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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
August 22, 1996
Latest Edition Of Household Survey Fuels
Election Year Fodder
NORML Responds To Calls To Escalate The Drug War
August 21, 1996: Washington, D.C.:
Illicit drug use (defined as use at least once in the past month)
among adolescents age 12 to 17 rose 33 percent since last year
and now stands at 10.9 percent, reports the latest annual
findings from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. The
use of marijuana, the illicit drug used primarily by adolescents,
increased from 7.3 percent to 8.2 percent.
Not surprisingly, both prohibitionists and politicians are using
the latest statistics to call for increased anti-drug
efforts. "This is nothing short of a national
tragedy," said Republican nominee Bob Dole.
"Starting next January, I'm going to make the drug war
priority No. 1 once again."
In light of the recent data, NORML issued the following
statement. As always, NORML remains committed to the
notion that adolescents grow up drug-free.
"The statistics indicating rising levels of teen marijuana
use cited by the National Household Survey should be an issue of
concern for both parents and political leaders alike. However,
there is no evidence to demonstrate that increasing penalties
against adult users will amend the problem. In fact,
federal statistics indicate that just the opposite is true.
"Despite criticism that the Clinton administration has
abandoned the drug war, FBI figures from its annual Uniform Crime
Report illustrate that nearly one-half million Americans were
arrested on marijuana charges in 1994 -- more than 83 percent of
them for simple possession. This inflated figure is a
remarkable 42 percent increase over the average yearly total for
marijuana arrests under the Bush administration and equates to an
arrest every 65 seconds!
"Yet, in spite of this significant increase in the
enforcement of drug and marijuana laws, recent studies such as
the Household Survey indicate that the use of narcotics and
marijuana is rising in popularity -- especially among
adolescents. Specifically, the fact that the use of
marijuana is rapidly growing at the same time that law
enforcement officials are arresting record numbers of users
clearly confirms that marijuana prohibition does not effectively
deter marijuana consumption.
"In addition, it must be noted that today's rates of
adolescent drug use are rather moderate when put in historical
perspective. For example, as late as 1988, during the
height of the Reagan/Bush 'Just say 'no' campaign,' the number of
adolescents age 12 to 17 who reported using an illicit substance
within the past month stood at 9.2 percent, just slightly below
today's so-called 'emergency levels.' In addition, today's
use rates -- despite the recent increase -- still remain well below
the peak levels recorded in the late i970s and early 1980s.
"We will probably never know why marijuana use-rates go up
and down over time. However, it is worth noting that the
recent increase occurred among the same population of young
people who had been exposed to a decade-long anti-marijuana
campaign in the schools and the media. That campaign, based
on exaggerations of marijuana's alleged harms and a 'Just say no'
ideology has clearly failed."
For more information, please contact either Allen St. Pierre
or Paul Armentano of NORML at (202) 483-5500
to request a copy of N0RML's position paper,
"Weeding Through the Hype: The Truth About Adolescent
Marijuana Use."
Study To Determine Whether Marijuana Helps Individuals Suffering From AIDS Wasting Syndrome Rejected By National Institutes of Health
August 7, 1996, San Francisco, CA:
Dr. Donald Abrams of UC-San Francisco learned that his proposal
to conduct a pilot study into the use of smoked marijuana in the
treatment of the AIDS wasting syndrome was rejected by a
peer-review committee of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID). This means the study cannot
proceed because the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
arbitrarily required that it pass the NIH peer-review process to qualify
for receiving marijuana from NIDA. This condition has not
been previously required of other FDA-approved studies.
NIDA retains a monopoly on the legal supply of marijuana for research
NIAID will send a letter explaining the reason for the rejection
in six to eight weeks. At that time, Dr. Abrams will
evaluate the comments to see if, in his opinion, they are
scientifically justified or politically motivated. A
decision regarding the revision and resubmission of the protocol
will be made at that time.
NORML board member Rick Doblin of the Multidisciplinary
Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) has been working
closely with Dr. Abrams for four years to sponsor this
study. He noted that this was the second time a specific
pilot study proposed by Dr. Abrams to investigate the use of
smoked marijuana in the treatment of weight loss in patients
suffering from the AIDS wasting syndrome has been rejected by
federal health officials.
Although having an initial protocol design extensively reviewed,
critiqued, modified, and approved by the both the FDA and the
California Research Advisory panel in 1994, Abrams was denied
receiving the marijuana necessary for his study by NIDA in April
of 1995. After addressing several of NIDA's concerns --
including revising the protocol to an all in-patient study --
Abrams resubmitted a grant proposal to NIH on May 1, 1996.
