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Interest of a BAC Simulator in Educational ProgramsC Mercier-Guyon, CY Gerbaulet, P Arvers, L Giraud and M RetornazCERMT, BP 132, F 74004 Annecy Cedex, France ABSTRACTMost of the educational programs in the field of alcohol and risk are based on classical medium, no inter-active, like TV spots, posters, slogans, brochures. It appeared interesting to study the impact of pedagogic system in evaluation and educational programs in professional and military environment. The SIMALC, BAC Simulator allows to show, on a screen, the BAC curves resulting from a fictitious intake of alcohol, choosed by the subject. The simulator integrates different parameters linked: to the subject (sex, age, weight); to the beverage (wine, beer, alcohol); to the meals. The curves resulting from the BAC simulator are very realistic and authorize an educational use on a personalized and interactive way. Two studies have been led, one in companies of Public Transportation (A), and one in the Army (B). The results of those 2 studies are analysed and discussed. INTRODUCTIONMost of the prevention campaigns concerning the risks of excessive alcohol consumption are based on classical means of information like TV spots, posters, slogans, booklets. Those means of information are not interactive and nothing allows to evaluate their liability in the population which perceive them. Evenmore, "a priori" attitudes of each subject frequently erect a barrage to this liability. It seemed interesting to study the interest of an interactive educational system on alcohol consumption in different populations of adults:
DESCRIPTION OF THE BAC SIMULATORThe SIMALC, Simulator of Alcohol level allows to make visual, on a screen, the BAC curves resulting from a fictitious intake of alcohol, choosen by the subjects. It shows also the resulting statistical risk of accident. The simulator integrates different parameters linked:
Therefore, its allows to make a very realistic and specific visualization of the alcohol intake and of the theorical B.A.C, base of a specific educational and interactive use. THE STUDIES REALIZEDTwo studies have been led to evaluate the impact of the B.A.C simulator. The study A concerned employees of RATP (Paris Underground) and of SNCF ( the French railways company). The study B concerned French army servicemen (draftee or enlisted). STUDY AIt compared the knowledge of alcohol risk in three groups of subjects, groups composed with a random sharing out of the subjects. Group I: this group is a group control receiving no information on alcohol risk. Group II: this group receives a classical educational program and an individual training on B.A.C. simulator. Group III: this group receives a classical educational program and an individual training on B.A.C. simulator. METHOD OF EVALUATIONAfter the educational period, the three groups filled a questionnary concerning:
ETHICAL ASPECTSConfidentiality of the answers was guaranteed by their anonymity. The acceptance by the subjects was obtained previously to the study. RESULTSThe results concern 351 questionnaries divided in:
Knowledge on Blood Alcohol Limit in Traffic SafetyThis level is known in:
This correct knowledge, equivalent in group II and III shows an equivalence of the two campaigns, for this simple item. Evaluation of the Time to Reach Back 0.8 g/l (BAL in France)
This appraisal shows, paradoxically, a gliding of the subjects toward pessimistic values, more clearly in the group III than in the group II. This evolution is one of the educational aims researched. Evaluation of the Time Limit Before Being Able to Work
This appraisal shows a gliding to a lightly more optimistic appraisal in the group II and lightly more pessimistic in the group III. The effect on the group III is also one of the researched educational actions. Evaluation of the Time Limit to Reach a B.A.L. 0.0 g/l (BAL in France)
The group III shows a better knowledge of this parameter with a persistency to a pessimistic appraisal. Judgment Concerning the Justification of B.A. ControlsThe B.A. controls at work seems to be better accepted in the group III (74.74%) than in the group II (64.78%) or in the group I (67.01%). The dedramatizing and interactive aspect of the BAC simulator probably influence this evolution. Control of Relationship with AlcoholThe certainty of the subject concerning their self control of the alcohol risk is not weakened by the different educational action. This commonly held opinion stays an important problem in traffic safety. The Role of the Firm in Employees HealthThis role is estimated as normal by the most part of the subjects of the three groups without significant difference between them. DISCUSSIONThe evaluation of those results allows to notice different points:
The study of the questionnaires filled in by the subjects of the group III (after B.A.C. simulator training) shows a decreasing of optimistic appraisals and an increasing of pessimistic appraisal for reaching back 0.8 g/l with better knowledge of the late evolution of BAC and the return to zero BAC. CONCLUSIONSThe knowledge of alcohol risk in the population still appears rather weak especially concerning specific aspects for each subject. A first appraisal of the impact of an educational program with B.A.C. simulator shows an evolution toward a more pessimistic appraisal of those specific aspects, and a better acceptance of the interference of a third party in the relationship subject-alcohol. STUDY BIt was realized in 15 military places (waiting room of medical services, military schools, library). In each place, a B.A.C. simulator was set up and an information given to the observers. POPULATION TESTED793 subjects have been tested in the 15 places selected. The population included draftees, enlisted, executives, officers, officer cadets. The sessions were based upon a spontaneous demand. METHODS OF EVALUATIONAn individual questionnary was filled in by each user after the session, concerning:
COMMENTSAfter a free use, spontaneous and intentional, it appears that:
Its use seems to be more usefull as a base of this dialogue than a knowledge distributor. Most of the users conclude to the necessity of the presence of a leader in the aim of a better management of the use and to pass over a simple play activity. It's main interest lies in its technical characteristics which allow a personalization of the datas and of the resulting curves in a impartial way. This personalization also allows, with its fictitious aspect, to pass over the initial reluctance of the individuals to touch on the problem of alcohol, and to initialize an educational approach adaptated to the places of life of the people. REFERENCESIntérêt d'un dispositif de simulation d'alcoolémie chez des employés d'entreprises de transports collectifs.