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The Traffic in Narcotics by Harry Anslinger |
by H. J. ANSLINGER United States Commissioner of Narcotics And WILLIAM F. TOMPKINS United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey Former Chairman, Legislative Commission to Study Narcotics, General Assembly of New Jersey
Page iv *************** Copyright, 1953, by Funk & Wagnalls, Company
The Traffic in Narcotics Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 53-6984 Copyright under the articles of the Copyright Convention of the Pan American Republics and the United States. Printed in the United States of America *************** INDEX
Abercrombie, Dr. T. F., 202 abstinence, 247 as cure, 207 symptoms of, 234-235, 246, 253 action, program of, 294-303 Adanon, 27, 334 addiction, Army records on, 265,284 cause of, 196, 223, 249-253 association as, 190-191, 195, 196, 251, 252, 277 characteristics of, 244-249 crime and, 267-268 criminals and, 171-173 defined, 12, 67, 68, 223, 242-243,286 diagnosis of, 231-236, 253 establishment of, 174, 179-180, 224-225 guarding against, 179-180 harm produced by, 244 in Canada, 11, 76, 206-212 in United States, 11, 165 191-206, 257, 263-266P 281-285 legalizing, fallacy of, 185-191 medical aspects of, 242-258 personality types and, 223, 250-251 prevention of, 257-258 principal areas of (world), 266-267, 279-281 teen-age, 166, 171, 195-196, 197,231, 232,238 treatment. See treatment addiction-producing drugs, defined, 67 fundamental structure of, 68 addicts, character of, 225-226 cocaine, 239 commitment of (proposed state law), 298-299 control of, 226-228, 297 deception by, to obtain narcotics, 258-262 defined, 123, 230 disposition of cases by physicians, 236-238 f former, management of disease in, 240-241 marihuana, 239 medical, 223, 224, 250 parasitic nature of, 170, 274 rationing of, 189 relapsed, management of, 241 reporting of, 236 teen-age, 166, 171, 195-196, 197, 231, 232, 238 what physicians should understand about, 224-230 with chronic diseases, 238-239 Page 337
INDEX Page 338
Adrian, Michigan, addicts in, 265 Advisory Committee on Traffic in opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, 38, 45, 49-53, 57, 60, 61, 62, 219, 220, 276 Afghanistan, estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 Africa, hemp plant grown in, 18 Albania, estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 Albany, New York, narcotic clinic in, 199-200 alcohol, 123, 207, 232, 239, 243, 252, 253, 287 Alexandria, Louisiana, narcotic dispensary in, 204 American Hospital Association, 239 American Medical Association, 130, 178, 187, 188, 2,39, 275, 290, 333 Committee on Narcotic Drugs, 192 Journal of, 130, 178, 187, 230n., 275, 333 American Psychiatric Association, The, 239 amidone, 243, 334 aminophylline, 178 amphetamine, 243 Anslinger, Harry J., 70-71, 72-73, 74-75, 100, 101, 102, 103-104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, 116, 278,285 Argentina, coca-leaf chewing in, 16 Asia Minor, poppy plant indigenous to, 13 association, as cause of addiction, 190-191, 195, 196, 251,252,277 asthma, severe, danger of opiates in, 178 Atlanta, Georgia, narcotic clinic in, 201-203 Penitentiary, 194 atomic energy, narcotics control pattern suggested for, 59-60 Austria, Shanghai Conference (1909), 29 Babylonians, knowledge of poppy's medicinal properties spread by, 1 Baltimore, Maryland, addiction in, 282 City Council, 222 barbiturates, 117-118, 123, 232, 239, 243, 244, 252, 253, 254,287 Baumm, 183 Bethel, Huckart W., 151 bhang, 18, 19 Bing, 184 Boggs Act, 170, 264, 293, 295-296 Boland, Dr. F. K., 202 Bolivia, coca-leaf chewing in, 16, 56-57, 280-281 Commission of Enquiry on the Coca Leaf, 56-57 source of cocaine, 16 Bonhoeffer, 225 Bouquet, Dr. J., 276-277
