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Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy | ||||
The Report of the Canadian Government Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs - 1972 |
** editing not complete** Chapter 2. Cannabis and Its Effects REFERENCES AND SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY As noted in Chapter 1, the Commission has had access to several thousand papers and books dealing with cannabis. No attempt has been made to reference all available documents, either in the text or in the list presented here. This bibliography contains all documents directly referenced, as well as a selected list of other materials which have been most useful in preparing Chapter 2 and its annexes. 1. Abdel-Nabi, A. A., & El-Nagdi, A. Drug addiction in Egypt and its sociological aspects. Medico-LegalJournal, 1960, 28: 200-202. 2. Abel, E. L. Marijuana and memory. Nature, 1970, 227(5263): 1151-1152. 3. Abel, E. L. Effects of marihuana on solution of anagrams, memory and appetite. Nature, 1971, 23 1(5300): 260 26 1. 4. Abel, E. L. Marihuana and memory: Acquisition or retrieval? Science, 197 1, 173:1038 1040. 5. Abrams, A. L., Dessauer, B. L., & Shenker, 1. R. Marijuana and the pediatrician: An attitude survey. Pediatrics, 1970, 46(3): 462-464. 6. Adams, R., Loewe, S., Jelinek, C., & Wolff, H. Tetrahydrocannabinol homologs with marihuana activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 194i,63:1971-1973. 7. Addiction Research Foundation. Brief submitted to the Commission, Toronto, Ont., December, 1969. 8. Agurell, S., & Leander, K. Stability, transfer and absorption of cannabinoid constituents of cannabis (hashish) during smoking. Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971, 8: 391 402. 9. Aldrich, M. R. Cannabis myths and folklore. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of New York, Buffalo, June, 1970. 10. Aldrich, M. R. A brief legal history of marijuana. Paper presented at the Western Institute of Drug Problems, Marijuana Conference, Portland, Oreg., August, 197 1. 11. Aldrich, M. R. Chemical warfare against marijuana. Unpublished manuscript, Marijuana Research Association, Mill Valley, Calif., 197 1. 12. Aldrich, M. R. (Marijuana Research Assocation, Mill Valley, Calif.) Personal communication to the Commission, 197 1. 13. Allen, J. R., & West, L. J. Flight from violence: Hippies and the green rebellion. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1968, 125(3): 364-370. 14. Allentuck, S., & Bowman, K. M. The psychiatric aspects of marihuana intoxication. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1942, 99(2): 248-25 1. 15. American Medical Association, Council on Mental Health and Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Dependence on cannabis (marihuana). Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, 1967, 201(6): 368-37 1. 16. Ames, F. A clinical and metabolic study of acute intoxication with Cannabis sativa and its role in the model psychoses. Journal of Mental Science, 1958, 104:972-999. 17. Andersen, J. M., Nielsen, E., Schow, J., Steentoft, A., & Worm, K. A specific method for the demonstration of cannabis intake by TLC of urine. (Letter to the editor) Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica, 197 1, 29(l): 111-112. 18. Anderson, J. E., & Ridley, T. Cannabis related problems: Preliminary working paper. Unpublished Commission research paper, April, 197 1. 19. Andrews, G., & Vinkenoog, S. (Eds.) The book of grass: An anthology of Indian hemp. New York: Grove Press, 1967. 20. Anker, J. L., Milman, D. H., Kahan, S. A., & Valenti, C. Drug usage and related patterns of behavior in university students: 1. General survey and marihuana use. Journal of the American College Health Association, 1971, 19(3): 178-186. 21. Annis, H. M., Klug, R., & Blackwell, D. Drug use among high school students in Timmins. Unpublished manuscript. Project J-183, Sub-study 1-38 & 39 & B 1 -7 1. Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, 197 1. 22. Anslinger, H. J., & Cooper, C. R. Marijuana: Assassin of youth. American Magazine, 1937, 124: 18-19; 150-153. 23. Asuni, T. Socio-psychiatric problems of cannabis in Nigeria. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1964, 16(2): 17-28. 24. Australia, Senate Select Committee. Drug trafficking and drug abuse. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 197 1. 25. Ausubel, D. P. Drug addiction: Physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects. New York: Random House, 1958. 26. Baker, A. A. (Hospital Advisory Service, Sutton, Surrey, England) Personal communication to the Commission, August, 197 1. 27. Baker, A. A., & Lucas, E. G. Some hospital admissions associated with cannabis. Lancet, 1969, 1(7586): 148. 28. Ball, J. C., Chambers, C. D., & Ball, M. J. The association of marihuana smoking with opiate addiction in the United States. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 1968, 59(2): 171-182. 29. Barash, L. A review of hemp cultivation in Canada. Unpublished Commission research project, 197 1. 30. Barber, T. X. LSD, marihuana, yoga and hypnosis. Chicago: Aldine, 1970. 31. Barratt, E. S. Marijuana research: Overview of the University of Texas Medical Branch project. Unpublished manuscript, University of Texas, Galveston, 1971. 1 32. Barratt, E. S. (Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Tex.) Personal communication to the Commission, December, 1971. 33. Barratt, E. S., & Adams, P. The effects of chronic marijuana administration on brain functioning in cats. Unpublished manuscript, University of Texas, Galveston, 1971. 34. Bartolucci, G., Fryer, L., Perris, C., & Shagass, C. Marijuana psychosis: 14, case report. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1969, 14(l): 77-79. 35. Bartova, A., & Birmingham, M. K. Effect of tetrahydrocannabir'Ol deoxycorticosterone (DOC) on brain and adrenal NADH-oxidase activitYPaper to be presented at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, April 15 17, 1972. 36. Basharn, A. L. Soma. In G. Andrews, & S. Vinkenoog (Eds.), The book of grass: An anthology of Indian hemp. New York: Grove Press, 1967. Pp. 1-3. 37. Beaubrun, M. The pros and cons of cannabis use in Jamaica. Unpublished manuscript, working paper for Panel on Youth and Drugs, Costa Rica, January 8, 1971. 38, Beaubrun, M. (Department of Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica) Personal communications to the Commission, April and May, 1971. 39. Becker, H. S. Becoming a marihuana user. American Journal of Sociology, 1953, 59: 235 242. 40. Becker, H. S. Marihuana use and social control. Social Problems, 1955, 3: 35- 44. 41. Becker, H. S. Outsiders: Studies in the sociology of deviance. Glencoe, N.Y.: The Free Press, 1963. 42. Becker, H. S. History, culture and subjective experience: An exploration of the social bases of drug-induced experiences. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1967, 8(3): 163-176. 43. Beckstead, H. (Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Ont.) Personal communication to the Commission, March, 1971. 44. Beech, C. E., & Gregersen, A. 1. Three year follow-up study: Drug addiction clinic, Mimico. Canadian Journal of Corrections, 1964, 6(2): 211-224. (See also Roland and Teste, 1958) 45. Benabud, A. Psycho-pathological aspects of the cannabis situation in Morocco: Statistical data for 1956. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1957, 9: 1-16. 46. Benson, V. M. Marihuana "study" critique. (Letter to the editor) Journal of theAmericanMedicalAssociation, 1971,217(10): 1391. 47. Bensusan, A. D. Marihuana withdrawal symptoms. (Letter to the editor) British MedicalJournal, 1971, 3(5766): 112. 48. Ben-Zvi, Z., Mechoulam, R., Edery, H., & Porath, G. 6Beta-hydroxy-Al- tetrahydrocannabinol: Synthesis and biological activity. Science, 1971, 174: 95 1 952. 49. Bercht, C. A. L., Kiippers, F. J. E. M., Lousberg, R. J. J. C., & Salemink, C. A. Volatile constituents of Cannabis sativa, L. U.N. Secretariat, 1971, ST/ SOA/SER. S/29. 50. Bernhardson, G. Cannabis-psykoser. Ldkartidningen (Stockholm), 1969, 66(12): 1230-1234. 51. Bey, D. R., & Zecchinelli, V. A. Marijuana as a coping device in Vietnam. Military Medicine, 1971, 136(5): 448 450. 52. Bialos, D. S. Adverse marijuana reactions: A critical examination of the literature with selected case material. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1970, 127(6): 119-123. 53. Biernacki, P., & Davis, F. "Turning off": A study of ex-marijuana users. Paper presented at the Conference on Drug Use and Drug Sub-cultures, Asilomar, Calif., February, 1970. 54. Bilodeau, L., & Jacob, A. La prevalence de Pusage des drogues de 1969 d 1971, chez les etudiants du secondaire et du collegial de l7le de Montreal: Que1ques resultats generaux. Quebec: Office de la Pr6vention et du Traitement de I'Alcoolisme et des Autres Toxicomanies, March 5, 1971. 55. Binder, A. An experimental approach to driver evaluation using alcohol drinkers and marihuana smokers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1971, 3: 237 256. 56. Bloomquist, E. R. Marijuana: Social benefit or social detriment? California Medicine, 1967, 106: 346-353. 57. Bloomquist, E. R. Marijuana. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Glencoe Press, 1968. 58. Blum, R. H. Mind altering drugs and dangerous behavior: Dangerous drugs. In United States President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Task Force Report: Narcotics and Drug Abuse, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. Pp. 21-39. 59. Blum, R. H., & Associates. Society and drugs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1969. 60. Blum, R. H., & Associates. Students and drugs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1969. 61. Blumer, H. The world ofyouthful drug use. ADD Center project: Final report. Berkeley, Calif.: School of Criminology, University of California, 1967. 62. Borgen, L. A., & Davis, W. M. Effects of chronic A 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on pregnancy in the rat. Pharmacologist, 1970, 12(2): 259. 63. Borgen, L. A., Davis, W. M., & Pace, H. D. 