Submission of manuscripts
The IHA Journal publishes original
research, literature reviews and news items on Cannabis. Preferably,
contributions should not exceed 10 double-spaced typed pages (ca. 4000 words).
Longer contributions may be accepted if they can be serialized in two
consecutive issues. Manuscripts can be submitted in triplicate to: IHA Journal,
Editorial Office, Postbus 75007, 1070 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Once a
paper is accepted, the preferred medium of submission is on disk (Macintosh or
MS-DOS format), preferably saved as MS Word 5.0, with accompanying manuscript.
Tables and figures should be sent as Adobe Illustrator EPS files, or other EPS
formats of 250 dpi min. A guide for authors can be obtained from the IHA.
Editor-in-Chief: Hayo M. G. van der Werf
Editorial Advisory Board:
Ivan Bócsa, GATE Agricultural Research Institute, Kompolt, Hungary
Robert C. Clarke, PharmTex Consulting, San Diego, California, USA
Sebastiaan Hennink, Consultant, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Michael Karus, nova-Institute, Hürth/Cologne, Germany
John M. McPartland, AMRITA, Middlebury, Vermont, USA
Raphael Mechoulam, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Etienne P. M. de Meijer, HortaPharm BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
David W. Pate, HortaPharm BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Roger Pertwee, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Gertjan van Roekel, ATO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands
David P. Watson, HortaPharm BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Donald Wirtshafter, Ohio Hempery, Athens, Ohio, USA
Production: prepress,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands