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Your guide to making money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry

Source:   THE GLOBE (Canada)
Date:      1881
Author:    Unknown
Title:        A MAN OF A THOUSAND
                A CONSUMPTIVE CURED

     When death was hourly expected from  CONSUMPTION,
all remedies having failed, accident led to a discovery whereby
Dr. H. JAMES  cured his only child with a preparation of
CANNABIS INDICA.  He now gives this recipe free on receipt of two
stamps to pay  expenses.  There is not a single symptom of
consumption that it does not dissipate--Night Sweats, Irritation of the
Nerves,  Difficult Expectoration,  Sharp Pains in the Lungs, Nausea
at the Stomach,  Inaction of the Bowels,  Wasting of the Muscles.
Address: CRADDON & CO. 1032 Race st. Philadelphia, Pa. ,
giving name of this paper.  1005

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