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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
October 26,1995
Marijuana Smoke Study Demonstrates Waterpipes To Be Ineffective
October 24, 1995, San Francisco, CA:
Preliminary findings from a recent study on marijuana smoke
indicate that waterpipes offer smokers little protection against
the harmful tars found in cannabis. The study was sponsored by
California NORML and MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies) and its findings were released in a
California NORML press release.
According to the release, "The reason [for this startling
result] appears to be that waterpipes filter out more of
marijuana's main psychoactive ingredient,
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), than they do other,
non-psychoactive, harmful tars. [Hence] users [of
waterpipes are required] to consume more noxious smoke in order
to reach their desired high."
The study, which was supported by the Drug Policy Foundation and
private donors, carefully analyzed the solid tar and THC content
of marijuana smoke from six separate devices. These devices
included a regular joint, a cigarette filter, three different
waterpipes, and two vaporizers (devices designed to evaporate the
THC from the marijuana with minimal smoke.) The performance
of each device was rated according to how effectively it reduced
the concentration of tar relative to THC. (THC, unlike the
tars in marijuana, is not carcinogenic.)
Surprisingly, the unfiltered joint yielded less tar per THC than
did either the cigarette filter or any of the waterpipes that
were tested. Results regarding the performance of the
vaporizers were mixed.
"While the study results suggest waterpipes may be
counterproductive, sponsors caution that it is still premature to
conclude that they are actually harmful to health,"
California NORML summarizes. "This is because the
study did not analyze the non-solid vapor phase of marijuana smoke,
which contains a number of gasses known to be harmful to
health. If waterpipes help screen out these gasses, they
might be beneficial to health."
For more information, please contact Date Gieringer of
California NORML @ (415) 563-5858 or Rick Doblin of MAPS @ (704)
Drug Czar Urges High School Coaches To Drug Test Student Athletes
October 20, 1995, Washington, DC:
Speaking before both national and DC area middle and high school
coaches, Drug Czar Lee Brown once again called for the drug
testing of high school athletes. Proclaiming that school
athletes are both "role models" and "trend
setters" for the student body, Brown encouraged schools and
coaches across the country to institute programs that would
subject athletes to random drug testing. "If we can
make real headway in turning student athletes away from drugs, I
believe we can succeed with the entire population of young people,"
Brown explained.
Ironically, Brown admitted during Friday's speech that,
"There is no reason to think that drug use is any more
prevalent among student athletes than among young people
generally." Nevertheless, Brown wholeheartedly spoke
out in favor of policies that encourage student athletes to be
tested. "My message for coaches and all school
administrators and teachers is this," Brown concluded,
"You have important tools available to you, but first you've
got to get off the sidelines and into the game."
In a decision advocated and publicly embraced by the Clinton
Administration, the Supreme Court this past June upheld a
Washington state middle school policy that authorized the random testing
of student athletes, without cause or suspicion of drug
use. At that time, Brown called the Court's ruling a
"victory for kids."
For more information about the student drug testing, please
contact Allen St. Pierre or Paul Armentano of NORML
@ (202) 483-5500.
Magazine Just Says "No" To NORML, Yes To Mark Fuhrman
October 19, 1995: A national calling
card magazine has refused to allow NORML to advertise its
calling card, but has agreed to publish a press release for a
card honoring former LAPD police officer Mark Fuhrman.
The press release, featured in the October edition of TeleCard
World, states that: "The Mark Fuhrman 'Justice' Fund is
using prepaid calling cards to raise money to cover the
detective's legal expenses for the O.J. Simpson murder
trial." The limited edition cards are being produced
by HT Technologies Inc. of San Francisco. During the
Simpson trial, transcripts surfaced of Fuhrman proudly admitting
that he often planted evidence, used excessive force, and
repeatedly uttered racial epithets while serving on the LAPD
police force.
TeleCard World is believed to have rejected NORML's
advertisement because the calling card displays a picture of a
marijuana plant.
For more information on NORML's prepaid
calling cards, please contact Allen St. Pierre of NORML
at (202) 483-5500 or Mike Philbeck of Pre-Tel @ (818) 563-9334.
Newspaper Runs Special Feature Analyzing The Drug War
October 1995: Great Events
Monthly, a bi-monthly newspaper edited by Jack Anderson, has
devoted its September/October edition to analyzing the pros and
cons of the "War On Drugs."
Posing the question of whether to "legalize" drugs or
"escalate" enforcement, the special issue explores both
sides of the drug issue and features articles by a variety of
authors including syndicated columnist Doug Bandow and DEA
Administrator Thomas Constantine. The issue also includes
two feature articles on the subject of medical marijuana.
The first, written by the Oklahoma City chapter of NORML
describes the plight of Jimmy Montgomery, the paraplegic medical
marijuana user who was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison for
less than two ounces of cannabis. (Thanks in large part to
hundreds of phone calls and letters from the media and NORML
activists, Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating signed for
Montgomery's medical release in late July.) The second
article focuses on both medical marijuana user Todd McCormick and
the ongoing legal battle for federal rescheduling reforms.
NORML's contribution to the publication includes a full
page chart outlining the responses of two widely respected
doctors when asked to rank drugs on the basis of five problem
areas. (These areas are withdrawal, reinforcement,
tolerance, dependence, and intoxication.) Both Dr. Jack E.
Henningfield of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Dr. Neal
L. Benowitz of The University of California at San Francisco
ranked marijuana as the least serious drug. Both doctors determined
marijuana to be less serious than caffeine.
Great Events Weekly can be contacted @ (703) 764-0496.