INDEX Page 339 Brazil, coca-leaf chewing in, 16. hemp plant grown in, 18 marihuana in, 18, 280 British Malaya, opium smoking in, 54 British North. Borneo, opium smoking in, 54 bromides, 239, 243 Brunei, opium smoking in, 54 Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), 277 Buchalter-Katzenberg case, 59 Bulgaria, illicit traffic in, 51 poppy plant grown in, 13 Bureau of Social Hygiene, Inc., 332 Burma, hemp plant in, 18 opium smoking in, 54 source of narcotic supply, 10, 280 California, Bureau of Narcotics, 301 Canada, drug addiction in, 11, 76,277 heroin in, 76 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 narcotic clinics in, 206-212 Canadian Narcotic Service, 206 Canadian Pacific Steamship Company, 144 Canaperia, Giovanni Alberto (Italy UN observer) , 105-107, 108, 109, 1112 112 cancer cases, opiates in, 178 Cannabis, addiction to, in Mexico, 281 control of, 37, 39 Cannabis indica, 18 Cannabis mexicana, 18 Cannabis sativa L., 18, 117 case histories and records, criminal records of addicts, 268-274 deception by addicts to obtain narcotics, 260-262 marihuana, 22-25 penalties for peddlers, 296 Ceylon, opium smoking in, 54 Chapman, Dr. Kenneth W., 278,285,289,290,292 charas, 18, 19 Chemistry of the Opium Alkaloids (Small), 176, 333-334 Cheng Lao San, 79-80 Chicago, Illinois, narcotic clinics in, 229 narcotic problem in, 282 narcotic squad in, 301 China, drug legislation in, 3, 6, 9 estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 Hague Convention, The (1912), 32 hemp plant in, 18 heroin in, 9, 63 illicit traffic in, 76-84, 92-99 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 morphine in, 9, 73-74, 78 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium in, 2, 3-10, 30, 63, 73, 280 Opium War, 4, 7-8, 76-84
INDEX Page 340 China (cont'd): poppy plant grown in, 13 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 source of narcotic supply, 10 See also Hong Kong; Japan; Korea chira, 19 chloral, 117 civil liability, 136-137 clinic plan, 185-191, 294 abuse under the, 188-189 clinics, narcotic, in Canada, 206-212 in the United States, 191-206, 229, 285, 289-290 Cloetta, 245 coca leaves, 244 Commission of Enquiry on the Coca Leaf, 56-57 derivatives of, 117, 230 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 legislation, 120-121 principal uses of, 16 production control, 39 cocaine, 16-18, 243 description of, 16-18, 286-287 diagnosis of addiction to, 233 discovery of, 17 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32 illicit traffic in, 34-35 intermittent nature of addiction to, 252 international control, 31, 32, 33 medicinal uses, 17 sniffed by addicts, 17 source of, 16 statistics, 52 traffic in United States, 281 coca-leaf chewing, 16-17, 56-57 codeine, abstinence from, 235, 247 derivative of morphine, 14, 16 isolated from opium, 14 medicinal uses, 16 coffee, 243 Colombia, coca-leaf chewing in, 16 Commission of Enquiry on the Coca Leaf, 56-57 Communists, traffic in narcotic drugs, 10-11 compulsory treatment, 240, 291 concealment, places of, 171-173 Copeland, Dr. Royal, 290 coqueo, 16 cough remedies, 15, 181, 182, 183 courts, prosecution and the, 167 See also U. S. Supreme Court crime, drug addiction and, 194 marihuana and, 25-26 narcotics and, 267-278 criminals, addiction and, 171-173 cure. See treatment Czechoslovakia, addiction in, 279 dagga, 18 Dangerous Drugs (Woods), 271 Davison, Dr., 289
INDEX Page 341 Demerol, 26, 117, 243 diagnosis of addiction to, 253,334 desomorphine, 178 Detroit, Michigan, narcotic traffic in, 282 Devakul (Thailand UN observer), 99, 100 diacetylmorphine, 15 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31 international control, 31 seized in Japan, 113 diagnosis, of addiction, 231-236, 253 diarrhea, opium used in treatment of, 2, 14, 15 dicodid, 14, 183-184 dihydrocodeinone, 243 abstinence symptoms, 235 dihydromorphinone, 243 abstinence symptoms, 235, 247 dihydromorphinone hydrochloride, 15 dilaudid, 14, 15, 184-185, 243 dionin, 14, 15 disarmament, narcotics control pattern suggested for, 59-60 disease, management