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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
August 15, 1996
Law Enforcement Bust Cannabis Buyers' Club
In Key West, Florida
Founder, One Other Arrested On Felony Marijuana Charges
August 14, 1996, Key West, FL: For
the second time in two weeks, law enforcement officials have
raided and shut down operations of a cannabis buyers' club.
Police sparked a wave of citizen outrage when Special Operations
detectives raided a cannabis buyers' club in Key West and
arrested two people, including club founder Zvi Baranoff.
Both individuals were charged with possession of felony amounts
of marijuana with intent to distribute and possession of drug
paraphernalia. The Key West club serviced approximately 90
patients and has existed for one year. It is one of an
estimated 30 underground clubs throughout the United States that
distributes marijuana as a medicine to seriously ill patients who
possess a doctor's recommendation.
"It seems like shabby treatment of someone who's trying to
do something good," said a former Key West city commissioner
who spoke anonymously with the Key West Citizen.
"Where's the compassion? These people were dispensing
medicine to people who can't eat, sleep, or hold food in their
stomachs. [The raid is nothing more than an] inhumane witch
Detective John Elmore defended the raid by saying that police
have no choice but to enforce the law. Elmore further
alleged that marijuana was sold to some individuals who did not
suffer from valid medical illnesses.
Local citizens appeared to be strongly supportive of the club and
many club members voiced their discontent to the local
media. "We're just trying to extend our lives a little
bit," said one HIV-positive club member. "Maybe
these officers should attend every funeral, or read the newspaper
which would be stuffed with obituaries" if we didn't have
underground access to medical marijuana.
The Key West bust comes on the heels of a raid by California
state narcotics agents last Sunday on the 11,000 member San
Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club. No arrests have yet to be made
in connection with the raid, but a temporary injunction has been
granted to keep the club closed. The decision by state
Attorney General Dan Lungren to order the bust has outraged many members
of the San Francisco community -- including Mayor Willie Brown,
Sheriff Michael Hennessey, District Attorney Terence Hallinan,
former Police Commissioner Jo Daly, and several members of the
city's Board of Supervisors -- and cast harsh criticism upon
state politicians and law enforcement.
"With the recent raids of cannabis buyers' clubs in
Cincinnati, San Francisco, and now Key West, the message is
clear: law enforcement is targeting the sick and dying,"
said NORML Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre.
"Our sympathy goes out to the individuals and patients
affected by these unfortunate incidents."
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of NORML
@ (202) 483-5500.
Two State Medical Associations Endorse Proposition 215
August 8, 1996, San Francisco, CA:
Two statewide medical societies, representing a combined total of
almost 10,000 physicians, have endorsed a California ballot
initiative to legalize marijuana for medical use (Proposition
The San Francisco Medical Society (SFMS), which represents about
2,200 doctors in San Francisco, announced its support for
Proposition 215 just four days after state law enforcement officers
raided and closed down San Francisco's Cannabis Buyers'
Club. They were joined in their endorsement by the
California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP), which represents approximately
7,500 physicians statewide.
San Francisco Medical Society President Dr. Toni J. Brayer said
that the society based its decision on the results of an opinion
poll of doctors who treat MDS and cancer patients as well as drug
addicts. The doctors surveyed reportedly told the society
that they believed legalizing marijuana for medical purposes was
a good idea because it has therapeutic value to many seriously ill
"This initiative is an important one. ... It will
protect our patients," Bayer said. "What we want to
do as physicians is to relieve pain and suffering."
The society also recommends clinical testing of marijuana as a
medicine so that scientific data may be generated on its
effectiveness in treating patients.
For more information, please contact Mark Capitolo of
Californians for Medical Rights @ (916) 457-5546 or Allen St.
Pierre of NORML @ (202) 483-5500.
(Meanwhile) Judge Orders Changes in "Misleading" Ballot Argument Against Proposition 215
August 9, 1996, Sacramento, CA:
Organizers of a campaign against a California ballot proposal to
legalize marijuana for medical use (Proposition 215) took one on
the chin as Sacramento Superior Court Judge William Ridgeway
called part of the campaign's prohibitionist argument
"misleading" and ordered changes. Advocates for
the medical marijuana initiative applauded Ridgeway's ruling and
remarked that the statements in question were "yet another
in a series of deceptions" waged by opponents of Proposition
The judge's action was sparked by an American Cancer Society
(ACS) petition. The ACS asked to have two references to the
organization by opponents, collectively known as "No on 215,"
dropped or changed before publication in the ballot pamphlet
distributed by the secretary of state. The pamphlets went
to press this week.
The original "No on 215" rebuttal argument portrayed
the ACS as vocal opponents of the medical marijuana
initiative. In truth, ACS attorney George Waters maintained
that the organization neither supports nor opposes the
measure. Therefore, Judge Ridgeway ordered that "No on
215" alter their chief rebuttal argument: "American
Cancer Society says no." In addition, the judge
ordered that a second reference to the Society's opinion on
marijuana be removed entirely.
