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Your guide to making money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry
Carl Olsen's Marijuana Archive

Stephanie Seemuth
4872 Mallard Ave.
Northwood, IA 50459
Iowa House District 20
Republican Challenger

  1. Do you think we are winning the War on Drugs?

    Other: Until we create a society which rewards and values self control and achievement without the use of drugs, until we place more value on individuals of all races & creeds, we will not win.

  2. Do you support legislation to allow patients under a doctor's supervision to use marijuana for medical conditions?

    Other: I would need strict controls on the indication for useage medically.

  3. Do you favor a legal distinction between marijuana and hard drugs?


  4. What is your position on the use of alcohol and tobacco?

    Prohibition was tried & failed. Incentives in health insurance benefits & policies may be helpful.

  5. Do you think Congress should establish a blue-ribbon commission to evaluate national drug policy?

    As a state, Iowa might establish their own task force - national commissions generally spout rhetoric with little substance resulting.

  6. Are you interested in participating in the discussion and development of drug policy?


Library Highlights

Drug Information Articles

Drug Rehab