of, in former addicts, 240-241 Dixon, W. E., 183 djamba, 18 dolantin, 243, 334 dolophine, 27, 243, 334 Dorn, Major Harold F., 265 Dowling, Dr. Oscar F., 206 Dromoran, 27, 334 abstinence symptoms, 235 druggists, deceptions by addicts to obtain narcotics from, 258-262 inventory, 124 Prescriptions, 125-132 registration of, 124 registry number, 124 responsibility of, 132 drugs, narcotic, comparison of degree of narcosis, 182 dysentery, opium used as remedy for, 2 East India Company, 2, 3, 4, 5 Eddy, Dr. Nathan B., 175, 177, 178, 183, 184, 245, 334 education, anti-narcotic, 219-221 Egypt, chira in, 19 drug addiction in, 11, 280 hashish in, 19 knowledge Of poppy's medicinal properties in, 1 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 smuggling. 101 Eliopoulos, Elie, 59 enforcement of narcotic laws, 165-171 levels of, 301-303 responsibility for, 168-171 England. See Great Britain ephedrine, 178 epinephrine, 178 erythroxyline, 17 Erythroxylon coca Lamarck, 16 esrar, 18 ethylmorphine hydrochloride, 15 eucodal, 182-183, 243 abstinence symptoms, 235
INDEX Page 342 Expert Committee on Drugs Liable to Produce Addiction, 64-65 definition of addiction-forming drugs, 67-68 definition of drug addiction, 67 definition of habit-forming drugs, 68 Ezzat, Ibrahim (Egypt UN representative), 101, 103, 104 famine, opium and, 2 federal jurisdiction, 117-154 Fishbein, Dr. Morris, 130 follow-up treatment, 228, 240, 297 Food and Drug Administration, 334 Foreign Policy Association, 55 Formosa, 114, 189, 190, 267, 290 opium smoking in, 54, 189, 190,267 Formosa plan, the, 189-190 France, addiction in, 279, 280 illict traffic driven from, 51 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium smoking suppressed by, 56 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 French Indochina, opium smoking in, 54 ganja, 19 Gardeke, 17 Geilen, 224 General Federation of Women's Clubs, 222 Geneva Convention (1925), 33-34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 51, 52, 53, 57, 64, 65, 140, 143, 257 provisions of, 43-44 Germany, drug addiction in, 11,279 estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 Permanent Central Board and, 43 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 gil, 1 Gilmartin, Peter F., 201 Gioffredi, 245 Goodman, Judge Louis E., 154 Great Britain, drug addiction in, 11, 279, 280 Indian hemp in, 18 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium smoking suppressed by, 56 Opium War, 4, 7-8 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 Greece, chira in, 19 hemp plant grown in, 18 heroin in, 63 knowledge of poppy's medicinal properties in, 1 Griffin, Dr. Clifford, 201
INDEX Page 343 habit-forming drugs, defined, 68, 123,230 habituation, 244-245, 248-249, 252 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32, 33, 40, 49-50, 53, 57, 138, 149, 185, 283, 317 Harrison Narcotic Act, 118-119, 123, 124, 128, 138-139, 156, 159, 166 174, 185, 187, 189, 195: 198, 199, 204, 257, 263-264, 276, 285, 291, 319 constitutionality of, 133 hashish, 18, 243 Heard, Augustine, & Company, 8 hemp, methods of use by addicts, 19 hemp plant, 18 heptazone, 243 Herbst, Dr., 293 heroin, depressant drug, 287 derivative of morphine, 14 description of, 15 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31 in China, 9, 10 illicit traffic in, 63 international control, 31-32, 33 legislation, 11, 15 prices of, 281 seizures of, 83-84 smuggling, 10, 11, 63, 70, 79-80, 91-92, 281 statistics, 52 symptoms of abstinence, 235, 247 Hesse, Erich, 224, 225 Himmelsbach, C. K., 184, 246, 248,285,384 Holland. See Netherlands Hong Kong, illicit traffic in, 86-91,113-115 Opium in, 54, 63 prices for narcotics in, 114=115 smuggling activities, 70, 71 hospitals, for teen-age addicts (New York city), 229, 284 Marine (Baltimore), 175 Massachusetts Health Department, 175 New York City, 193 United States Public Health Service, 122-123, 175, 229, 231, 239, 240, 241, 242, 257, 264, 278, 284, 285-286 University of Michigan, 175-176 Walter Reed, 175 Hsia (Chinese UN representative), 73 Hubbard, S. Dana, 195, 205-206 Hungary, Shanghai conference (1909), 29 hydrotherapy, 255 hyoscine, 254 Incas, coca-leaf chewing by, 16 India, addiction in, 280 drug legislation in, 19 hemp consumption in, 19
