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Carl Olsen's Marijuana Archive

Response from candidates running
in the 1996 primary and general elections
for the Iowa Legislature

April 1996 I would support this legislation only if Medical Marijuana was prescribed by a doctor, and sold through a registered pharmacist! Henry Rayhons 2820 Oak Avenue Garner, IA 50438 Republican Candidate House District 16

April 1996 Yes, if a licensed Iowa doctor prescribed it for them!! Marvin Gudmonson 38671 150th Avenue Leland, IA 50453 Republican Candidate House District 16

April 1996 As a friend of Barb Douglass in Storm Lake, I understand and support your goals.  My father, when he was dying of cancer and suffering could have been made more comfortable if this was legally available. Count me in and if elected, I will sponsor your legislation. Thank you. Larry Schroeder P.O. Box 70024 Des Moines, IA 50311 Republican Candidate House District 70

April 1996 No.  But I would be open to argument on how this would be supplied legally. Charles Juhl 5724 22nd Ave. Dr. Vinton, IA 52349 Republican Candidate House District 60

April 1996
Dear Sirs, As a person running for an office that is responsible for creating legislation that sets the standards and laws for the State of Iowa, I would not feel comfortable trying to second guess any legal decisions handed down by a Supreme Court, be it State or Federal. As for my either supporting the enacting of medical necessity legislation pertaining to the medicinal use of marijuana to protect from criminal prosecution, I would have to see the proposed House File before taking a stand one way or another on the matter. I, too, like two of the people you cite in your historical background, have Multiple Sclerosis.  To date, I've no need of THC to stem any medical problems that are related to the M.S.  With the advent of genetic engineering, new drugs to fight M.S. are being brought out for testing and approval by the FDA on, seemingly, a regular basis. I do feel that THC in it's natural form is not needed as a therapeutic substance at this time.  Unless I am proven wrong about my thoughts on this and concerns for the potential for abuse of the substance, I would tend to be disinclined to support any legislation in this regard. Thank you. Robert Jolly 310 Longview St. Denver, IA 50622 Democratic Candidate House District 22

May 1996
Iowans for Medical Marijuana: It is the policy of this campaign to not answer any questionaire.  Questions are often too broad to be answered properly in such a limited format as a questionaire and answers then could be distorted to mean about anything. However, thank you for sending the questionaire concerning the issues Iowans for Medical Marijuana see as important.  I applaud you for being a part of the political process. Sincerely, James Black 411 E. Nebraska Algona, IA 50511 Republican Candidate Senate District 8

May 1996 I have always supported Marijuana for Medical use. Berl Priebe 2106 100th Avenue Algona, IA 50511 Democratic Candidate Senate District 8

May 1996 I really have no opinion one way or the other.  I would certainly be fair!! Dan Payne 301 W. 2nd Street Spencer, IA 51301 Republican Candidate Senate District 4

May 1996 Quality Control of Drug is a concern! Bill Dix 325 S. Cherry Street Shell Rock, IA 50670 Republican Candidate House District 21

May 1996 I need to know more about this.  Can doctors prescribe marijuana now? Carl Heinrich 825 Simms Avenue Council Bluffs, IA 51503 Republican Candidate House District 42

May 1996 I do believe that it should be directly related to an ailment and with a doctor's supervision. Merlin Bartz 2081 410th St. Grafton, IA 50440 Republican Candidate Senate District 10

July 1996 A recent report from the University of Iowa dealing with marijuana use for medical reasons argues there is no need for this - I'd like to have the opportunity to explore the subject through the legislative investigatory process. Robert Perry 106 Shellrock Dr. Northwood, IA 50459 Democratic Candidate Senate District 10

Letters we received from previous surveys (candidates are running in 1996)

December 1992
Dear Mr. McMahon & Mr. Olsen Cancer has not been very kind to my family.  In 1978, my brother died from Hodgkins Disease.  1988 my sister was treated and cured of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, and in 1992, my nephew was cured of advanced Hodgkins.  I need to look into the issue of marijuana for medical use because I have seen personally how it could possibly have made chemotherapy more tolerable to my family. I will look at this issue with an open mind and at this time am supportive of your position. Thank you and best wishes! Dan Boddicker 1052 195th Street Tipton, IA 52772 Republican Candidate House District 39

September 1993
Dear Carl: Thank you for sending me the letter regarding the medical marijuana bill (Senate File 361), as well as a copy the resolution adopted in California last month. Whether the current problem is at the federal level (and it appears to be federal), I do have a few concerns about any statutes or resolutions dealing with the medical or therapeutic uses of marijuana.  The chief one is that there continue to be adequate safeguards to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to the drug. However, in the event that Rep. Miller introduces the resolution, I will discuss the matter with the appropriate committee chair and House leadership. Sincerely, Harold Van Maanen 410 Liberty Street Pella, IA 50219 Republican Candidate House District 95

April 1993
Dear Mr. Olsen: I appreciated receiving the documents you sent supporting your efforts to legalize marijuana for medical purposes in Iowa.  You present some good arguments and I will take the time to read your information.  I do, however, have continued concerns about the short and long term side effects of marijuana use even in face of apparent short term help for certain patients. Thank you for taking the time to write. Sincerely, Charles Larson 2214 Evergreen St. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Republican Candidate House District 55

December 1992 Depends how the bill is written.  It would be helpful to have the pharmacy board on your side. Richard Drake 420 Parkington Dr. Muscatine, IA 52761 Republican Candidate Senate District 24

December 1992 This sounds like a reasonable request, but I would want to hear the subject debated before deciding.  Please contact me anytime. Norman Mundie Route 4 Box 78 Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Democratic Candidate House District 14

Legislative Questionnaire

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