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Marijuana Enforcement in California: A Costly and Wasteful Warby D. Gieringer, CANORML
Costs of Prohibition:
California's marijuana decrim law has been a success: The Moscone Act reduced the penalty for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana from a felony to a minor misdemeanor in 1976. Since its passage, the state has saved $90 million per year in arrest and court costs, while consumption declined to its lowest level since 1967, when use was still a felony. Official studies have consistently called for further decriminalization, including the National Academy of Sciences (1982), the Presidential Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse (1973), and the state Research Advisory Panel (1990), which recommended legalizing personal use and cultivation of marijuana. Marijuana legalization works. In the Netherlands, where cannabis is legally available in coffee shops, only 5% of the population are regular users, while opiate and hard drug addiction is lower than in neighboring countries. Other foreign countries, including Germany, Australia, Italy, Switzerland and France, are seriously considering the Dutch system. -- D. Gieringer, Coordinator, California NORML, July 1993.
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML End |