INDEX Page 344 India (cont'd): hemp plant in, 18 marihuana in, 18 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium in, 2, 4, 54, 58 poppy plant grown in, 13 source of narcotic supply, 10 Indian hemp, 18, 19, 230 insulin, 254 Internal Revenue, Director of, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125 Internal Revenue Code, 118, 127,149 international cooperation, in narcotics control, 29-116 Geneva Convention (1925), 33-34, 35, 36, 39, 40 41, 43, 51, 52, 53, 57, 64: 65, 140, 143, 257 provisions of, 43-44 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32, 33, 40, 49-50, 53, 57, 138, 149, 185, 283, 317 Limitation Convention (1931), 34-36, 41-43, 46, 49, 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 66, 117, 143, 149, 219n. provisions of, 44-45 Protocol of 1946, 38, 45, 49, 61,65 Protocol of 1948, 27-28, 64, 65, 66, 67, 140 Shanghai conference (1909), 29-30, 31,53 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs. See United Nations International Opium Commission, 29, 30, 31, 53 International Opium Conference (Geneva, 1925), 33-34 international police cooperation, 59 Iran, member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 opium in, 42-43, 54, 58, 280 poppy plant grown in, 13 source of narcotic supply, 10 Isbell, Dr. Harris, 177n., 231, 242 isomethadone, 243 isonipecaine, 26, 117, 123, 230 Istanbul, Turkey, addiction in, 280 Italy, drug legislation in, 11, 279 heroin in, 11, 63 illicit traffic in, 105-112 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 source of narcotic supply, 10, 11 Japan, addiction in, 11, 280 heroin in, 10 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium in, 10 opium used as war tool by, 8-10 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 Jardine, William, 7
INDEX Page 345 Journal, The (American Medical Association), 180, 178, 187, 230n., 275 Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 177n. juvenile delinquency, 166 kif, 18 King, R. B., 184 Kleinschmidt, 183 Kobe, Japan, 83 Kolb, Dr. Lawrence, Sr., 223, 244, 245, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 285, 286, 292 Korea, heroin in, 85-86 morphine in, 85 opium in, 85, 280 Kowalczyk, Mrs. (Poland UN representative), 115 Kreuger, 177n., 334 Krishnamoorthy, E. S. (India UN representative), 101, 107 Kruysse (Netherlands UN representative) 100, 103 Kwangchow-wan, 141 opium smoking in, 54 Kwantung Leased Territory, Opium smoking in, 54 La Guardia Committee on marihuana, 168 laudanum, 14, 2,31, 284 League of Nations, 34, 36, 38, 39, 44, 46, 49-50, 57, 59, 188, 189, 206, 219, 220, 257 Health Committee, 45, 64, 65,66 Lebanon, hemp plant in, 18 source of narcotic supply, 10 legislation, 118-122, 138-141 146-147, 174, 257, 293: 295-296, 302, 303 Boggs Act (1951), 170, 264, 293, 295-296 effective, basic requirement for, 297-298 enforcement of 165-171 levels of, 301-303 responsibility for, 168-171 Harrison Narcotic Act, 118-119, 123, 124, 128, 138-139, 174, 257, 263-264, 276, 285, 291 heroin, 11, 15 in China, 3, 6, 9 in India, 19 in Italy, 11 in United States, 15, 26, 27 Indian hemp, 19 isonipecaine, 26 marihuana, 26 Marihuana Tax Act, 118, 119-120,149 Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act, 118, 120-121, 139-140, 276 opium, 3, 6, 9 Opium Poppy Control Act (1942), 137-138 Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, 127-128, 155-164, 169, 170, 283, 293 Levin, William, 152, 278 Liang (China UN representative), 113 Limitation Convention (1931), 34-36, 41-43, 46, 49, 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 66, 117, 143, 149, 219n.
