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A Response to the DEA web site |
DRCNet Response to the
Drug Enforcement Administration
Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization
Resources1. Bibliography 3. Who's Who in the Legalization Debate 1. BibliographyBooks Benjamin, Daniel K. Undoing Drugs: Beyond Legalization. Basic Books, 1991. Bugliosi, Vincent. Drugs in America: the Case for Victory. Knightsbridge, 1991. Gorman, Thomas J. The Myths of Legalization. California Narcotic Officers Association in cooperation with the California Attorney General's Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, 1994. Krauss, Melvyn and Lazear, Edward P., editors. Searching for Alternatives: Drug Control Policy in the United States. Hoover Institution Press, 1991. Inciardi, James A., editor. The Drug Legalization Debate. Sage Publications, 1991. Szasz, Thomas Stephen. Our Right to Drugs: the Case for a Free Market. Praeger, 1992. Zimring, Franklin E. The Search For Rational Drug Control. Cambridge University Press, 1992. Newspapers and Newsletters Auletta, Ken. "Six Doses of Reality Are Injected in the Argument for Legal Drugs." New York Daily News, December 17, 1989. Bennett, Sandra. "Therapeutic Marijuana: Fact or Fiction." Drug Watch, July 1992. Bennett, William. "Mopping up after the Legalizers: What the 'Intellectual' Chorus Fails To Tell You." Washington Times, December 15, 1989. Bent, Daniel. "An Eye Opener for Judges on the Health Effects of Marijuana." Drug Watch, March 1992. Buckley, William F., Jr. "The Weed of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit." New York Daily News, June 10, 1993. Cohen, Roger. "Amid Growing Crime, Zurich Closes a Park It Reserved for Drug Addicts." New York Times, February 11, 1992. Collins, Christopher and Collins, Susan. "What Savings?" Baltimore Sun, March 20, 1990. Corcoran, David. "Legalizing Drugs: Failures Spur Debate." New York Times, November 27, 1989. DuPont, Robert L. and Goldfarb, Ronald L. "Drug Legalization: Asking for Trouble." Washington Post, January 26, 1990. Kerr, Peter. "The Unspeakable Is Debated: Should Drugs Be Legalized?" New York Times, May 15, 1988. Kilpatrick, James J. "Drug War: Good News, Bad News." The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, September 13, 1990. Krauthammer, Charles. "Legalize? No. Deglamorize." Washington Post, May 20, 1988. Labaton, Stephen. "Reno Questions Drug Policy's Stress on Smuggling." New York Times, May 8, 1993. LaFranchi, Howard. "Heavy Legal Drug Use in Spain Prompts Calls for Tougher Laws." Christian Science Monitor, November 7, 1991. Lapey, Janet D. "Marijuana as Medicine Refuted by NIH Scientists." Drug Watch, August 1992. Mann, Peggy. "Reasons To Oppose Legalizing Illegal Drugs." Drug Awareness Information Newsletter, September 1988. Moore, Mark H. "Actually, Prohibition Was a Success." New York Times, October 17, 1989. Ostrow, Ronald J. "Study Finds Acceptance of Marijuana for Therapy." The Oregonian, May 1, 1991. Peterson, Robert E. "Stop Legalization of Illegal Drugs." Drug Awareness Information Newsletter, July 1988. Pike, Otis. "Drug War Needs New Direction." Chicago Sun-Times, May 13, 1993. Radonich, Timothy. "Controlling Drugs through Legalization." Northwest Libertarian (newsletter), September 1990. Raspberry, Wiliam. "Legalize Drugs? No." Washington Post, May 14, 1988. Regional Drug Initiative of Portland, Oregon. "Position Paper in Opposition to the Legalization of Drugs," September 1990. Rosenthal, A.M. "Dismantling the War." New York Times, May 18, 1993. Sander, Tom. " 'Weedotherapy' Works: Government Should Legalize Marijuana as Medicine." Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, March 6, 1993. Schmoke, Kurt. "Decriminalizing Drugs: It Just Might Work--And Nothing Else Does." Washington Post, May 15,1988. Schuchard, Marsha Keith. "Marijuana: An Environmental Pollutant." Parents' Resource Institute for Drugs (PRIDE). Schuckit, Marc A. "Should We Legalize Cocaine?" Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Newsletter, June 1990. Skolnick, Jerome H. "Drugs: More or Fewer Controls?" Los Angeles Times, June 22, 1988. Thomas, Kathy. "On Legalizing Marijuana: Let the FDA Do Its Job!" Drug Awareness Information Newsletter, September 1988. U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys. "Prisoner Survey Provides Look at Violent Crime." Violent Crime NET, May 1993. Zucchino, David. "A Push to Make Drugs Legal." Philadelphia Inquirer, July 5, 1992. (Authors of following articles were not identified.) "Business Tax Incentives Can Help Win Drug War," Washington Times, December 15, 1989. "The Case for Slavery." New York Times, September 26, 1989. "Drug report: Drop in Teen and Casual Use," USA Today, September 6, 1990. "EURAD Examines Harm Reduction." EURAD Newsletter, Spring 1991. "How Much is a Baby Worth?" New York Times, December 15, 1989. "Making Drugs Legal Won't Win the War." USA Today, December 15, 1989. "Mistakes of the Legalizers," The Washington Post, April 13, 1989. "Needle Exchange Is an Approval of Drug Use in the Most Destructive Way." Drug Watch, March 1992. "Poll Finds 90% Favor Keeping Drugs Illicit." New York Times, September 15, 1988. "Student Exercise for Marijuana Activist Group Given National Media Attention To Influence Court Case." Drug Prevention Newsletter, June 1991. "There are Better Ways than Legalization To Fight the Country's Drug Problems." Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, April 17, 1993. Periodicals Bennett, Georgette. "Legalization: Would It Work?" National Law Journal, September 26, 1988. Courtwright, David T. "Should We Legalize Drugs? History Answers. No." (See also entry for Nadelmann, Ethan A.) American Heritage, February/March 1993. Current, William F. "Arguments Against Legalization of Illicit Drugs," Employee Assistance Quarterly, Vol. 6, 1990. Currie, Elliott. "Towards a Policy on Drugs." Dissent, Winter 1993. Dennis, Richard J. "The Economics of Legalizing Drugs." The Atlantic, November 1990. Farley, Christopher John. "Hello Again, Mary Jane." Time, April 19, 1993. France, Steve. "Should We Fight Or Switch?" American Bar Association Journal, February 1990. Kleiman, Mark A.R. "Should Some Illegal Drugs Be Legalized? Legalization: A Simplistic Solution to a Complex Problem." Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 1990. Kleber, Herbert, M.D. "Our Current Approach to Drug Abuse -- Progress, Problems, Proposals." New EnglandJournal of Medicine, February 3, 1994, Vol. 330, No. 5. Kondracke, Morton M. "Don't Legalize Drugs." The New Republic, June 27,1988. Linn, Lawrence S. and Yager, Joel. "Physician Drug Legalization Fraught With Danger, Uncertainty." Narcotics Control Digest, June 22, 1988. Lipman, Arthur G. "The Argument against Therapeutic Use of Heroin in Pain Management." American Journal of Hospital Pharmacists, May 1993. Montagne, Michael. "The Argument for Therapeutic Use of Heroin in Pain Management." American Journal of Hospital Pharmacists, May 1993. Nadelmann, Ethan A. "Should We Legalize Drugs? History Answers. Yes." (See also entry for Courtright, David T.) American Heritage, February/March 1993. Sweezy, Martha. "Why Heroin Should Be Legalized." Smith College Studies in Social Work, Vol. 61, #2, 1991. Teasley, David L. "Drug Legalization and the 'Lessons' of Prohibition." Contemporary Drug Problems, Spring 1992. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. "Fact Sheet: Drug Data Summary." Drugs & Crime Data, November 1992. Weisheit, Ralph A. and Johnson, Katherine. "Exploring the Dimensions of Support for Decriminalizing Drugs." Journal of Drug Issues, Winter 1992. Wilson, James Q. "Against the Legalization of Drugs." Commentary, February 1990. "Arguments Against Legalizing Drugs." Drug Abuse Update, September 1988. "Physicians' Attitudes Toward the Legalization of Marijuana Use." Western Journal of Medicine, June 1989. "Should Some Illegal Drugs Be Legalized: Legalization is the Answer." Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 1990. Other Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration. "Marijuana Scheduling Petition, Denial of Petition, Remand. 