Even though I have little time for this sort of thing, there are some
news items which so perfectly illustrate the absurdity of our drug
policy that I must point them out. One such appears in
today's Salinas
Californian. Consider what's reported there: at a time when the
economy is threatened by inflation, we are engaged in a losing (and
unnecessary) war against 'terror' and the tax burden has been cruelly
shifted to the poor and the middle calss, our police 'heroes' in the
front lines of the drug war are still able to get away with
simultaneously admitting they are not up to the job and complaining
they don't have nearly enough money to do it.
One is also forced to wonder when the drug policy 'reform' community will
finally get around to asking the cops and feds to explain that
persistent popularity.
Oh, yes. Don't forget that although we are worried about global warming
and the diminishing global supply of petroleum, NASCAR tacing is now
our favorite