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... a weekly service for the media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
September 12, 1996
Califano Attacks Attitudes Of Baby-Boomer
Regarding Adolescent Mariiuana Use
September 9, 1996, New York, NY: The
fact that a growing number of today's teens are experimenting
with marijuana is not seen as a "crisis" by many
baby-boomer parents who tried marijuana during their youth,
reported a recent study released by the National Center on
Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA).
In addition, approximately half of the parents surveyed admItted
to having tried marijuana in their youth and 46 percent said they
expected their teen to try illegal drugs.
"What is infuriating ... is the resignation of so many
parents," said CASA head Joseph Califano. "That
is not a climate that is sending a clear and loud message to a
kid: Don't use drugs."
Specifically, Califano was alarmed at the attitudes of parents
who had formerly used marijuana. According to the study, 65
percent of parents who had tried marijuana believe their own
children will use drugs. Also, 42 percent of those parents
did not perceive use of marijuana by an adolescent under 16 years
of age as a crisis.
Califano argued that many parents need to be aware that the
marijuana used by individuals today is far stronger than the
marijuana of yesteryear. This claim has been refuted by NORML repeatedly.
"There exists absolutely no evidence that marijuana THC
content has increased significantly over the past two
decades," responded NORML Deputy Director Allen St.
Pierre. "This fact is acknowledged by both the
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) and is confirmed by the scientific data
from the Potency Monitoring Project in Mississippi."
The study also indicated that many adolescents have easier access
to marijuana than they do other regulated intoxicants like
cigarettes and alcohol. Califano did not believe that this
finding supported a need to regulate marijuana.
"Legalization of marijuana would be a disaster," he
responded on a National Public Radio broadcast. Califano
did not elaborate further.
"The fact that children currently have easier access to
marijuana than they do cigarettes or alcohol speaks volumes of
the need to legalize and regulate marijuana, if only to more
effectively keep it out of the hands of children," said St.
The "CASA National Survey of American attitudes on Substance
Abuse II: Teens and Parents" was conducted during July and
August by telephone of 1,200 adolescents age 12 through 17 and 1,166
parents, all with children of the same age group.
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of NORML
@ (202) 483-5500. For further information on marijuana THC
content over the last three decades, please request a copy of
NORML's special report: "American Marijuana
Potency: Data Versus Conventional Wisdom" by Dr. John P.
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Attacks Dole Proposals To Increase Drug War
September 1996, Washington, D.C.:
Libertarian Presidential candidate Harry Browne has sharply
criticized proposals by Republican Presidential candidate Bob
Dole to greatly expand the role of the U.S. military, National
Guard, and Central Intelligence Agency in the fight against
illicit drugs. Browne maintains that increasing the
"War on Drugs" will only create more suffering, more crime,
and more victims.
"Like many other Republican politicians, Dole loves the
insane 'War on Drugs,'" said Brown. "But all
freedom-loving Americans should reject this vision of a nation at
war with its own citizens.
"... Government can't keep drugs out of the country, it
can't even keep drugs out of its own prisons. Militarizing
the 'War on Drugs' won't solve the problem; the only realistic
solution is to end the war. Ending the insane 'War on
Drugs' will take the criminal profit out of the illicit drug trade
and bring peace to our cities once again."
For more information, please contact Bill Winter of the
Libertarian Party @ (202) 333-0008 Ext. 226. For further
information on the Harry Browne presidential campaign, please
contact the Harry Browne for President website at: http://www.HarryBrowne96.org/
Virginia County To Force Convicted Drug Offenders To Name Their Suppliers
September 5, 1996, Richmond, VA: People
convicted on drug offenses, including misdemeanors, in Henrico
County will be called before a grand jury and ordered to reveal
the identity of those who sold them the drugs. Those who
refuse to cooperate face a contempt of court charge and jail
"If you get caught with a little bit of marijuana, you're
telling us where you got it," said county prosecutor Toby
Vick, who helped devise the new policy. However, reaction
to the measure remains mixed.
"It makes great ink, and it makes great film at 11, but in
reality I question the effectiveness of such a program, said
defense attorney David Boone. Boone argued that most
individuals convicted on drug possession charges have little
first-hind knowledge of those who sell them the drugs.
"Small time drug dealers are nameless strangers to the
people with whom they trade," he said.
Kent Willis, director of Virginia's American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU), noted that Vick and the police have the legal
authority to carry out their plan, but did not believe it would
be effective.
Anti-Drug Group Returns Donation After NORML Chapter Files Complaint Alleging Campaign Finance Violations
September 11, 1996, Traverse City, MI:
A local anti-drug group who actively opposed a city ballot
initiative to decriminalize marijuana possession has returned a
$1,000 check from the city's narcotics agency over concerns the
donation may have violated state campaign finance laws. Traverse
City NORML President Bill Bustance, who was behind the
narrowly-defeated initiative, recently filed a complaint with the
Secretary of State alleging that taxpayer dollars were used to influence
a political campaign. According to Michigan law, an
organization that knowingly violates campaign finance rules could
be fined $20,000.
"I was wondering who was going to step up to the
plate," said Bustance, who is seeking a new election.
"We've had two successful initiatory petitions filed and if
these claims [prove] substantial then we at least deserve one
fair election."
The Traverse City Narcotics Team alleges that the funds donated
to the anti-drug group, Grand Traverse Families in Action, were
obtained under drug forfeiture laws and were not taxpayer dollars.
For more information, please contact Bill Bustance of Traverse
City NORML @ (616) 264-9565.
Case Of Medical Marijuana Activist To Be Heard September 30
September 12, 1996, St. Paul, MN: Longtime
medical marijuana user and activist Darrel Paulsen is scheduled
to be in court on September 30 to face charges of felony
marijuana possession in the fifth degree.
An outspoken advocate for medical marijuana, Paulsen has
acknowledged to using marijuana as a means to control his
cerebral palsy. He has been featured on local news
telecasts, spoken at national gatherings, run for city council,
and was one of several patients spotlighted at NORML's 1994
Medical Marijuana Day rally and press conference.
Paulsen has publicly said that he uses marijuana daily for
medical purposes. Approximately two ounces of marijuana
were confiscated from his home during a police raid nearly one
year ago.
If any activists would like to contribute to a fund
established to help offset Paulsen's legal fees, he or she can
write to the following address: Paulsen & Company, Attention: Medical
Defense Fund, P.O. Box 2865, St. Paul, MN 55102.