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Section 1. The Recorder shall be the Chief Assistant to the Chairperson, holding such executive powers as the Chairperson shall delegate, and shall perform such duties as are assigned to him or her by the Chairperson or the Executive Committee. He or she shall attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and all Party Conventions, and shall act as Secretary thereof, keeping such records and minutes as necessary. He or she shall make an annual report to the Executive Committee; which report shall contain all information required by the Executive Committee. He or she shall perform or make provisions for the performance of any legal assistance the Party may require.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the Party, and shall deposit the same in such bank or banks as have been designated by the Executive Committee, and shall disburse said moneys upon order of the Executive Committee. He or she shall make complete financial reports to the Executive and at least annual reports to the Membership. He or she shall perform all duties required of his or her office by applicable federal and state law.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by action of the Committee, by call of the Chairperson, or by the written request of one-third or more of the Members of the Executive Committee. A written notice of the time and place of all meetings shall be mailed to each member of the Executive Committee not less than thirty days before said meeting.
Section 2. The Executive Committee may, without meeting together, transact business by mail, by voting on questions submitted to them by, or with the approval of, the Chairperson. Fifteen days shall be allowed for the return of the votes cast, by mail, to the Recorder.
If, at the expiration of the applicable period, the majority of the Executive Committee have not returned their votes, the measure being voted upon shall be deemed to have failed; in all other cases, a majority of the votes returned shall carry the measure, except where a higher vote is required by the Constitution.
The Recorder must preserve all such votes until the next meeting of the Executive Committee, at which meeting the Executive Committee shall order the disposition of such votes.
Section 3. More than one-half of the Membership thereof shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee for the transaction of all business.
Section 1. The Chairpersons of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee and of the Platform Committee shall be the presiding officers of their respective committees.
Section 2. A majority vote of those of the Committee Members present is necessary for a "do-pass" recommendation, and in the case of the Platform Committee, a three-fourths majority must approve each specific Plank separately.
Section 3. The Committees shall report their recommendations to the floor of the Convention in accordance with the Party Rules.
Section 4. Two or more Members of the Platform Committee may join together to issue a minority report regarding any Plank to the floor of the Convention. Two members of the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee may join together to issue a minority report regarding their business.
Section 5. A Member must be present in Committee to vote.
Section 6. More than one-half of the Membership of each Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 7. General requirements and procedures for any Party election:
Section 8. Procedures for election of Officers
Section 9. Procedures for election of the Executive Committee
Section 10. Nomination of Candidates for Political Office
Section 11. More than one-half of the delegates registered and in attendance shall constitute a quorum for convention business.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Party shall begin on the first day of July.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall cause an efficient double entry system of accounts to be installed and maintained.
Section 3. All disbursements shall be made solely by check.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the power to designate the depository of all funds of the Party, and shall appoint such officers and employees as in its judgment may seem advisable to deposit and withdraw funds from such depository.
Section 5. An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and an audit shall be conducted prior to each regularly held State Convention.
Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered in the Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of the Party.
Fees for membership in the Party shall be set by the Executive Committee and amended from time to time as the Executive Committee deems necessary.
Section 1. Only those persons whose application for membership to the Party has been postmarked at least one month prior to the first day of the Convention can be Convention delegates. The Chair of the Credentials Committee will be in charge of informing Party Members of the requirements for becoming a delegate. The Credentials Committee will determine which Party Members have gained delegate status and the Committee Chair will publish the names and counties of all delegates by the beginning of the first business session.
Section 2. Delegates to the (National) Libertarian Party Convention shall include the Chairperson and the Recorder, if these officers so desire. Other Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be elected in the same manner as nomination of candidates.
Section 3. Delegates to a Caucus of Eligible Electors shall be limited to those who possess all of the qualifications necessary to entitle him or her to be registered to vote in Iowa. The only additional limitation will be by rules set by the Executive Committee to allow the widest and fullest Libertarian representation at the Caucus. The Executive Committee shall use the Elections Laws of Iowa, especially 44.1, as guidance in these limitations.
Adopted at the first Regular Convention of the Party on April 19, 1975
As amended by Conventions date July 10, 1976; April 16, 17, 1977; January 29, 1978; June 23, 1979; April 3, 1982; and by the Executive Committee on July 31, 1977.
Libertarian Party of Iowa dissolved in 1985.
Libertarian Party of Iowa re-established in 1987.
Constitution and By-Laws adopted on April 26, 1987.
Carl E. Olsen, Secretary
Libertarian Party of Iowa
June 1, 1996