My first thought about a book on marijuana law was, "Man,
this has got to be some DRY reading!" Perhaps, on seeing
this title, your response was similar. I mean really, who wants
to read about lawsthat's what lawyers are for! I cannot over-emphasize
how misguided my first impression was.
Marijuana Law, by criminal-defense attorney Richard Glen Boire,
is easy to understand, fast paced, and highly entertaining. It
is so good that I feel strongly that everyone who has any interest
in Cannabis pick up a copy immediately (I've already purchased
additional copies as Christmas gifts). Mr. Boire spells out all
the laws in every state in the Union. And, he lists the federal
laws as well. But far more than a compendium of scary laws, Marijuana
Law gives specific real-life examples of legal cases related to
particular aspects of the law. With almost every sticky legal
situation presented, Mr. Boire gives two examplesa conviction,
and a release. More important than merely documenting examples
though these scenarios, Mr. Boire provides his expert legal opinion
as to why each situation turned out the way that it did. Due to
this commentary, it quickly becomes obvious that this book is
a valuable defense manual for the layperson. If knowledge is power,
then Mr. Boire's book could be the most important text in an American
Cannabis user's library. Marijuana Law explicitly describes how
to stay out of legal trouble.
This book went to print just prior to the passing of the recent
medical marijuana laws (Prop 215 in CA and 200 in AZ); hence,
there isn't any speculation on how these new laws will effect
the status quo. The interested reader would be wise to subscribe
to Mr. Boire's newsletter, The Entheogen Law Reporter, to keep
abreast of the latest developments.
While Marijuana Law focuses on Cannabis, the legal advice is also
relevant to many other plants and drugs which are currently scheduled.
Mr. Boire spells out what an individual's constitutional rights
are, and he explains how to assert them effectively. He lets the
reader know what type of action is appropriate to take when confronted
by the police. Covering searches and seizures, gardens, medical
necessity, religious defenses, what to do if you're arrested,
drug testing advice, and much more, this new expanded edition
of Marijuana Law is a must. The most important point that I can
make about this book is that the advice presented is easy for
any individual to incorporate into his or her life-style. The
result being that those who use Cannabis will feel much safer
within their chosen life-style.
Mr. Boire writes, "I have become convinced that the constitutional
rights created to protect us against runaway government are being
sacrificed in the 'War on Drugs.' The Cannabis plant is not evil;
arbitrary government is. It is time to change our way of thinking
about drugs. Long after the hysteria has subsided, we will be
left not with a drug-free society, but rather with a less-free
society." I wholeheartedly agree.
Published by Ronin Publishing, Inc., Marijuana Law is also available
directly from the author for $15.95 plus $3.50 S/H. CA residents
add $1.15 for sales tax. Send payment to: Richard Glen Boire,
POB 73481 (Dept. PRL), Davis, CA 95617-3481. Credit card (and
other) purchases can be made through Ronin Books By Phone at (800)