My opinion of this site is that it STINKS!! It seems that
you proudly promote that the D.A.R.E. program does not work.
Thanks for responding. Perhaps you are put off by the conclusions
of the people at Research Triangle Institute who did the two year study. Perhaps you did
not like what the University of Illinois Carbondale Criminal Justice Department had to say
about DARE. The Houston PD found that DARE serves basically as a public
relations vehicle for police views at the expense of the children and under a disguise of
controlling a public menace. Now that's the conclusion in Houston. I didn't say it.
Go tell them they are prejudiced against police.
Maybe it bothers you that Mathea Falco, who is known as a drug war hawk
with credentials even you would approve, wrote "Making the Grade" in which she
compared a couple of dozen Drug Prevention, Safety and similar programs and found DARE
near the bottom in every criteria of evaluation except for "helps kids perceive
police in a positive light".
Her address is at
Drug Strategies
Wash DC 202-663-6090
$12.95 for the book.
Talk to Falco. I disagree with her on most everything else. You will
probably assume that I agree with her about DARE's failure but who cares what my
opinion is on this? You are criticizing a list of articles that have appeared nationally
in front of the brightest and most influential people, including plenty of cops.
On what facts do you base this opinion? Until you have walked in
my shoes as a police officer and a D.A.R.E. instructor you could not possibly draw
an educated conclusion to this program.
So you think police should evaluate the success of the educational
program for young children? Do you think parents and teachers might also have an
informed opinion on this subject, or only police and politicians? Police have a
conflict of interest in presenting these "public service messages". It is
very unfortunate, but police cannot accurately assess this program because you are
prejudiced in favor. Since you claim to be serving the public, let's listen to how the
public evaluates the program.
What would you like to see? Perhaps no type of drug abuse education programs in
our schools? That would do wonders for our society. The misconception, or should I say
your ignorance, to the D.A.R.E. program is evident on your site.
So, are we talking about Ms. Falco, Research Triangle Institute, Houston
Police Department, University of Illinois or who? I urge you to present to me any
documentary evidence you have. I will gladly present in public on my website, under your
name, your views on this subject and any supporting material you may have within the
scope of the website. I will put it up for a year at my expense and invite readers to
comment, and I will post their comments as well.
It is so sad that our great country's constitution can protect
liberal swines, since the venom that they spew is considered free press. There is some
brightness in thought.
Dear Sir, you have eloquently and convincingly made my case as to why
police should not be in front of my children with this message. I am the parent of the
child you want to teach. I publish scholarly articles on the program which pays your
salary, and your response is to call me names and threaten me .
There are more of us than of you.
Yes. That's what the majority says to the minority. Should I be worried
that you are not
going to come when I need a cop?
cc Culver City School District