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. . . a weekly service for the media on news items related to marijuana
November 13, 1997
NIH Deals Medical Marijuana Proponents Setback
Rejects Proposed Study Examining Use Of Marijuana In Acute Migraine Treatment
November 12, 1997, Washington, D.C.:
National Institute of Health (NIH) officials dealt a significant blow to medical
marijuana research this month by rejecting a scientific protocol to examine the use of
marijuana in acute migraine treatment.
"This rejection was not unexpected though
it is deeply disappointing," explained MAPS President and NORML
board member Rick Doblin, whose organization donated $3,500 for the preparation of
migraine-treatment study. Doblin said he remains hopeful that NIH will eventually
approve a version of the study, but conceded that this month's rejection delays the
project "at least a year."
Lead researcher Dr. Ethan Russo, a neurologist
with The Western Montana Clinic in Missoula, called the NIH rejection discouraging, but
announced that he will redesign and resubmit a follow-up protocol shortly. This
project "is not down and out," he said. Dr. Russo expects to receive a
formal critique from the NIH in mid-to-late December.
Russo and a team of researchers originally
submitted their proposal to NIH in May. They set out to compare the use of inhaled
marijuana, oral THC, and an injected narcotic painkiller in the treatment of migraine
sufferers who do not respond to standard medication. The proposed in-patient study
had prior approval from the St. Patrick Hospital/Community Medical Center Joint
Investigational Review Board, whose ruling was also accepted by the IRB of the University
of Montana.
Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of The
NORML Foundation, said that NIH's denial of Russo's study is representative of
the federal government's attitude toward medical marijuana research. "It is a
remarkable testimony to the failure of our national drug policy leadership that one-full
year after the passage of medical marijuana initiatives in California and Arizona, not a
single research study of medical marijuana is taking place," he said.
"Despite statements from NIH Director Harold Varmus that the NIH is 'open' to
medical marijuana research, it appears business as usual in Washington." St.
Pierre noted that as recently as this past August, an Expert Committee of NIH researchers
recommended the federal government to play an active role in facilitating clinical
evaluations of medical marijuana."
"Presently, it appears that NIH is
choosing to ignore those recommendations," he said.
Throughout the mid 1990's, many medical
marijuana proponents have criticized the NIH for impeding research to better determine
marijuana's medical value. A 1992 proposal comparing the effectiveness of inhaled
marijuana with that of synthetic THC as a treatment for the weight loss associated with
the AIDS wasting syndrome was rejected on three separate occasions by federal officials.
NIH finally approved a revised version of the protocol in 1997, but only after
researchers agreed to focus on determining the potential short-term harmful effects of
marijuana on HIV-positive patients. Similarly, two recent state proposals submitted
by the Massachusetts' and Washington state boards of health regarding medical marijuana
research have been delayed indefinitely while awaiting federal approval.
"In 1982, the National Academy of Sciences
strongly recommended the federal government to undertake definitive scientific studies to
determine marijuana's therapeutic value," St. Pierre said. "It is morally
unconscionable that 15 years later, we are still battling to allow this research to take
For more information, please contact either
Allen St. Pierre of The NORML Foundation @ (202) 483-8751 or Rick Doblin
of MAPS @ (704) 334-1798. Dr. Ethan Russo of The Western Montana Clinic may be
contacted @ (406) 329-7453. For more information on medical marijuana research,
please contact Paul Armentano of The NORML Foundation.
Fifty-One Percent Of Canadians Support Decriminalizing Marijuana Possession
November 13, 1997, Ottawa, Canada:
Just more than half of all Canadians feel that marijuana possession should no
longer be a criminal offense, according to the results of a November CTV/Angus Reid poll
reported in the Canadian Globe and Mail Newspaper.
In addition, an overwhelming 83 percent of
respondents said that marijuana should be legal for medical purposes. The public
opinion poll surveyed over 1,500 adult Canadians between October 23 and October 28.
"Clearly public opinion is ahead of the
Canadian legislators on this issue," said NORML Executive Director
R. Keith Stroup, Esq.
The 51 percent who favored reforming Canada's
laws criminalizing marijuana possession marks a dramatic change in public opinion from
just one decade ago. At that time, only 39 percent of Canadians said they favored
"More and more Canadians are becoming
aware of the failures of marijuana prohibition and educated to the variety of potential
therapeutic uses marijuana offers," Stroup said.
The poll reported that those over age 55
comprised the only group who said that marijuana possession should remain a crime.
Fifty-four percent of respondents between the age of 35 and 54 favored
decriminalizing the drug.
For more information, please contact R.
Keith Stroup, Esq. of NORML @ (202) 483-5500.
California Migraine Sufferer And Caregiver Set Free Under Proposition 215
November 13, 1997, San Anselmo, CA:
Marin County District Court Judge William H. Stephens dismissed charges of
marijuana cultivation against migraine headache sufferer Kymberly Marr and her
husband/caregiver in two separate rulings activists are calling "firsts" for the
medical marijuana movement.
"This is the first migraine patient in the
state to be set free under Proposition 215, and I'm very happy that the Marin County
District Attorney's office is recognizing the patients' rights to medical marijuana under
our new law," said Lynette Shaw, Director of the Marin Alliance for Medical
Marijuana. Shaw said that she believed Ms. Marr's husband is also the first
caregiver freed under California's year-old medical marijuana law.
Law enforcement officials arrested the Marr's
and seized 14 marijuana plants after Ms. Marr's failed to produce sufficient documentation
demonstrating she smoked marijuana for a bona fide medical need. She later submitted
evidence to the Marin County district attorney's office indicating that her physician
approved of her marijuana use. The district attorney's office reportedly encouraged
Judge Stephens to dismiss the charges.
"I'm pleased to have been able to help the
Marr's with their case, and I commend the San Anselmo Police Department for their
cooperation," said Shaw.
For more information, please contact either
Lynette Shaw of the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana @ (415) 256-9328 or Dale
Gieringer of California NORML @ (415) 563-5858.
Washington D.C. Mayor Announces He Will "Probably" Support Medical Marijuana
November 13, 1997, Washington, D.C.:
Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry announced that he will "probably"
support a proposed District initaitive to legalize marijuana for medical use, according to
a November 11 Associated Press report.
Prior to Tuesday's announcement, Barry was a
signator of a petition drive to put the issue on the city ballot.
The District's Initiative 57 would legalize the
possession and cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes under a physician's
supervision. Members of ACT-UP filed the initiative earlier this year after interim
Council Chair Charlene Drew Jarvis and U.S. Attorney Eric Holder proposed legislation to
stiffen penalties for the possession of marijuana.
For more information, please contact ACT-UP
@ (202) 547-9404.