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. . . a weekly service for the
media on news items related to Marijuana Prohibition.
May 22, 1997
Medical Marijuana
Proponents Growing Anxious Over Delay
In Release Of NIH Report
May 22, 1997, Washington, D.C.: A major
delay in the release of a promised report from the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the medical potential of
marijuana and recommendations for future research has proponents
crying foul and demanding answers.
Following a two day NIH workshop on medical marijuana held this
past February, a panel of researchers assembled by the agency
estimated that there exists sufficient evidence that marijuana
has medical potential in the treatment of serious illnesses such
as spasticity disorders, AIDS wasting syndrome, glaucoma, and the
nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy. Many experts,
such as panel chairman William T. Beaver of Georgetown University
School of Medicine, called on the federal government to approve
future clinical trials to better determine marijuana's
therapeutic value when compared to conventional medicines.
NIH officials announced that a detailed report recommending a
course of action would be completed within four weeks.
That report remains delayed indefinitely, according to comments
made on May 20 by a NIH spokesperson.
"Footdragging is the rule of the day at the federal
level," said Dave Fratello, spokesman for Americans for
Medical Rights. "Had the NIH report come out roughly
on time, researchers could begin designing studies now because
they would know what NIH wants to see. Instead, we're
talking about months before anyone hears anything useful.
Then how long is it until someone can design a protocol, then
apply to NIH, then begin the study?"
"Although Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey, National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA) director Alan Leshner, and others have stated
publicly that the federal government is open to medical marijuana
research, the unacceptable delay in the release of this report
demonstrates otherwise," announced Allen St. Pierre,
executive director of The NORML Foundation.
"When you have thousands of seriously ill Americans already
using medical marijuana, and thousands more who could benefit
from its use, it is unforgivable for the federal government to
stonewall this issue."
For more information, please contact either Dave Fratello of
Americans for Medical Rights @ (310) 394-2952 or Allen St. Pierre
of The NORML Foundation @
(202) 483-8751.
Milwaukee Moves To Decriminalize Marijuana
May 22, 1997, Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee
Mayor John Norquist signed a measure into law decriminalizing the
first time possession of small amounts of marijuana after the
proposal squeaked by the city council.
The legislation, which passed on May 13, allows prosecutors to
charge 25 grams or less of marijuana as a municipal ordinance
violation rather than a crime. Fines will range from $250
to $500 or imprisonment of up to 20 days. Offenders would
also have the option of performing community service or receiving
substance abuse education.
Under state law, any first offense possession is a criminal
charge punishable by a $1,000 minimum fine and up to six months
in jail. Prosecutors in Milwaukee still have the option to
bring more serious charges under state law.
Alderman Michael Murphy, who sponsored the measure, said that
this bill may not be "politically popular," but was
about "fundamental fairness." Murphy noted that
most suburban towns surrounding Milwaukee punish first time
marijuana offenders with municipal tickets, not criminal
sanctions. "Nobody wants to be soft on crime, but we
want uniformity in prosecution of these cases."
An aide to the mayor called the ordinance "fair to the
citizens of Milwaukee."
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of The
NORML Foundation @ (202) 483-8751.
Maine Legislature Kills Medical Marijuana Defense Bill
May 22, 1997, Portland, ME: The state
legislature defeated a proposed measure to provide legal
protections for seriously ill patients who use medical marijuana
by more than two-to-one on May 16.
The legislation, introduced by Sen. Anne Rand (D-Cumberland),
created an "affirmative defense [of medical necessity] to a
charge of possession of marijuana provided a licensed physician
ha[d] recommended in writing the use of the drug to alleviate
negative medical symptoms." The law also allowed a
patient to legally possess up to one and a quarter ounces of
usable marijuana. The measure previously passed the Maine
Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services with
amendments on April 29 by a vote of 11-1.
Sally Sutton of the Maine Civil Liberties Union, who lobbied in
support of the legislation, expressed disappointment at the
Legislature's sharp change in opinion. "Even some
legislators on the Committee who originally supported the bill
changed their votes," she said. "I guess the
concept of medical marijuana runs contrary to all they've heard
from the War on Drugs."
"Despite having majority support among the American public,
medical marijuana remains a hard sell in the state
legislatures," explained NORML Executive
Director R. Keith Stroup, Esq. He said that NORML
will remain focused upon educating legislators of the efficacy of
medical marijuana.
For more information, please contact either Sally Sutton of
the Maine Civil Liberties Union @ (207) 774-5444 or R. Keith
Stroup of NORML @ (202)
(Meanwhile) California Medical
Association Backs Medical Marijuana
Research Bill
May 22, 1997, Sacramento, CA:
California's largest medical association announced its support
for a proposed bill to establish a $6 million, three-year
research program at the University of California to study the
safety and efficacy of medical marijuana.
The goal of Senate Bill 535, sponsored by Sen. John Vasconcellos
(D-Santa Clara) is to determine a "safe and affordable"
way to distribute marijuana to doctors and patients whose
physicians approve it. Backers of the bill hope that the
support of the California Medical Association (CMA) will improve
the measure's chances of passing through the state legislature
and winning the approval of Gov. Pete Wilson.
"I welcome the CMA's support," said Vasconcellos,
noting that the association presently represents more than 38,000
physicians in the state. "CMA has long recognized the
need for legitimate comprehensive clinical research on the
medical efficacy of medicinal marijuana. [Their support] is
a testament to our focus on rigorous scientific research in S.B.
Both the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and the
Public Safety Committee have already approved S.B. 535. The
measure now stands before the Senate Appropriations Committee.
A spokesman for Gov. Wilson told the Los Angeles Times
that it remains doubtful the governor will be persuaded to
support the Vasconcellos measure, even with the endorsement from
the CMA. The governor has twice in recent years vetoed
legislation that would permit the medical use of marijuana.
For more information, please contact either Dave Fratello of
Americans for Medical Rights @ (310) 394-2952 or the office of
Sen. John Vasconcellos @ (916) 445-9740.