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Journal of the American Medic", Association, 1944, 124: 1010-1011. 70. BouquetJ Cannabis.BulletinonNarcotics, 1950,2(4): 14-30. 71. Bouquet, J. Cannabis. Bulletin on Narcotics, 195 1, 3(l): 22-45. 72. Bourassa, M. La marijuana et la recherche. Toxicomanies, 1971, 4(l): 19-50, 73. Bourhill, C. J. G. The smoking of dagga (Indian hemp) among the native races of South Africa and the resultant evils. Unpublished doctoral dissertation Department of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, 1913. 74. Bowman, M. (Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal' P.Q.) Personal communications to the Commission, November, 1971 and February, 1972. 75. Boyce, S. S. Hemp (Cannabis sativa). New York: Orange Judd, 1900. 76. Boyd, E. S., Boyd, E. H., Muchmore, J. S., & Brown, L. E. Effects of two tetrahydrocannabinois and of pentobarbital on cortico-cortical evoked responses in the squirrel monkey. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1971, 176(2): 480-488. 77. Brau, J. L. 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A fluorescence assay of submicrograrn amounts of cannabis constituents in biological fluids. American Chemical Society, September, 1970, no. 77. (Abstract) 92. Burroughs, W. S. Junkie. New York: Ace Books, 1953. P. 30. 93. Burroughs, W. S. Points of distinction between sedative and consciousnessexpanding drugs. In D. Solomon (Ed.), LSD: The consciousness-expanding drug. New York: Putnam, 1966. 94. Burstein, S. (Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shewsbury, Mass.) Personal communications to the Commission, 197 1. 95. Byron, M. H. et al. Fibre. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1969, Vol. 9. Pp. 226- 234. 96. Caldwell, D. F. (Division of Psychobiology, Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, Mich.) Personal communication to the Commission, December, 1970. 97. Caldwell, D. F., Myers, S. A., & Domino, E. F. Effects of marihuana smoking on sensory thresholds in man. In D. H. Efron (Ed.), Psychotomimetic drugs. New York: Raven Press, 1970. 98. Caldwell, D. F., Myers, S. A., Domino, E. F., & Merriam, P. E. Auditory and visual threshold effects of marihuana in man. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1969, 29: 755 759. 99. California, Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Statistics. Drug arrests and dispositions in California, 1968. California: Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Statistics, 1968. 100. Campbell, A. M. G., Evans, M., Thomson, J. L. G., & Williams, M. J. Cerebralatrophyinyoungcannabissmokers.Lancet, 1971,2: 1219-1241. 101. Campbell, A. M. G., & Thomson, J. L. G. Cannabis effects. (Letter to the editor) New Scientist, January 6, 1972. 102. Campbell, D. R. The electroencephalogram in cannabis associated psychosis. Canadian Psychiatric Journal, 1971, 16(2): 161-165. 103. Campbell, 1. L. L'usage des drogues A I'Universit6 Bishop. Toxicomanies, 1970, 3(l): 33-47. 104. Campbell, 1. L. Non-medical psychoactive drug use at Bishop's University 1965 to 1970. Unpublished manuscript, Sir George Williams University, Montreal, September, 1970. 105. Campbell, 1. L. (Sir George Williams University, Montreal, P.Q.) Personal communication to the Commission, August, 197 1. 106. Canada, Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs. Interim Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1970. 107. Canada, Department of National Health and Welfare, Food and Drug Directorate, (now Health Protection Branch) Biostatistics Division. Poison Control program statistics. Ottawa, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970. 108. Cappell, H., Miles, C. G., & Pliner, P. Observer judgments of intoxicated behavior during social interaction: A comparison of alcohol and marihuana. Unpublished manuscript, Addiction Research Foundation, Torronto, 197 I. 109. Carabillo, E. A. (United States Bureau of Narcotics, Washington, D.C.) Personal communication to the Commission, December, 197 1. 110. Carakushansky, G., Neu, R. L., & Gardner, L. 1. Lysergide and cannabis as possible teratogens in man. (Letter to the editor) Lancet, 1969, 1: 150-15 I. 111. Carlin, A. S., Bakker, C. B., Halpern, L., & Post, R. D. Social facilitation of marihuana intoxication. Unpublished manuscript, University of Washington, Seattle, 197 1. (Supplemented by personal communication to the commission) 112. Carlini, E. A., & Masur, J. Development of aggressive behavior in rats by chronic administration of Cannabis sativa. Life Science, 1969, 8: 607-620. 113. Carr, C. J., Fisher, K. D., & Terzian, L. A. A review of the biomedical effects Of marihuana on man in the military environment. Bethesda, Md.: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1970. (Prepared for the Life Sciences Division, Army Research Office) 114. Carstairs, G. M. Daru and bhang: Cultural factors in the choice of intoxicants. QuarterlyJournalof Studies on Alcohol, 1954, 15: 220-237. 115. Casper, E., Janecek, J., & Martinelli, H. Marijuana in Vietnam. United States Army Vietnam Medical Bulletin, 196 8, 40(11): 60 72. 116. 