INDEX Page 346 provisions of, 44-45 Lin Tsê hsü, 6, 7 lobotomy, prefrontal, 255 Los Angeles, California, narcotic clinic in, 205-206 narcotic problem in, 283 narcotic squad in, 301 Louisiana Medical Association, 204 Louisiana State Board of Health, 204, 206 Lutz, 334 Macao, opium smoking in, 54 Macedonia, poppy plant grown in, 13 maconha, 18 Malaya, anti-narcotic propaganda, 219 illicit traffic in, 91 opium smoking in, 54 source of narcotic supply, 10 manzoul, 18 Marabella (schooner), 141-142 marihuana, 18-26, 287 case histories, 22-25 commercial uses, 18-19 defined, 117 description of, 18-26 diagnosis of addiction to, 233 effect on the individual, 20-22 La Guardia Committee on, 168 legislation, 26, 118, 119-120, 149 methods of use by addicts, 19, 20 smuggling, 20 social aspects, 25-26 therapeutic value, 19, 20-21 Marihuana Tax Act, 118, 119-120, 149 Marine Hospital (Baltimore), 175 Marme, 245 Marshall, Humphrey, 8 Massachusetts Health Department hospitals, 175 May, Herbert L., 60, 75, 111 Mayer, R. F., 184 McCarthy, Judge William T., 276 medical addicts, 223, 224, 250 medical science, narcotics and, 174-212 Melchior, Mrs. (Poland UN representative), 74 meperidine, 231, 232, 233, 243 abstinence symptoms, 235 diagnosis of addiction to, 253 Merck, 14 mescaline, 243 Methadone, 27, 68, 228, 231, 233, 243, 334 abstinence symptoms, 235 diagnosis of addiction to, 253 substitute for morphine, 254 methyldihydromorphinone, 243 metopon, 243 abstinence symptoms, 235, 247 Mexican Penal Act, 300 Mexico, addiction in, 277 hemp plant grown in, 18 marihuana in, 281 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61
INDEX Page 347 Mexico (cont'd): source of narcotic supply, 10 Micbelsen, Judge Twain, 271-272 Michigan, narcotic traffic in, 282 State Board of Health, 265 University of, 175 hospital, 175-176 Michigan Medical Society, 283 Migliardi, Professor, 106, 108-109, 110 Mills, Wilbur D., 146 Minnesota, legislation and addiction in, 298 Mohammedanism, opium and, 2 Morocco, hemp consumption in, 19 marihuana in, 18 morphine, depressant drug, 287 derivatives of, 14 description of, 14-15 factory in China, 73-74 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32 illicit traffic in, 34, 52 international control, 30, 31-32, 33 isolated from opium, 14 medicinal uses, 14-15, 174 pleasure induced by, 249 research, 175, 180-181 Shanghai conference (1909), 30 smuggling, 142 statistics, 52 substitutes for, 182-185, 254 Supervisory Body, action of, 49 Symptoms of abstinence, 234-235, 247, 248, 252 tolerance, 180 VS. other remedies, 178-179 morphine hydrochloride, 14 morphine sulfate, 14 Mosettig, Dr. Erich, 175, 384 Motion Picture Producers Association of America, 215 Mueller de la Fuente, 184 Murder, Inc., 277 N. Y. K. (Japanese) Steamship Company, 145 Naguib, General, 280 N-allylnormorphine, 236 Nanking, Treaty of (1842), 4, 7 narceine, 14 Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act, 118, 120-121, 139-140, 149, 159, 276, 319 Narcotic Educational Association of Michigan, Inc., 275 narcotine, 14 Nasholds, Millard K., 86 National Research Council, Committee on Drug Addiction and Narcotics, 27, 175, 176, 177, 230-231, 243, 286, 332-335 National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 221 Nedins, Dr. J. W., 205 Netherlands, Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32
