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The New York Times January 6, 1930
Studies of 550 City Patients Show It as a Factor in 24
Per Cent of Cases.

Tuttle Files Report of New York Narcotic Survey Committee With Hoover Law Commission.

Results of a study of case histories of 550 drug addict patients, 117 of them women, treated at the Metropolitan Hospital, Welfare Island from January, 1927 to July, 1929, were made public yesterday by United States Attorney Tuttle, chairman of the New York Narcotic Survey Committee.

Although it is the committee's second report on drug addiction, the study of the treatment of drug addicts in a public hospital and the analysis of the more important facts adduced by the investigation is said to be the first of its kind ever made. The report has been filed with President Hoover's Commission on Law Observance.

Treatment of drug addicts in hospitals is one phase of the inquiry undertaken by the committee. Its first report dealt with the treatment of addicts in private hospitals. Its next will deal with the treatment of addicts in penal hospitals.

In its attempt to ascertain fact finding data as to the relationship of narcotics to crime and other antisocial conditions, the committee found that physical pain and mental strain were the primary causes of drug addiction in slightly more than 13 per cent of the cases and bad association was the contributing factor in 24.181 per cent. No specific causation is assigned for addiction in 62.345 per cent of the cases. The high percentage of the last named division is explained by two conclusions, "untruthfulness of patients and determinations arrived at that in cases where records show the existence of disease or illness, in addition to drug addiction, such disease or illness could be considered as secondary causation."

The statistical part of the report shows that of the 550 cases studied 88.545 per cent were native born and the remainder of foreign birth. In this connection it is stated that 97.636 per cent of the addicts were white, 1.635 per cent black and the remainder .728 per cent yellow.

In the group 50.727 per cent were married and the remainder single. No less than 38.909 per cent of the 550 patients were recidivists and had undergone drug treatment in the Metropolitan Hospital on former occasions.

In the study of the kinds of drugs used by the addicts the report says heroin addiction comprised 59.636 per cent of the cases. In this connection the report says, "observing that morphine in its therapeutic application is recognized as being indispensable, Mr. Tuttle comments that its unwarranted use led to addiction in 26.364 per cent of the 550 cases."

Occupations of the addicts included clerical, domestic and personal service, manufacturing and mechanical industries, professional services, public service, business and trade, transportation and house wife. Mr. Tuttle emphasized that the information compiled in this part of the report is not considered as representing true industrial activities. The majority of the addicts ranged in age between 21 to 35 years.

From confidential sources it was learned the committee found that the average drug addict purchases daily from $2 to $6 worth of illicit drugs. The illicit purchase price of drugs is $1 or more per "deck" of ten grains diluted at least one-half with sugar of milk.

The "reduction treatment" was applied in all of the cases studied. The prescribed course of treatment for drug addiction of itself is approximately three weeks.

Members of the New York Narcotic Survey Committee are:

United States Attorney Charles N. Tuttle, chairman.
John I. Cutter, Court of Special Sessions, secretary.

Federal Judge John Clark Knox.
Assistant Federal Attorney John H. Blake.
Assistant Federal Attorney Thomas J. Todarelli.
Assistant Federal Attorney Albert Sylvester.
George A. Daly, chief probation officer, United States courts.
Judge Cornelius F. Collins, Court of General Sessions.
Edwin J. Cooley, Chief probation officer, Court of General Sessions.
Chief Justice Frederic Kernochan of the Court of Special Sessions.
William McAdoo, Chief City Magistrate.
Joab H. Banton, former District Attorney.
Dr. Shirley W. Wynne, Health Commissioner.
Captain Richmond P. Hobson, president, International Narcotic Education Association.
Thornton Wilson.
Major Albert de Roode, International Narcotic Education Association.
Major S.W. Brewster, United States medical Corps, retired.

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