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Paper presented at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Marijuana: Chemistry, Pharmacology and Patterns of Social Usage, New York, May, 1971. 156. Domino, E. F. (Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Personal communication to the Commission, June, 197 1. 157. Domino, E. F., Hardman, H. F., & Seevers, M. H. Central nervous system actions of some synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol derivatives. Pharmacological Reviews, 1971, 23(4): 3 17-336. 158. Doorenbos, N. J. (University of Mississippi, University, Miss.) Personal communication to the Commission, 197 1. 159. Doorenbos, N. J., Fetterman, P. S., Quimby, M. W., & Turner. C. E. Cultivation, extraction and analysis of Cannabis sativa L. Paper presented at New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Marijuana: Chemistry, Pharmacology and Patterns of Social Usage, New York, May, 197 1. 160. Dornbush, R. L. 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Sacramento, Calif.: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1967. 507. Pond, D. A. Psychological effects in depressive patients of the marihuana homologue synhexyl. Journal of Neurological and Neurosurgical Psychiatry, 1948, II: 271-279. 508. Popham, R. E. (Ed.) Alcohol and alcoholism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970. 509. Postel, W. B. Marijuana use in Vietnam: A preliminary report. United States Army Vietnam Medical Bulletin, 1968, 10(11): 56-59. 5 10. Potvin, R. J., & Fried, P. A. Acute and chronic effects on rats of (+ A '-transtetrahydrocannabinol on unlearned motor tasks. Unpublished manuscript, Psychology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1972. 511. Powelson, D. H. Clinical notes on the use of marihuana. Unpublished statement to the California Trial Judges, Student Health Services, University of California, Berkeley, October, 1970. 5 12. Pretoria Mental Hospital, Medical Staff. Mental symptoms associated with the smoking of dagga. South African Medical Journal, February 12, 1938. Pp. 85 88. 5 13. Prince, R., Greenfield, R., & Marriott, J. Ganja: The benevolent alternative? Unpublished manuscript, Mental Hygiene Institute, Montreal, 197 1. 514. Rafaelsen, L., Bech, P., Christup, H., & Rafaelsen, 0. J. Cannabis and alcohol: A comparison of psychological effects. Unpublished manuscript, Rigshospitalet, Psychochemistry Institute, Copenhagen, 197 1. 515. Rafaelsen, 0. J., Bech, P., Christiansen, J., Christrup, H., Kofod, B., Nyboe, J., & Rafaelsen, L. Cannabis and alcohol: Effects on simulated driving. Paper presented at the 5th World Congress of Psychiatry, Ciudad de Mexico, November, 1971. 516. Razdan, R. K., Zitke, B. A., Weinhardt, K. K., Howes, J. F., Dalzell, B. C., Dalzell, H. C., Sheehan, J. C., Pars, H. G., Dewey, W. L., & Harris, L. S. Water-solublederivativesof A,'-and A' (6 )-THC's and the synthesis of the metabolite of A ""'-THC. Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971, 8: 677 678. (Abstract) 517. Reid, L. D. An investigation into pursuit tracking in the presence of a disturbance signal. Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Transactions, 1970, 3(l): 35-44. 5 18. Reid, L. D., Hansteen, R. W., & Miller, R. D. The effects of cannabis and alcohol on psychomotor tracking performance. Unpublished Commission research project, 1971. (A preliminary summary appears in Annex A of Chapter 2 of this Report) 5 19. Renault, P. F., Schuster, C. R., Heinrich, R., & Freedman, D. X. Marihuana: Standardization of smoke administration and dose effect curves on heart rate in humans. Paper presented at the National Academy of Science-National Research Council Committee on the Problems of Drug Dependence, Toronto, 1971. 520. Repetto, M. J., & Menendez, M. Etude du cannabis recherche A partir de la plante, de la fum& et des urines. Journal Eurqp@en de Toxicologie, 1970, 6: 392 396. 52 1. Rickles, W. H., Jr., Chatoff, B., & Whitaker, C. Marijuana: A selective bibliography, 1924 1970. Los Angeles, Calif.: Brain Research Institute Publications Office, 1970. 522. Rickles, W. H. Jr., & Whitaker, C. Effects of marijuana on evoked heart rate and skin conductance responses. Psychophysiology, 1971, 8(2): 259-260. 523. Robins, L. N., Darvish, H. S., & Murphy, G. E. The long-term outcome for adolescent drug users: A follow-up study of 76 users and 146 non-users. In J. Zubin & A. M. Freedman (Eds.), The psychopathology of adolescence. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1970. Pp. 159-180. 524. Robinson, A. E. Recovery of cannabis constituents from the hands at autopsy. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1971, 23(3): 37-40. 525. Robinson, B., & Wright, A. Revival of domestic hemp industry. Chemurgic Digest, May 30, 1942. Pp. 75-76. 526. Robinson, V. An essay on hasheesh. Medical Review of Reviews, 1912, Part 1, 18(3): 159-169. Part II, 18(5): 300-3 13. 527. Rodin, E. A., Domino, E. F., & Porzak, J. P. The marihuana-induced "social high": Neurological and electroencephalographic concomitants. Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, 1970, 213(8): 1300-1302. 528. Rogers, B., Stein, J. P., Martin, N., & Farmilo, R. A study of innovative services in Canada. Unpublished Commission research project, 1970 7 1. 529. Roland, J. L., & Teste, M. Le cannabisme au Maroc. Maroc MMicial, 1958, 37(397): 694-703. 530. Rosevear, J. Pot: A handbook of marihuana. New York: University Books, 1967. 531. Rowell, E. A., & Rowell, R. On the trail of marihuana, the weed of madness. Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press, 1939. In A. R. Lindesmith, The addict and the law. New York: Random House, 1965. 532. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Brief submitted to the Commission, Toronto, October, 1969. 533. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Brief submitted to the Commission, Ottawa, March, 1970. (With Appendix 2 Effects of drug abuse: Relationship between drug use and criminality) 534. Rubin, V. (Research Institute for the Study of Man, New York, N.Y.) Personal communications to the Commission, May, 1971, and February, 1972. 535. Rubin, V., Comitas, L., Beaubrun, M. et al. Study of chronic marihuana users in Jamaica. Ongoing research, Research Institute for the Study of Man, New York, 197 1. 536. Russell, J. Survey of drug use in selected British Columbia schools. Vancouver: Narcotic Addiction Foundation of British Columbia, 1970. 537. Russell, J. (Narcotics Addiction Foundation of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.) Personal communications to the Commission, 1970 197 1. 538. Russell, W. R. Cerebral atrophy in young cannabis smokers. (Letter to the editor) Lancet, 1971, 2(7737): 13 14. 539. Ryrfeldt, A., Ramsay, C. H., Agurell, S., Nilsson, 1. M., & Widman, M. Whole-body autoradiographic studies on the distribution of I "')tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in mice after intravenous administration. Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971, 8: 704-705. (Abstract) 540. Sajous, C. E. de M., & Sajous, L. T. de M. Sajous's analtyic cyclopedia of practical medicine. Vol 3. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1924. 541. Santos, M., Sampaio, M. R. P., Fernandes, N. S., & Carlini, E. A. Effects of Cannabis sativa (marihuana) on the fighting behavior of mice. Psychopharmacologia, 1966, 8: 43 7-444. 542. Scheckel, C. L., Boff, E., Dahlen, P., & Smart, T. Behavioral effects in monkeys of racemates of two biologically active marijuana constituents. Science, 1968, 160: 1467-1469. 543. Scher, J. The marihuana habit. (Letter to the editor) Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, 1970, 214(6): 1120. 544. Schofield, M. The strange case ofpot. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 197 I. 545. Schultes, R. E. The plant kingdom and hallucinogens: Part 1. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1969, 2 1(3): 3-53. 546. Schultes, R. E. Random thoughts and queries on the botany of cannabis. In C. R. B. Joyce, & S. H. Curry (Eds.), The botany and chemistry of cannabis. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1970. Pp. I] -39. 547. Schwarz, C. J. LSD, marihuana and the law. British Columbia Medical Journal, 1967, 9: 274-285. 548. Schwarz, C. J. Toward a medical understanding of marihuana. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1969, 14(6): 591-600. 549. Schwarz, C. J. (Student Health Services, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.) Personal communication to the Commission, June, 197 I. 550. Schwarz, C. J. A toxic theory linking acute cannabis intoxication and regular use. Paper presented at the Western Institute of Drug Problems, Marijuana Conference, Portland, Oreg., August, 197 1. 551. Segal, M. Science and emotionalism in the marihuana issue. Scotian Journal, Halifax, May, 1971. (Supplemented by personal communication to the Commission,) 552. Sehon, A. (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man.) Personal communication to the Commission, 197 1. 553. Shean, G. D., & Fechtmann, F. Purpose in life scores of student marihuana users. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1971, 27(l): 112-113. 554. Shick, J. F. F., Smith, D. E., & Meyers, F. H. Use of marijuana in the HaightAshbury subculture. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 1968, 2(l): 49-66. 555. Shulgin, A. T. Recent developments in cannabis chemistry. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 1968, 2(l): 14-29. 556. Siegel, R. K. (Department of Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.) Personal communication to the Commission, May, 1970. 5 57. Siegel, R. K. Hallucinogens and perceptual changes. Drug Therapy, September, 197 1. Pp. 34-44. 558. Siegel, R. K., Miller, R. D., & Hansteen, R. W. Cannabis induced visual imagery. Unpublished Commission research project, 1971. 559. Siegel, R. K., & Poole, J. Psychedelic-induced social behavior in mice: A preliminary report. Psychological Reports, 1969, 25: 704-706. 