INDEX Page 348 Netherlands (cont'd): illicit traffic in, 51 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium smoking, suppressed by, 56, 280 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 Netherlands Indies, opium smoking in, 54 New Haven, Connecticut, narcotic clinic in, 200-201 New Jersey, efforts to combat addiction in, 281-282, 285, 296, 297, 300, Sol, 303 New Orleans, Louisiana, addiction in, 283 New York City, New York, Department of Health, 193, 194,195,196,206 hospital for teen-age addicts, 229 narcotic clinics, 193-199 narcotic squad in, 301 Prison, 194 Woman's Workhouse, Blackwell's Island, 194 New York State, narcotic clinics in, 193-200, 290 Newark New Jersey, narcotic squad in, 301 Newman (Neiditch) brothers, 278 Nieman, 17 Nikolic, Dragon (Yugoslavia UN representative), 101, 102,103 Nisentil, 27 Norfolk, Virginia, addiction in, 283 Novocaine, 17 occupational therapy, 212, 228, 256 Office International d'Hygiene Publique, 45, 65, 66 opium, abstinence symptoms, 247 alkaloids, chemistry of, 176 pharmacology of, 177-178 anatomy of, 13-16 codeine isolated from, 14 defined, 13 derivatives of, 13-16, 117, 182, 230, 243 history of, 1-9 legislation, 3, 6, 120-121 medicinal uses, 1-3, 11, 13-16, 174 morphine isolated from, 14 production, limitation of, 57-58 smoking, suppression of, 53-56, 62 smuggling, 8, 10, 63, 72, 73, 141 tool of war, 8-10 traffic in, 3-8, 76-84 Opium Advisory Committee, 38, 49-53, 57, 60, 61, 62, 219, 220, 276 duties, 50 effectiveness, 50 Opium Poppy Control Act (1942), 137-138, 149 Opium War (1840-42), 4, 7-8
INDEX Page 349 Or, Cenalettin, 100 oxydimorphine, 245, 247 Palmerston, Lord, 7 pantopon, 128 Papaver somniferum Linne, 13 papaverine, discovery of, 14 medicinal use, 16 papaverine hydrochloride, 16 Paracelsus, 14 paregoric, 14, 128 Parents-Teacher Associations, 222 Parmagini, Antone (Black Tony), 151, 152, 278 Paschal, Dr., 206 penalties, for violation of Harrison Narcotic Act, 119 imposed on peddlers and addicts, 103-104, 167, 264, 280, 282, 293, 295-298, 300 Pennsylvania, addiction in, 282 Bureau of Narcotics, 301 Permanent Central Board, 34, 39-45, 46, 47, 48, 74, 75 annual report (1951), 42 membership, 89-40 Washington office, 53 Persia, knowledge of poppy's medicinal properties in, 1 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 Peru, coca-leaf chewing in, 16, 56-57, 280-281 cocaine factories closed in, 18,281 Commission of Enquiry on the Coca Leaf, 56-57 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 source of cocaine, 16 pethidine, 68, 334 peyote, 230, 243, 287 Pharmacology of the Opium Alkaloids, The, 177, 334 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, addiction in, 282 Philippines, illicit traffic in, 91 narcotic drug problem in, 29, 53, 55 physepteone, 243 physical dependence, 244, 245-246, 247, 254 physicians, basic principles for, 230 change of address, 125 deceptions by addicts to obtain narcotics from, 258-262 disposition of addiction cases by, 236-238 inspection, 125 inventory, 124 order forms, 125 prescriptions, 125-132 professional liability, 128-130 registration of, 123-125 registry number, 124 Uniform Narcotic Drug Act and, 164 what they should understand about addicts, 224-230 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, addiction in, 282 Poland, estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61
INDEX Page 350 police, local, responsibility of, 169-170, 274 Poole, Lamarr, 202 poppy, 1, 11 control of, 37 cultivation in China, 9 in antiquity, 1-3 medicinal properties of, 1-3 Portugal, Opium Advisory Committee, 50 opium smoking suppressed by, 56, 280 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 prescriptions, 125-132 Court decision on nature of, 187-188 filling, 126-127 legality, 125-126 state controls, 127-128 procaine, 17 propaganda, anti-narcotic, 219-221 prosecution, Courts and, 167 proselytism, 300 Protocol of 1946, 38, 45, 49, 61, 65 Protocol of 1948, 27-28, 64, 65, 66 ,67,140 Providence, Rhode Island, narcotic clinic in, 201 psychoneurotic disorders, 223, 250-251 psychopaths, 223, 251 psychotherapy, 228, 240, 256, 289 public attitude, need for intelligent, 228-229 public opinion, need for enlightened, 168, 192 publicity, 213-222 Ratigan, Dr. Thomas P., Jr., 135-136 Reed, William B., 8 rehabilitative therapy, 253, 255-257 Reichard, Dr. J. D., 227 Reid, 183, 184 relapse, tendency to, 252 reporting, problems of, 217-218 research, 175-178, 180-181, 229, 258, 284, 285, 286, 333-334 Rhein, Dr. J. H. W., 209 Richmond, Virginia, addiction in, 283 Richtzenhain, 184 Rickmann, 183 Ries, 184 Robiquet, 14 Rochester, New York, narcotic clinic in, 200 Roller, 184 Romania, estimates of narcotic drugs, 47 Rowe, Burton F., 151 Russell & Company, 8 Russia. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Sabath, Adolph J., 147 St. Louis, Missouri, narcotic traffic in, 282 Sametinger, 184 San Diego, California, narcotic clinic in, 205, 206 Sanders, B. S., 184 santonin, 71 Sarawak, opium smoking in, 54 Schelenz, 184 Schiapparelli case, 106, 108-109
INDEX Page 351 scopolamine, 254 seamen, smuggling by, 101-103,144-148 Seevers, 245, 247, 248 Senate Committee on Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce, 168 Serturner, 14 Shanghai conference (1909), 29-30, 31, 53
Sharman, Colonel C. H. L. (Canada UN representative), 76, 101, 102, 103,104, 110, 206 shipping, narcotics in relation to, 141-148 Shreveport, Louisiana, narcotic clinic in, 203-204, 290 Siam. See Thailand Sing Sing Prison, 194 Singapore, 114, 115 Small, Dr. Lyndon F., 175, 176, 178, 292, 334 smuggling, 141-148 by seamen, 101-102, 144-148 from China, 69-71 from Korea, 69-71 heroin, 10, 11, 63, 70-72, 79-80, 91-92, 281 into United States, 20, 41, 63, 91-92, 141, 150, 165 marihuana , 20 morphine, 142 opium, 8, 10, 63, 72, 73, 141 postwar methods, 145-148 prewar methods, 141-145 sociological implications, 263-293 sources, of narcotic supply, 10 control at, 135, 136 South Africa, marihuana in, 18 Spier, Dr. S. L., 201
states, responsibility of, 155-164
Steil, 224
Straits Settlements, anti-narcotic propaganda in, 219 Sumerians , Poppy cultivated by, 1
Sumwalt, 177n., 334
Supervisory Body, 42,45-49 appointments to, 45, 66 branch office in Washington, 53 composition, 45 functions, 46-48 mandate of, 49 members, 45, 206 personal qualifications of, 46 tenure of office, 46 results, 48-49 secretariat, 46 Switzerland, 279 illicit traffic in, 51 Sydenharn, 13 synthetic narcotic drugs, 26-27, 283
Syria, chira in, 19 hashish in, 19 hemp plant in, 18 source of narcotic supply, 10 takrouri, 18, 19 Tatum, 245, 247, 248 tea, 243 teen-age addiction, 166, 171, 195-196, 197, 231, 232, 238 Texas, addiction in, 282-283 Thailand (Siam), Opium Advisory Committee, 50 Opium cultivation in, 100
INDEX Page 352 Thailand (Siam) (cont'd): opium smoking in, 54, 56, 63, 100, 280 propaganda in, 219 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 source of narcotic supply, 10 thebaine, 14, 182 therapy, occupational, 212, 228, 256 rehabilitative, 253, 255-257 Tientsin, China, 9 To, Dr. Tsungming, 189-190, 267,290 tobacco, 243 Tokyo, Japan, 84 tolerance, defined, 244 development of, 245, 250, 287, 288 Treadway, Dr. Walter, 286 treatment, 226-228, 236-241, 253-258, 289, 303 addicts with chronic diseases, 238-239 adolescent addicts, 238 choice of institution, 239 cocaine addicts, 239 compulsory, 240, 291 disposition of cases by physicians, 236-238 facilities for, 229-230 follow-up, 228, 240, 297 marihuana addicts, 239 Treaty of Nanking (1842), 4, 7 Trieste, heroin investigation in, 63 Tsungming, Dr., To, 189-190, 267,290 Tunisia, addiction in, 277 hemp consumption in, 19 takrouri in, 18, 19 Turkey, addiction in, 11, 280 hemp plant in, 18 heroin in, 63 marihuana in, 18 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 opium production in, 58 poppy plant grown in, 13 source of narcotic supply, 10 Turner, 8 Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, 127-128, 155-164, 169, 170,283,293 text of, 318-331 what it will accomplish, 317-318 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, addiction in, 74-75, 279 estimates on narcotic drugs, 47 Shanghai conference (1909), 29 United Kingdom. See Great Britain United Nations, 283 Bulletin on Narcotics, 242 Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 45, 47, 53, 60-64, 67, 208, 220 action on coca-leaf chewing, 56-57 Canadian representative, 206 composition, 61 discussions of, examples, 69-116 duties, 61-62 established, 38, 60
