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Carl Olsen's Marijuana Archive


STATE          Bill Number  House Vote      Senate Vote     Signed

Alabama        S.B. 559     58-3            22-5            July 1979

Arizona        H.B. 2020    54-7            24-6            April 1980

Arkansas       Act 8        86-2            28-0            April 1981

California     S.B. 184     61-13           30-5            July 1979

Colorado       H.B. 1042    60-0            30-4-1          June 1979

Connecticut    H.B. 5090    117-28          27-9            July 1981

Florida        H.B. 1237    96-6            non-record vote June 1978

Georgia        H.B. 1077    158-6           50-0            Feb. 1980

Illinois       H.B. 2625    140-16          45-4            Sept. 1978

Iowa           S.F. 487     68-26           46-0            June 1979

Louisiana      H.B. 1187    84-7            unavailable     July 1991*

Maine          H.B. 665     121-17          23-8            Aug. 1979*

Massachusetts  S. 1582      unavailable     unavailable     Dec. 1991

Michigan       S.B. 185     100-0           29-1            Oct. 1979

Minnesota      H.F. 2476    75-57           48-12           April 1980

Montana        H.B. 463     87-1            voice vote      April 1979

Nevada         S.B. 470     38-2            19-1            June 1979

New Hampshire  S.B. 21      voice vote      voice vote      April 1981

Prepared by Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
P.O. Box 21210, Washington, DC 20009
(202) 483-8595

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STATE          Bill Number  House Vote      Senate Vote     Signed

New Jersey     A.B. 819     67-0            32-0            March 1981

New Mexico     H.B. 329     53-9            33-1            Feb. 1978

New York       S.B. 1123-6  145-2           60-0            June 1980

North Carolina H.B. 1065    108-1-11        voice vote      June 1979

Ohio           S.B. 184     87-7            28-2            March 1980

Oklahoma       S.R. 7       voice vote      voice vote      March 1981

Oregon         H.B. 2267    50-10           27-3            June 1979

Rhode Island   H.B. 79.6072 100-0           40-10           May 1980

South Carolina S.B. 350     voice vote      voice vote      Feb. 1980

Tennessee      H.B. 314     77-16-2         30-2-1          April 1981

Texas          S.B. 877     non record vote 20-6            June 1979

Vermont        H.B. 130     voice vote      voice vote      April 1981

Virginia       S.B. 913     50-37           23-15           March 1979

Washington     H.B. 259     92-5            43-2            March 1979

West Virginia  S.B. 366     52-48           23-10           March 1979

Wisconsin      L.B. 697     77-19           32-1            April 1982

* Two states, Louisiana and Maine, have enacted legislation on two different occasions which recognize marijuana's therapeutic utility. Louisiana originally enacted legislation in May 1978 which called for a state program of legal access for victims of cancer and glaucoma. In July 1991 this law was amended to included victims of paralysis. In Maine, the legislature first enacted a bill in August 1979 which was similar to that of New Mexico. In 1992, the Maine legislature enacted a bill which allowed for cultivation of a small amount of marijuana for medical purposes. This bill was vetoed by the govemor and the legislature failed to override the veto. It has been reported to the Alliance that Alaska passed legislation in the early 1980s recognizing marijuana's medical value. ACT is unable to provide further details on this legislation.

Prepared by Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
P.O. Box 21210, Washington, DC 20009
(202) 483-8595

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