560. Sigg, B. W. Chronic cannabism: Fruit of underdevelopment and capitalism. Unpublished manuscript, Algiers, Algeria, 1963. (Translated from French) 561. Siler, J. F., Sheep, W. L., Bates, L. B., Clark, G. F., Cook, G. W., & Smith, W. A. Mariajuana smoking in Panama. Military Surgeon, 1933, 73: 269-280. 562. Silver, D. (Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, P.Q.) Personal communications to the Commission, May and August, 197 1. 563. Simmons, J. L. (Ed.) Marihuana: Myths and realities. North Hollywood: Brandon House, 1967. 564. Singh, M., & Steadward, R. Effects of smoking marijuana on physical performance. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Physical Education, University of Alberta, 197 1. (Supplemented by personal communication to the Commission) 565. Singhal, R., & Ling, G. M. Report to the Non-Medical Use of Drugs Program. Unpublished manuscript, University of Ottawa, October, 197 1. 566. Skinner, R. F. The state of the art in the analysis of marihuana. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacological Society, 1971, 14: 4-9. 567. Small, E. An agricultural perspective of marijuana. Unpublished Commission research paper, May, 197 1. 568. Small, E. Interim report on studies of cannabis undertaken jointly by the Departments of Agriculture and National Health and Welfare. Unpublished report to the Commission, Ottawa, December, 197 1. 569. Smart, R. G., & Fejer, D. Drug use among adolescents and their parents: Closing the generation gap in mood modification. Unpublished manuscript, Project J-183, Sub-study 3-7 Sub-study & Jo-70, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, 1970. 570. Smart, R. G., & Fejer, D. Marihuana use among adults in Toronto. Unpublished manuscript, Project J-183, 6-7 & Jo-71. Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, 197 1. 57 1. Smart, R. G., & Fejer, D. Recent trends in illicit drug use among adolescents. Canada's Mental Health, 197 1, Suppl. 68. 5 72. Smart, R. G., Fejer, D., & White, J. The extent of drug use in metropolitan, Toronto schools: A study of changes from 1968 to 1970. Addictions, 1971, 18(l): I- 17. 5 73. Smith, D. E. Acute and chronic toxicity of marijuana. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 1968, 2(l): 37 45. 573a. Smith, D. E. (Ed.) The new social drug: Cultural, medical, and legal perspectives on marijuana. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970. 574. Smith, D. E., & Bentel, D. J. Fourth annual report to the legislature. Drug abuse information project. Unpublished report, San Francisco Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco, December, 1970. 5 75. Smith, D. E., & Luce, J. Love needs care: A history of San Francisco's HaightAshbury Free Medical Clinic and its pioneer role in treating drug-abuse problems. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 197 1. 5 76. Smith, D. E., & Mehl, C. An analysis of marijuana toxicity. In D. E. Smith (Ed.), The new social drug: Cultural, medical and legal perspectives on marijuana. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970. 5 77. Smith, J. P. New developments in drug abuse. Paper presented at the National Symposium on Drug Abuse, University of California, San Francisco, February, 1972. 5 78. Snyder, S. H. Uses of marijuana. New York: Oxford University Press, 197 1. 5 79. Sofia, R. D., Dixit, B. N., & Barry, H., 111. The effect of A 1tetrahydrocannabinol on serotonin metabolism in the rat brain. Life Sciences, 1971, 10(l): 425-436. 580. Sofia, R. D., Kubena, R. K., & Barry, H., 111. Comparison of four vehicles for intraperitoneal administration of delta-l-tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, in press. 581. Solomon,D.(Ed.) Themarihuanapapers.NewYork:NewAmericanLibary, 1966. 582. Solursh, L. (Western Hospital, Toronto, Ont.) Personal communication to the Commission, May, 1971. 583. Soueif, M. 1. Hashish consumption in Egypt, with special reference tO psychosocialaspects.BulletinonNarcotics, 1967, 19(2): 1-12. 584. Soueif, M. 1. The use of cannabis in Egypt: A behavioural study. Bulletin on Narcotics, 1971.23(4): 17-28. 585. Spencer, D. J. Cannabis induced psychosis. West Indian Medical Journal, 1970, 19(4): 228 230. 586. Steffenhagen, R. A. Emotional stability and student drug use. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Student Drug Surveys, Newark, N.J. September 13, 197 1. 587. Sterne, J., & Ducastaing, C. Les art6rites du cannabis indica. Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux 1960, 53(2): 143-147. 588. Stevenson. G. H., Lingley, L. R. A., Trasov, G. E., & Stanfield, H. Drug addiction in British Columbia. Unpublished manuscript, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1956. 589. Stone, H. M., & Stevens, H. M. The detection of cannabis constituents in the mouth and on the fingers of smokers. Journal of the Forensic Science Society, 1969, 9(1&2): 31 34. 590. Stringaris, M. G. Hashish addiction: PsychopatholoKY clinical study, sociology, criminoloKy. Berlin: Springer, 1939. (Translated from the German) 591. Suchman, E. A. The "hang-loose" ethic and the spirit of drug use. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1968, 9(2): 146 155. 592. Susser, M. Cerebral atrophy in young cannabis smokers. 