Ballot initiative proponents also note that the rebuttal falsely
claims that "no major doctor's organization supports
Proposition 215" when, in fact, both the San Francisco
Medical Society (SFMS) and the California Academy of Family
Physicians (CAFP) -- together representing nearly 10,000
physicians -- have already endorsed the initiative.
"Perhaps the reason 'No on 215' keeps stretching the truth
is [because] the campaign has no choice," suggested Dave
Fratello of Californians for Medical Rights. "The
entire campaign is predicated on a falsehood -- the notion that
marijuana has no medical value. This is proved wrong by the
experience[s] of tens of thousands of patients, nurses, and
doctors across California, many of whom support Proposition
For more information, please contact Mark Capitolo of
Californians for Medical Rights @ (916) 457-5546 or Allen St.
Pierre of NORML @ (202) 483-5500.
Michigan City Residents Vote "No" To Local Measure To Decriminalize Marijuana
August 7, 1996: Traverse City, MI:
Local residents rejected a city ballot proposal that would have
made possession, use, or sale of less than one ounce of marijuana
in Traverse City punishable by a maximum penalty of $100 and up
to ten hours community service for a first-time offender by a 58
to 42 percent vote. The measure had been introduced by the
local chapter of NORML.
Despite the outcome, Traverse City NORML President Bill Bustance
remained optimistic. "The 42 percent [in favor of
decriminalization] was better than anyone ever expected us to
do," explained Bustance. "Forty two percent of
Traverse City residents were ready to repent for the sins of
America's drug war."
Bustance further added that he believes the city government used
federal finds to sway Traverse City voters' decisions on the
initiative, a felony offense in Michigan. Bustance told NORML
that he will file a complaint with the secretary of state in
hopes of getting the initiative back on the city ballot.
Prior to the August 6 primary, the Traverse City Commission had
unanimously passed a resolution encouraging residents to vote
against the initiative.
For more information, please contact Bill Bustance of Traverse
City NORML @ (616) 264-9565.
Scottish Senior Judge Says Cannabis Decriminalization Should Be Considered
August 1996, Scotland: One of
Scotland's most senior judges, Lord McLuskey, has sharply criticized
a federal "white paper" calling for enhanced anti-drug
penalties. In addition, the former solicitor general stated
that there needs to be an open debate on the issue of
decriminalizing cannabis.
"The people who advocate the decriminalization of cannabis
need to be listened to and not condemned," he said.
"Open debate is not only healthy, it is essential."
In a nine page response to the June "white paper,"
McLuskey maintained that current prohibition ostracizes a large
percentage of the younger generation and encourages disrespect
for the law overall. "A particular problem for the
criminal justice system is that, if the law continues to treat
all use of scheduled drugs [other than on prescription] as
criminal abuse, it will further alienate and criminalize large
numbers of younger people who regard the use of certain drugs in
sensible quantities and settings as providing enjoyment without
significantly threatening their health," McLuskey
wrote. "Alienating large numbers of people by making
them into undetected offenders against criminal law greatly
weakens the criminal justice system."
McLuskey also argued that marijuana has medicinal value and
contested the prohibitionist belief that any use of an illicit
substance "must be an abuse."
"The sentiments and concerns of Lord McLuskey greatly echo
those of NORML and the testimony we presented this year
before Congress," stated NORML Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre.
McLuskey has sat in the House of Lords for 20 years.
Small Town Mayor Indicted On Marijuana
After Allegedly Growing Marijuana For "Educational"
August, 1996, Copperhill, TN:
Copperhill Mayor Janelle Kimsey has been indicted by a grand jury
on marijuana possession charges after police discovered 10
marijuana plants growing on the deck of her home. Kimsey
turned herself in to authorities following her arraignment and
was later released on $500 cash bond.
Kimsey's legal problems began last June when 10 marijuana plants
were found growing on her front porch. At the time, Kimsey
alleged that she was growing the marijuana for
"educational" purposes. "We made a drug bust
a couple of months ago, and citizens wanted to know what [marijuana]
looked like," she explained shortly after the
incident. "Dumb me, I didn't know I couldn't do
it. I know ignorance is no excuse, but in my case, it was
Authorities are not buying the mayor's claim and have set a trial
date for September 20. However, some citizens are critical
that Kimsey is only being charged with simple possession -- a misdemeanor
-- rather than cultivation.
According to Shari Taylor, assistant district attorney for the
10th Judicial District, the 10 plants possessed by Kimsey
"came to less than one-half ounce" (14 grams) when
weighed all together and did not merit felony charges.
However, according to federal sentencing guidelines, one marijuana
plant is presumed to weigh 100 grams. "Apparently,
there exists one set of marijuana plant-weight ratios for
politicians and another set for the rest of America,"
commented NORML Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre.
Kimsey is due back in court on September 16 for a status hearing.