21 CFR Part 1308 [Docket No. 86-22]" (Administrative Law hearing). "Drug Legalization: Getting to No." Dr. William Olson, 1994. "National Drug Control Strategy: Reclaiming Our Communities from Drugs and Violence," The White House, February 1994. "Panacea or Chaos? The Legalization of Drugs in America." Mitchell S. Rosenthal, M.D., presented in Distinguished Lecturer in Substance Abuse lecture series, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, January 15, 1993. Russell, John S. and McNicoll, Andre. "The British Experience with Narcotic Dependency," Alcohol and Drug Commission, Ministry of Health, Province of British Columbia. "Report of the International Control Board for 1992." International Narcotics Control Board of the United Nations. "State and Local Spending on Drug Control Activities." Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 1993. "Legalization: Panacea or Pandora's Box." Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Colombia University, September 1995.
2. Resource PersonnelThe Drug Enforcement Administration has Demand Reduction Coordinators stationed in these field offices: Atlanta Field Division New England Field Division Chicago Field Division Dallas Field Division Rocky Mountain Field Division Detroit Field Division Houston Field Division Los Angeles Field Division Miami Field Division Newark Field Division New Orleans Field Division New York Field Division Philadelphia Field Division Phoenix Field Division St. Louis Field Division San Diego Field Division San Francisco Field Division Seattle Field Division Washington (DC) Field Division Assistance may also be obtained by contacting: Other Resources Robert Peterson, Director Sue Rusche Mitchell S. Rosenthal, M.D. Herbert D. Kleber, M.D. Robert L. DuPont, M.D. Otto and Connie Moulton Mark S. Gold, M.D. Dr. Bill Olson 3. Who's Who in the Legalization DebateAlliance for Cannabis Therapeutics Alliance of lay persons, medical professionals and policymakers concerned with the medical use of cannabis in treating the side effect of chemotherapy experience by cancer patients, and in aiding glaucoma, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis patients. Works to end federal prohibition of cannabis in medicine and to "construct a medically meaningful, ethically correct and compassionate system of regulation which permits the seriously ill to legally obtain cannabis." Drug Policy Foundation Promotes alternative methods such as legalization, decriminalization and medicalization of currently illegal substances, including marijuana and heroin, to curb drug abuse while protecting the rights of the individual. Assists in litigation to change federal drug possession laws; maintains Medical-Legal Advocacy Project to provide legal aid in cases involving medicine and law. The group believes that legal drugs, clean needles and effective drug treatment would vastly improve the health of addicts, slow the spread of AIDS, and decrease crime. Strongly opposes the use of urine tests in employment. Drug Watch International A drug information network designed to track policy and to counteract what it calls "misinformation distributed by pro-drug legalization advocates." They bring information, policy recommendations and research about drugs to the public, news media, Congress and international governments and organizations. They are dedicated to the support of demand reduction programs and combatting the idea of legalizing drugs. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) Public education organization working for change in U.S. policy regarding marijuana. Seeks an end to all criminal penalties for personal possession, use, and cultivation of marijuana. Provides speakers for interested groups; collects and disseminates educational material and information; and provides testimony for legislative committees. National Families in Action National Families in Action is a direct education and prevention organization that seeks to educate society about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by disseminating accurate information and to help citizens use that information to identify and resolve problems that contribute to substance abuse. PRIDE Membership organization that assists parents, young people and community organizations in the prevention of alcohol and other drug problems. In addition to educational efforts and program support aimed at these constituencies, PRIDE is the source of a major annual report on the extent of drug use by American youth. |
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