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On being stoned: A psychological study of marijuana intoxication. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Books, 197 1. 599. Taylor, B. Central Asia. New York: Scribner, 1893. 600. Taylor, N. Narcotics: Nature's dangerous gifts. New York: Dell, 1966. 601. Tennant, F. S., Guerry, R. L., & Henderson, R. L. (Letter to the editor) Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 217(12): 1707. 602. Tennant, F. S., Preble, M., Prendergast, T. J., & Ventry, P. Medical manifestations associated with hashish. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 2 16(12): 1965-1969. 603. Theodor, L., & Miller, R. D. The effects of marijuana on visual signal detection, and the recovery of visual acuity after exposure to glare. Unpublished Commission research project, 1971. (A preliminary summary appears in Annex A of Chapter 2 of this Report) 604. Thompson, D. An outsider looks at some aspects of forestry. Paper presented at a meeting of the Ottawa Valley Section of the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Ottawa, Ont., November 18, 197 1. 605. Thompson, G. R., Rosenkrantz, H., & Braude, M. C. Neurotoxicity of cannabinoids in chronically-treated rats and monkeys. Paper presented at the American Chemical Society, Washington, September, 197 1. 606. Thompson, T., & Schuster, C. R. Behavioralpharmacoloxy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968. 607. Thurlow, H. J. Brief communications and clinical notes: On drive state and cannabis. Canadian Ps,ychiatric Association Journal, 1971, 16(2): 181-182, 608. Tiffany, W. J. The mcntal health of army troops in Viet Nam. American Journalo Ps chiatry, 1967, 123(12): 1585-1586. If J 609. Time. Message of' history's biggest happening: Woodstock music and art fair. Time, 1969, 94: 32 33. 6 10. Tinklenberg, J. R. (Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, Calif.) Personal communication to the Commission, April, 197 1. 6 11. Tinklenberg, J. R., Kopell. B. S., Hollister, L. E., & Melges, F. T. A comparison of the effects of marihuana and ethanol on memory, evoked potential, and contingent negative variation. Paper presented at the Cannabis Study Group, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, San Juan, Calif., 1970. 612. Tinklenberg, J. R., Melges, F. T., Hollister, L. E. & Gillespie, H. K. Marijuana and immediate memory. Nature, 1970, 226(5251): 1171-1172. 613. Tinklenberg, J. R., & Stillman, R. C. Drug use and violence. In D.N. Daniels et al (Eds.), Violence and the struggle for existence. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1970. 614. Todd, A. R. Chemistry of the hemp drugs. Nature, 1940, 146(3713): 829- 830. 6 15. Truitt, E. B., Jr. Biotransformation of tetrahydrocannabinol in animals and man. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Drug Abuse, Toronto, Ont., August, 1970. 616. Truitt, E. B., Jr. Pharmacological activity in a metabolite of I-trans-,l 8tetrahydrocannabinol. Federation Proceedings, 1970, 29(2): 619. (Abstract) 617. Truitt, E. B., Jr. Some policy considerations of marihuana legalization based upon currently evolving research. In Policy concerning drug abuse in New York State. Volume 11. Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Hudson Institute, 1970. Pp. 48-59. 618. Truitt, E. B., Jr. Biologic disposition of tetrahydrocannabinols. Paper presented in part at the First Midwestern Conference on Drug Metabolism, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, January, 197 1. 6 19. Truitt, E. B., Jr., & Anderson, S. H. Biogenic amine alterations produced in the brain by tetrahydrocannabinols and their metabolites. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 197 1, in press. 620. Turk, R. F., Manno, J. E., Jain, N. C., & Forney, R. B. The identification, isolation, and preservation of A 9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( L 9 THQ. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1971, 23: 190-195. 62 1. Turk, R. F., Phillips, R. N., Manno, J. E., Jain, N. C., & Forney, R. B. Separation of marihuana components by gas-liquid chromatography. Toxicology of Applied Pharmacology, 1970, 17(l): 313. 622. Turner, C. (School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, University, Miss.) Personal communication to the Commission, November, 197 I. 623. Tylden, E. Cannabis taking in England. Newcastle Medical Journal, 1968, 30(6): 533. 624. Udell. J. G_ & Smith, R. S. Attitudes and the usage of other drugs among users and nonusers of marijuana in a high school population. Bureau Of Business Research and Service, Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., October 1969. (Wisconsin Project Reports, 4, no. 4.) 62 5. Ungerleider, J. T., Fisher, D. D., Goldsmith, S. R., Fuller, M., & Forgy, E. A statistical survey ofadverse reactions to LSD in Los Angeles County. American Journal o Psychiatry, 1968, 125(3): 108-113. 626. Ungerleider, J. T., Frank, I., & Feinstein, D. (UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.) Personal communication to the Commission, February, 1972. 