INDEX Page 353 United Nations (cont'd): Commission on Narcotic Drugs (cont'd): international control procedures, 27-28 opium production, limitation of, 57-58 recommendations made by, 62-63 report (March 10, 1952), 10 sessions, 40, 46, 57, 58, 61, 63,145,147,148 tenure of members, 61 unified Convention proposed by, 38-39 United States representative, 149 Economic and Social Council, 38, 40, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63,147,220 San Francisco Conference, 60 Secretary-General, 46, 49, 61, 162, 63, 147, 148, 220 United Nations World (magazine), 60 United States Bureau of Narcotics, 134-135, 143, 144, 148-154, 166 167, 169, 170, 188, 221, 240, 258, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268, 274, 284, 301, 334 booklet recommended by, 222 duties of, 149 established, 117, 140 international police co-operation, 59 investigational methods, 149-154 investigations conducted in Italy, 11 marihuana eradication program, 26 reporting of addicts, 236 studies of relationship between crime and addiction, 268 synthetic narcotic drugs and, 26-27 Coast Guard, 142 cocaine traffic in, 281 Commissioner of Narcotics, 38, 55, 59, 135, 136, 137, 140, 148, 149, 265, 270, 278, 287, 288,332 Customs Bureau, 149 drug addiction in, 11, 165, 191-206, 257, 263-266, 281-285 federal jurisdiction, 117-154 Geneva Convention (1925), 33 Hague Convention, The (1912), 31-32 hemp plant grown in, 18 heroin in, 10 illicit traffic in, 145 marihuana in, 20 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 narcotic clinics in, 191-206, 229, 285, 289-290 Opium Advisory Committee, 50
INDEX Page 354 United States (cont'd): opium in, 10 opium production, efforts to limit, 57-58 opium smoking suppressed by, 53-56 President, 117, 264 Secretary of the Treasury, 27, 117, 148, 166 Shanghai conference (1909), 29,30 smuggling of narcotics into, 20, 41, 63, 91-92, 141, 150,165 State Department, 149 Supreme Court, 133, 134, 167, 187, 290, 295 Treasury Department, 117, 119, 302 United States Pharmacopoeia, definition of opium, 13 United States Public Health Service, 27, 175, 176, 178, 184, 284, 332, 334 hospitals, 122-123, 175, 229, 231, 239, 240, 241, 242, 257, 264, 278, 284, 285-286 survey (1924), 265 Vaille, Charles (France UN representative), 75, 100, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114 Versailles Peace Treaty, 49 Virginia, addiction in, 283 University of, 175, 176 Vogel, Dr. Victor H., 242 Walker (England UN representative), 104, 108, 114 Walter Reed Hospital, 175 wars, drug addiction and, 55 Washington, D. C., addiction in, 282, 283, 285 Washington Psychiatric Society, 278 Webber, Max, 153 Wehl, 184 Weinberg, 184 Whittemore Gang, 270 Wikler, 245, 246, 248, 252 Williams, Dr. E. H., 205, 292 Williams, Lenneth F., 152, 153 Wilson, R. S. S., 206-207, 274 Wisconsin, legislation and addiction in, 298 withdrawal, of drugs from addicts, 253-255 Wohlgemuth, 183 Woods, Arthur, 271 World Health Organization, 27, 28, 45, 64-67 functions, 65-66 World War II, opium and, 8 Yokohama, Japan, 82, 83-84 Yugoslavia, illicit traffic in, 51 member of United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 61 opium production in, 58 poppy plant grown in, 13 Yung Chen, Emperor, 3 Yunnan, source of opium, 280 Zakusov (U.S.S.R. UN representative), 72, 74 Zonov, Vasili (U.S.S.R. UN representative), 99, 104, 105, 115 |