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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
November 14, 1996
Drug Czar Holds Meeting With California Law Enforcement To Discuss New State Medical Marijuana Law
November 14, 1996, Washington, D.C.:
Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey is scheduled to meet today with
California law enforcement officials from the "No on
215" campaign, including Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates,
to discuss the federal response to the passage of Proposition
The Office of National Drag Control Policy (ONDCP) had vigorously
campaigned against the initiative and reaffirmed the
Administration's opposition to the passage of the measure in a November
9 press release.
"The passage of [Proposition 215] creates a significant
threat to the drug control system that protects our
children," the release said. "...As the Drug
Enforcement Administration and the Department of Justice have
stated, Federal law is unchanged by the passage of th[is]
initiative. Doctors in ... California ... who prescribe a
Schedule I drug as medicine, notwithstanding state law, will
violate federal law. The provision in the California
measure that allows patients and caregivers to grow and possess
marijuana also violates federal law. The decision to bring
appropriate criminal or administrative enforcement action will
be, as always, decided on a case by case basis."
Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, who has long been involved with medical
marijuana research, recently learned of the meeting, but was
denied attendance by Assistant General Counsel Warren Hall.
It was explained to Mikuriya that the list of participants was
limited to those opposed to Proposition 215. A follow up
letter requesting Mikuriya's attendance was faxed by Rep. Ronald
Dellums (D-Calif.) who asked that the White House "do
everything possible to gain admission to this meeting for Dr.
Mikuriya has requested that the meeting be rescheduled to a later
date in order to allow representatives from the California
medical community to attend the meeting. "The
limitation of the list of invitees to those in law enforcement to
strategize on the response to the passage of Proposition 215 in
California ... would appear to be possibly illegal if not grossly
improper," he said. "[This] proposition involves
health issues. To exclude input from physicians who are explicitly
and specifically mentioned is unacceptable. This act of
institutional denial demonstrates bad faith on the part of the
participants from California who are sworn to uphold and enforce
state law."
For more information, please contact Dr. Tod Mikuriya @ (510)
843-0279 or Allen St. Pierre of NORML @
(202) 483-5500.
Medical Marijuana Supporters Plan 'Effective, Responsible' Procedures, Legislation To Implement Proposition 215
November 6, 1996, Santa Cruz, CA: A
meeting has been scheduled in Santa Cruz on November 16 to
discuss plans for implementing legislation to provide for the
well regulated distribution of medical marijuana to patients and
researchers. Although Proposition 215 makes concessions for
patients who possess and use marijuana for a legitimate medical
need, it does not address the question of distribution.
"We want Proposition 215 to work as effectively and
responsibly as possible in meeting the needs of patients and
researchers, with appropriate safeguards to prevent abuses,"
says Lynnette Shaw, co-chair of the California Medical Marijuana
Council (CMMC), which is organizing the meeting. The CMMC
includes representatives of the state's medical marijuana
"Cannabis Buyers' Clubs," that are currently supplying
patients through the underground market.
The conference will discuss ways in which CBC's can legitimize
their operations under Proposition 215, with well defined
procedures for identifying medical marijuana patients, validating physicians'
recommendations, and preventing diversions to non-medical
uses. Proposition 215 supporters are hoping to propose some
form of legal licensing system for CBC's via implementory legislation
in the state legislature next year. They also want to
establish legal cultivation facilities to supply both patients
and researchers with high-quality marijuana under legal, well
controlled conditions.
Proposition 215 supporters contest claims by opponents, such as
Attorney General Dan Lungren, that the initiative was written
loosely so as to encourage abuses. "Proposition 215
was deliberately framed in general terms so that the state and
federal governments could work out regulatory details of the
distribution system," says Dale Gieringer of California
NORML. "We want to work with local state and federal
authorities in ironing out any ambiguities in the law so as to
prevent abuses."
"Proposition 215 is not the last word on the subject, just
the first," said Shaw.
For more information, please contact Dale Gieringer of
California NORML @ (415) 563-5858 or Lynnette Shaw of the
California Medical Marijuana Council @ (415) 893-1811.
Arizona Governor May Veto Voter Approved Initiative
November 6, 1996: Phoenix, AZ: Arizona
Gov. Fife Symington may attempt to veto a recently passed state
initiative allowing physicians to prescribe marijuana as a
medicine and mandating that non-violent drug offenders receive
treatment rather than incarceration. The initiative passed
on November 5 by a vote of 65 percent to 35 percent.
An aide to Symington said last week that the governor believes he
has the authority to veto successful ballot initiatives which
pass with a simple majority of voters, but without a majority of
all registered voters. The governor has up to 30
days to decide a course of action. Symington campaigned
against the measure prior to the election.
John MacDonald, Government Affairs Director of the Arizona
Attorney General's Office, said a veto by the governor would
violate the state's constitution, though he added that the
subject of referendum vetoes hasn't been fully studied by the
attorney general or members of his staff.
"Our opinion is that the governor has no constitutional
authority to veto what the people have voted in favor of,"
he said. "We expect he will follow the law. If
he does not, we expect that one way or the other he will wind up
in court."
For more information, please contact either Allen St. Pierre
or Paul Armentano of NORML @ (202) 483-5500.
Buyers' Club Activists Plead 'Morally Not Guilty' At Arraignment
November 1996, Oakland, CA: Five
defendants from the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club plead
"morally not guilty" at their arraignment in Alameda
County Superior Court. The five individuals have been
charged with possession of marijuana for sale, the sale or
transportation of marijuana, and conspiracy, stemming from an
August 4 raid by state law enforcement on the nearly 12,000
member club.
"The fact is, we did sell marijuana in San Francisco to sick
and dying people for three and a half years," CBC founder
Dennis Peron told reporters outside the courtroom. "We
were morally compelled to do this."
Judge Larry Goodman scheduled a December 17 hearing on a motion
filed by the defendants to move the trial from Oakland to San
Francisco. They argue that the trial should be conducted in San
Francisco because that is where the club was located.
Judge Goodman has already denied a gag order sought by the
attorney general's office, saying he was not persuaded by
arguments that pretrial press coverage could prejudice potential
For more information, please contact Californians for
Compassionate Use @ (415) 621-3986.