62 7. Union of South Africa, Inter-departmental Committee on the Abuse of Dagga. Report. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1952. 628. United Nations, Division of Narcotic Drugs. Bibliography: Cannabis sativa. Bulletin on Narcotics, 195 1, 3( I&2) (and current supplements). 629. United Nations Economic and Social Council. The question of cannabis: Cannabis bibliography. E/CN.7-479. September, 1965. 630. United States Congress, House, Committee on Armed Services. Inquiry into alleged drug abuse in the armed services: Report of a special subcommittee, 92d Cong., 2d sess., Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 197 1. 63 1. United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Marihuana and Health. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 197 1. (First annual report to Congress) 632. United States Information Service. U.S. orders halt in use of herbicide. United States Embassy, Ottawa, April 2 1, 1970. (Press release) 633. United States President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Task Force report: Narcotics and drug abuse. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 634. United States, National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, Research Staff. Crimes of violence. Vol. 12. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969. (Staff report prepared by D. J. Mulvihill, M. M. Turnin, & L. A. Curtis) 635. United States, White House Conference on Narcotic and Drug Abuse. Proceedings. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962. 636. Unwin, J. R. Non-medical use of drugs with particular reference to youth. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1969, 101: 72-88. (Position paper included in Canadian Medical Association brief to the Commmission, November 7, 1969) 637. Unwin, J. R. (Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry, Montreal, P.Q.) Personal communication to the Commission, May, 197 1. 638. Van Sim, M. Discussion. In D. Efron (Ed.), Psychotomimetic drugs. Long Island. N.Y.: Raven Press. 1970. 639. Vestal, S. Sitting Bull's vision of victory. In G. Andrews, & S. Vinkenoog (Eds.), The book of grass: An anthology of Indian hemp. New York: Grove Press, 1967. Pp. 47 49. 640. Vogel, V. H. Excerpts from statements regarding marijuana use made by 100 consecutive heroin addicts. Unpublished manuscript, California Rehabilitation Center, August, 1967. 641. Volavka, J., Dornbush, R., Feldstein, S., Clare, C., Zaks, A., Fink, M., & Freedman, A. M. Marijuana, EEG and behavior. Paper presented at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Marijuana: Chemistry, Pharmcology and Patterns of Social Usage, May, 197 1. 642. Vree, T. B., Breinier, D. D., van Ginneken, C. A. M., & van Rossum, J. M. Identification of the methyl and propyl hornologues of CBD, THC and CBN in hashish by a new method of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Acta Pharmaceutica Seucica, 1971, 8: 683-684. (Abstract) 643. Wahlqvist, M., Nilsson, 1. M., Sandberg, F., & Agurell, S. Binding of a tetrahydrocannabinol to human plasma proteins. Biochemical Pharmacology, 1970,19:2579-2584. 644. Waller, C. W. (Research Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Mississippi, Miss.) Personal communication to the Commission, April, 197 1. 645. Waller, C. W., & Denny, J. J. Annotated bibliography of marihuana 19641970. University, Miss.: The Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Mississippi, 197 1. 646. Waller, J. A. Chronic medical conditions and traffic safety: Review of the California experience. New England Journal of Medicine, 1965, 273(26): 14131420. 647. Waller, J. A. Identification of problem drinking among drunken drivers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1967, 200(2): 124-130. 648. Waller, J. A. Drugs and highway crashes. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1971, 215(9): 1477-1482@ 649. Waller, J. A., & Goo, J. T. Highway crash and citation patterns and chronic medical conditions. Journal of SafetyResearch, 1969, 1: 13-27. 650. Walters, P. A., Jr., Goethals, G. W., & Pope, H. G., Jr. Drug use and life-style among 500 college undergraduates. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1972, 26: 92-96. 651. Walton, R. P. Marihuana.- America's new drug problem. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1938. 652. Warnock, J. Insanity from hasheesh. Journal of Mental Science, 1903, 49: 96-110. 653. Washington, G. Diary notes. In G. Andrews, & S. Vinkenoog (Eds.), The book of grass: An anthology of Indian hemp. New York: Grove Press, 1967. P. 34. 654. Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles, Research Division. Project METER, an evaluation. Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles, Olympia, Wash., January, 197 1. 655. Waskow, 1. E., Olsson, J. E., Salzman, C., & Katz, M. M. Psychological effects of tetrahydrocannabinol. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1970, 22(2): 97-107. 656. 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Canadian Government Commission of Inquiry - Cannabis Report