This latest rejection "delays [us] at least a year, if not
permanently," said Doblin. "In 1992, DEA
Administrator Robert Bonner stated: 'Those who insist that
marijuana has medical uses would serve society better by
promoting or sponsoring more legitimate scientific
research.' All we are asking for is simply to conduct that
"The events of the past weeks in San Francisco make the
bankruptcy of the government's policy glaringly evident,"
said California NORML Coordinator Dale Gieringer. "Why
is it easier for your kids to get marijuana than for researchers,
physicians, and patients?"
For more information, please contact Rick Doblin of MAPS @
(704) 358-9830 or Allen St. Pierre of NORML
@ (202) 483-5500.
Swiss State To Legalize Marijuana
August 19, 1996, Zurich, Switzerland:
The government of the state of Zurich in Switzerland approved a
proposal that could legalize the use of cannabis, reported the
Reuters news agency.
In a 85-40 vote, the state council endorsed a resolution by the
liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) that calls for a change in
the narcotics law through a referendum.
The FDP argued that using marijuana should no longer remain a
punishable offense because 20 years of federal prohibition have
not proved to be an adequate deterrent of either marijuana use or availability.
Therefore, the proposal recommends that the sale of cannabis be
organized and regulated by the state in order to insure quality
and eliminate the black market.
Board Strikes Down Proposal
To Declare Medical Marijuana 'Emergency' For San Francisco's Sick
August 16, 1996, San Francisco, CA:
A measure to declare a city-wide state of emergency allowing
marijuana to be used for medical purposes has been struck down by
San Francisco city officials. The proposal, spearheaded by
city Board of Supervisors member Tom Ammiano, was introduced
following a raid by state narcotics officers on the San Francisco
Cannabis Buyers' Club.
On the advice of the city's District Attorney Terence Hallinan
and Director of Health Sandra Hernandez, a Board of Supervisors
committee backed off from the declaration. Many officials claimed
that approving such a controversial measure could jeopardize the
city's needle-exchange program that currently operates under an
emergency declaration. The decision came one day after Mayor
Willie Brown withdrew his support for the proposal.
"If it were up to me, I would have a state of emergency, but
given the [advice], it doesn't look a state of emergency is going
to fly," said Ammiano.
Brown said that he also felt a declaration of a medical marijuana
emergency could legally endanger the clean needle program.
He added that city officials were attempting to work out an agreement
with the state attorney general's office to let another
organization distribute marijuana to patients.
"If they say that it can't be done [by the San Francisco
Cannabis Buyers' Club and] it has to be done [by] some other
organization that's free of any taint, then we'll do that,"
Brown said at his bi-weekly press conference.
"My interest is to get [medical marijuana] to an
organization that has no history with legal or illegal use of
marijuana," added police commissioner Pat Norman.
"[This] should not be a political issue; it should be
provided as treatment."
Responding to the possibility that city officials may attempt to
procure an outside entity to distribute medical marijuana, San
Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club founder Dennis Peron told the San
Francisco Chronicle that he would support any and all efforts to
viably get medical marijuana to the sick.
For more information, please contact Mark Capitolo of
Californians for Medical Rights @ (916) 457-5546 or Dale
Gieringer of California NORML @ (415) 563-5858. For the latest
information on the status of the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers'
Club please contact Californians for Compassionate Use @ (415)
(Meanwhile) San Francisco Church Sponsors Medical Marijuana Giveaway
August 19, 1996, San Francisco, CA:
A city church distributed marijuana on Sunday to patients who
possessed a doctor's recommendation in wake of the temporary
injunction closing the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers' Club.
About 25 patients showed up for the giveaway, news of which was
spread through word of mouth. Those possessing valid
documentation were provided with one-eighth of an ounce of marijuana.
"I believe the moral stance [in this instance] is to break
the law to make this marijuana available," said Rev. Jim
Mitulski of the Metropolitan Community Church of San
Francisco. "Our church's spiritual vitality has always
come from a willingness to act where people have been reluctant
to act. This is not a bystander church."
Allen White, a community activist who helped organize the event,
said he had notified Mayor Willie Brown, Assistant Police Chief
Earl Sanders, and District Attomey Terence Hallinan Saturday
night about the church's plan to distribute marijuana.
Organizers said that they knew of no other church that had
conducted such an operation.
Mitulski did not specify whether he would hold repeat giveaways,
but added that there were no plans to do distribute marijuana on
a long-term basis. He said he hoped other churches will become
actively involved in the issue.
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of NORML
@ (202) 483-5500.