nova Law Review, vol. 11, no. 3, pp1025-1040. Single, E. 1989, 'The impact of marijuana decriminalisation: An update', Journal of Public Health Policy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp456-466. US Bureau of Justice Statistics 1992, A National Report. Drugs, Crime and the Justice System, US Government Printing Office, Washington. van Vliet, H. 1988, 'Drug policy as a management strategy', The International Journal on Drug Policy, vol. 1, no 1, pp27-19. van Vliet, H. 1990, 'The uneasy decriminalisation: A perspective on Dutch drug policy', Hofstra Law Review, vol. 18, 1989-90, pp717-750. Wardlaw, G. 1992, 'Overview of national drug control strategies' in Comparative Analysis of Illicit Drug Strategy, Monograph Series no. 18, National Campaign Against Drug Abuse, eds M. Bull, D. McDowell, J. Norberry, H. Strang, & G. Wardlaw, AGPS, Canberra. Wijingaart, Govert Frank van de 1991, Competing Perspectives on Drug Use: The Dutch Experience, Swets and Zeitlinger, Amsterdam. |
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