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July 11, 1995
Marijuana Prohibition Subject To New Legal And Scientific Challenge: Petition Demands U. S. Government Provide Finding On Marijuana's Abuse Potential As Required By Federal Law
Calling marijuana prohibition a "fraud and a
failure," longtime activist and former NORML National
Director Jon Gettman filed a rule making petition with the Drug
Enforcement Administration on July 10, 1995 demanding that the
agency immediately initiate proceedings to re-evaluate
marijuana's Schedule I status under the Controlled Substances
By law, the DEA is required to forward such petitions to the
Department of Health and Human Services for a binding medical and
scientific evaluation. The petition is based on a
comprehensive review of recent scientific evidence demonstrating
that marijuana does not have "sufficient abuse potential to
warrant Schedule I or II status under the Controlled Substances
Act." The CSA mandates that a scientific finding
affirming that a drug has a high potential for abuse is required
to maintain the complete prohibition of any drug or substance
under Schedule I. (21 USC §812(b)(1)) No such
finding has ever existed for marijuana.
DEA Administrator Constantine has claimed in an exchange of
letters that abuse potential is irrelevant to the scheduling of
drugs with no accepted medical use. When Gettman reminded Constantine
that this position was explicitly rejected by the U.S. Court of
Appeals in 1977 (NORML v. DEA, 559 F.2d 736), Constantine boldly
challenged him to pursue action in an April 21, 1995 letter to
United States Senator John Warner (R-VA). In this letter,
Constantine stated that: "[The DEA is] unaware of any new
scientific studies of marijuana that would lead us to re-evaluate
its classification at this time; therefore no such evaluation is
now in process nor do we feel [that one is] necessary based on
the information available to us. [However,] if Mr. Gettman has
scientific data concerning marijuana which he wishes to bring to
our attention, we will be pleased to consider it, should he care
to share the documentation with us."
In response to Constantine's statements, Gettman has produced a
279 page petition referencing nearly 170 scientific journals and
government reports. Of prime importance to Gettman's arguments
is the recent discovery of a cannabinoid receptor system in the
human body. This discovery has radically altered
contemporary knowledge about marijuana's effects on the body and the
brain. According to Gettman, "These new findings
directly contradict many of the DEA's on-record findings of
'fact' which have been used to block prior reconsideration of
marijuana's scheduling status."
"Until 1990, no one knew how marijuana affected the
brain. Marijuana prohibition has assumed that science would
eventually prove marijuana had a high potential for abuse.
Science has demolished that assumption, and established marijuana
prohibition as a cruel fraud upon the American public.
No scientist has ever established that marijuana has a high
potential for abuse, and now we know that no science can."
"Simply put, drugs with a high potential for abuse induce
self-administration in animals, and affect the production of the
neurotransmitter dopamine. Marijuana does neither. To
retain marijuana in Schedule I creates a double standard
forbidden by the 14th Amendment - one set of rules for all other
drugs, and a different set of rules for marijuana."
A 78 page booklet entitled The Scientific and Legal Basis for
the End of Marijuana Prohibition reviewing some of the
research cited in Gettman's petition will be forthcoming from NORML
at a cost of $10 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.
Summaries of the scientific and medical evidence supporting the
petition are available from NORML and will soon be
available on the Internet. Jon Gettman has also described
this new research in articles in the March and July 1995 issues
of High Times.
[Jon Gettman can be contacted for further information about
this rule-making petition c/o NORML.
Other activists who wish to file their own similar rule making
petitions with the DEA should refer to sections 21 CFR Ch. II
§1308.44 of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice manual.]
Counting Down: The Ten Millionth Marijuana Arrest Since 1965 Will Take Place On July 20. It Could Be You!