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Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding
History of Alcohol Prohibition - References
US National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse
National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse History of Alcohol Prohibition**This section is based in large part on a paper prepared for the Commission by Jane Lang McGrew, an attorney from Washington, D.C. ReferencesBrown, F. W.: "Prohibition and mental Hygiene" Annals, 163: 61, 71, 76-77, 88, 1176 (September, 1932). Cherrington, E. H.: The Evolution of Prohibition In The United States of America, Westerville, Ohio: American Issue Press (1920), pp. 16, 18, 37-38, 49-51, 58, 92-93, 134, 156-162, 165-169, 250-251, 317-330. Dobyns, F.: The Amazing Story of Repeal, Chicago: Willett, Clark & Co. (1940), pp. 5, 5-130 passim, 9, 22, 107, 132, 160, 215, 292, 297. Feldman, H.: "Prohibition: Its Economic and Industrial Aspects," New York City: Appleton and Co. (1927), p. 397. Furnas, J. C.: The Life and Times of the Late Demon Rum, New York City: Putnam (1965), pp. 15, 80, 167, 183, 273, 281, 310, 334-335. Grant: "The Liquor Traffic Before the 18th Amendment," Annals, 163: 1, 5 (September, 1932). Gustield, J. R.: The Symbolic Crusade, Urbana: University of Illinois Press (1963), pp. 69-70, 76-77, 100, 108, 119, 127-128, 135. Harrison, L. V. and Laine, E.: After Repeal, New York City: Harper & Bros. (1936), pp. 1-2, 24-29, 33, 50-53, 63. Health, Education and Welfare: "Alcohol and Alcoholism," p. 41 (1968). Prepared for National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information. History of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, pp. 1420, 28 (undated, unsigned monograph in the library of the Distilled Spirits Institute). Hu, T.: The Liquor Tax in the U.S.: 1791-1947, New York City: Columbia University Press (1950), pp. 48, 51-52. Internal Revenue Service: "Alcohol and Tobacco Summary Statistics," pp. 6, 73, 95 (1966, 1970, 1921). Jellinek, E. M.: "Death From Alcoholism in the U.S. in 1940," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 3 (3): 484 (December, 1942). : "Recent Trends in Alcoholism," Quartely Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 8 (1) : 39 (September, 1947). Kolb., L.: "Alcoholism and Public Health," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1: 608, 610, 613 (March, 1941). Krout, J. A.: The Origins of Prohibition, New York City: Russell & Russell (1967), pp. 29-30. Lee, H.: How Dry We Were: Prohibition Revisited, EngleWood Cliffs: Prentice Hall Inc. (1963), pi). 15-16, 1819, 22-23, 29-30, 34-35, 42, 68, 212, 231. Malzburg, B.: "A Study of First Admissions with Alcohol Psychoses in New York State 1943-44," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 10: 294 (December, 1949). Miller, P. and Johnson, T. H. (eds.) : 11 The Puritans, New York City: American Book Co. (1963), pp. 430-431. National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement: "Report On The Enforcement of the, Prohibition Laws of the U.S.," H.R. Doe. No. 722, 71st Cong., 3d Sess., 8, 345 (1931). Odegard, P. H.: Pressure Politics-The Story of The AntiSaloon League, New York City: Columbia University Press (1928), pp. 23, 40-60, 53, 70-72, 126. Peterson, W.: "Vitalizing Liquor Control," Journal of Criminal Law and Crime, 40: 119-120, 122-123, 126 (July, 1939). Pollock, H. M.: Mental Disease and Social Welfare, Utica, N.Y.: State Hospital Press (1942), 1). 113. Rice, S. A. (ed.) : Statistics In Social Studies, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press (1930), 1). 122. Rosenbloom, M. V.: The Liquor Industry: A Surrey of Its History, Manufacture, Problems of Control and IMportance, Braddock: Ruffsdale Distilling Co. (1937 ed.), pp. 27, 51-52 (1935)). Rush, B.: "Inquiry Into the Effects of Ardent Spirits Upon The Human Body and Mind," Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 4: 323,325-326 (September, 1943). Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies: "Selected Statistics on Consumption of Alcohol (1850-1968) And On Alcoholism (1930-1968)," 1). 4 (1970). Sinclair, A. : The Era of Excess, Boston: Little, Brown (1962), pp. 23-24, 43, 51, 108, 122, 176-177, 190, 193-195, 198, 206, 303, 364-365, 367-368. Tillitt, M. H. : The Price of Prohibition, -New York City: Harcourt, Brace & Co. (1932), pp. 35-36, 114-115. Timberlake, J. H.: Prohibition and the Progressive Morement, Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1963), pp. 34-38, 42-55, 67-79, 83, 85-86, 98, 118. Towne, C. IL: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, New York City: The MacMillan Co. (1923), pp. 211-212. U.S. Department of Commerce: "U.S. Census Mortality Statistics," 55 (1924). Warburton, C.: The Economic Results of Prohibition, New York City: Columbia University Press (1932), pp. 102104, 216. 26 U SC � � 5081-5416 (1971a). 26 USC �� 5061-5691 (1971b). 18 U SC � � 1261-1265 (1971). 27 USC �� 121, 122 (1971a). 27 USC � 205 (1971b).