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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
May 11, 1995
In Oklahoma Franz Kafka Is Doing Very Well
But Jimmy Montgomery Is Still Literally Rotting In Prison
May 11, Paraplegic Jimmy Montgomery is still suffering from a fever caused by the failure to properly treat his anti-biotic resistant infections. His lesions are still oozing. He still is unable to shower. He still has no sterile bandages. Vindictive prosecutors, incompetent prison officials, insensitive bureaucrats and indifferent politicians keep his life in danger. All this for less than two ounces of pot! Only the calls to the governor's office by readers of these reports can save him. Please do not give up. Jimmy has not.
[Please contact Oklahoma Governor, Frank Keating, (405) 521-2342.]
Permissible Murders Part 2: Wisconsin Police
Kill Another Marijuana Suspect
15 Year Old Shot By Narc Who Had Been Drinking
May 9, Janesville, WI. Following the fatal shooting of a marijuana suspect in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin last week, 15 year-old Leon Kelly was shot to death by an undercover officer who had been drinking. Kelly had marijuana in his blood, according to police reports. Shooting people is not considered the best way to test for marijuana use, but a drug-free America comes first. There is still no media coverage of these deaths, although most major American newspapers have reported on the murder of a North African immigrant in Paris.
Permissible Murders Happen Because Of Permissible Hate Speech
September 6, 1990, The Los Angeles Times reported on the testimony before a U.S. Senate subcommittee of then Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates in which Gates said that casual drug users "ought to be taken out and shot." Gates made clear that he was talking about marijuana smokers, "who blast (sic, apparently one of Gates's favorite words) some pot on a casual basis." Gates went on to say that even casual use is "treason." If he had advocated genocide against any group other than marijuana users, he would have been immediately removed from office and Los Angeles might have been spared the terrible riots that followed the acquittal of the police accused of beating Rodney King. Gates was finally fired for incompetence after that tragedy.
1990, Appearing on the television show, Larry King Live, then drug czar William Bennett said beheading drug dealers would be "morally plausible". (He added, "There's no moral problem there. I used to teach ethics---trust me.")
April 7, 1995, Boston Herald conservative columnist Don Feder calls for "the Dresden option" to deal with illegal drugs. The reference to the fire bombing of Dresden should be frightening to the citizens of Los Angeles. As mentioned above, Chief Gates brought them their own little Dresden. Hatred kills not just the hated, but the haters and their silent allies.
1991 National Guard Association Conference -- Lt. General John B. Conaway, Chief, National Guard Bureau says, "Our mission as America's National Guard in this war (on drugs) is clear: make America drug-free in as short a time as possible using any means necessary, no matter what the cost." The people who did not take Gates seriously also have not taken Conaway seriously.
May 28, 1994, Thomas Constantine, the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), told the Washington Times that the "non-violent drug offender ... is a rare species." He went on to say that illicit drug users "contribute nothing but evil."
Dutch Health Minister Joins Group Objecting To Atlanta Mayors' Prohibitionist Conference
Atlanta, Bob Keizer, who heads the Department of Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Policy of the Dutch Ministry of Health is scheduled to join a group of prominent American anti-prohibitionists, including the former mayor of Hartford, to object to the misrepresentation of European drug policies at an Atlanta conference of American mayors. There will be a Press Conference on Monday May 15th at 12:30 PM at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Atlanta.
The Mayors' conference is being sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and other prohibitionist propaganda agencies, such as the Partnership for a Drug-Free (sic) America. (The Partnership is headed by the former CEO of Johnson and Johnson and takes money from the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries.) On Sunday, May 14, reform activists will demonstrate against the conference from 1-4 PM.
The conference, billed as "American Cities Against Drugs," is being held at tax-payers' expense. The conference brochure promises that attendees can "Hear from key European mayors about the devastation legalization is bringing to their cities." However, there are no cities in Europe in which drugs are legal, so it is difficult to understand how this could be a source of "devastation."
Only in the Netherlands will one find marijuana being sold with the approval of the government, although even that is technically illegal. There are no serious social problems being observed as a result of this policy, which is supported by all of the mayors of major Dutch cities. Last year the Dutch government complained about anti-Dutch propaganda being put out by the DEA. NORML is proud to have brought these lies to the attention of America's oldest ally.
International Demonstrations Supporting Dutch Policy Scheduled For May 19
May 19th, a coalition of European anti-prohibitionists are scheduling a series of demonstrations in major European cities in support of Dutch drug policies. NORML has joined in sponsoring their efforts. Next week, NORML will issue a statement of appreciation for the Dutch cannabis policies.
[To receive more information on the Atlanta Mayor's Conference and the counter-balancing press conferences and rallies by reformers, please contact the following; Georgia NORML, Theresa Yarbrough, (706) 235-3475 or James Bell, (404) 739-4765, The Lindesmith Center, Dan Weiler, (212) 887-0604.]
Legal Defense Fund Being Organized For Washington State Medical Marijuana Activists
As reported earlier this week, medical marijuana
activists in Washington State have been charged with cultivation
of marijuana which they were supplying to seriously ill and
disabled people in their area. They are being defended by
NORML Legal Committee member Jeffrey Steinborn.
[Persons interested in contributing to their legal defense are
urged to contact the Green Cross Defense Fund, 30th Fl. Smith
Tower, 509 2nd Ave., Seattle, WA, 98104 or call (206)780-0630.]
Counting Down: The 10 millionth marijuana arrest will take place in July! Stay tuned for more details!!