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Volume II, Number 5 - May 1997
See Doctor's Column: Here
Methadone--It Saved My Life - by Julian Robinson
Clinics in Italy - by Roberto Nardini
A Course in Methadone Maintenance - by Ken T.
Thanks From a Patient - by Dennis D.
Did You Know?
Briefly Speaking
Methadone--It Saved My Life by Julian Robinson
I have been taking methadone for 13 years; my dose has always been, still is,
and always shall be 100mgs. I have been in and out of literally every type of drug
treatment available, as well as many other forms of therapy. Though I never had intended
to remain in methadone maintenance, I must tell you, it no doubt saved my life.
For thirty plus years, I've had 7 habits, 5 institutionalizations, 8 overdoses requiring
hospitalization, and all the aforementioned treatments; all I can say is that methadone,
antidepressants, and the twelve steps (which I only began three months ago) have
allowed me to feel strong, healthy and hopeful for the first time in my life.
The problem with chemotherapy for substance abuse/addiction is one of ignorance and
very poor communication. The issue has nothing at all to do with whether or not a
person takes drugs but, rather, what particular drugs said person takes.
I remember when I was detoxing from heroin addiction thirteen years ago. Some of
the staff had spoken to me about trying methadone maintenance as treatment for my
smack habit. My initial response is the same response lay people say to me upon learning
that I'm on methadone: ". . .but you're taking a drug to not take drugs. You're
still on drugs, so what's the difference?" As we all know all too well, there
is a huge difference.
My problem was not with drugs; it had more to do with
EUPHORIA'. When the desire for euphoria affects all areas of your life in negative
ways, you have a drug problem. Virtually everyone takes some form of drug for something
or other, and many people have adjusted their lives to incorporate drugs or medicine
for the remainder of their lives--hypertension, diabetes, many, many forms of mental
health problems, such as depression, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, multiple personality
disorder, anxiety, phobias, et al. I do not have enough space to list them all, but
suffice it to say, it is not whether or not you are taking drugs but what drugs you
are taking.
Since the age of 5, I have been severely depressed. In my teens
(preteens, 10-12 years of age), I self medicated the depression and by age 27, I
had a gagging smack habit and a love affair with mainlining speedballs. Once it was
clearly understood what was wrong, I was given the proper medication by professionals--methadone,
Prozac, and a mild tricyclic, and I've never felt better.
The other thing
I have noticed is that there are too many people around proselytizing what treatment
is right and what is wrong. Many of these people go to some college and get some
degree--usually in social work and maybe a few courses here and there in psychology.
Smugly, they expect to be referred to as professionals. HA!! Listen people, I have
a Ph.D. in philosophy, with psychology as a minor, and I know shit!!
all my life experience, all my schooling and all my independent study (which accounts
for more reading than I have ever done in school), I can honestly say, "The
more I learn and know, the more I realize how very little I really know!" But,
I can tell you one thing for certain--there is no right or wrong treatment. Any treatment
can work for any person. You have to check them out and see what you are most impressed
with and comfortable with. But, even more important: If you are not committed to
sobriety, moderation, complete abstinence forever et al, nothing will work. This
I can safely tell you from personal experience and from observing others. Gotta Go.
Love on ya.
P.S. If anybody feels like writing me, please do: 3487 Anchor
Place, Oceanside, NY 11572.
P.P.S. I didn't know Ira Sobel, but from reading
his editorials, I must tell you, we have lost a wonderful human being. All I can
say is, "I hope one day we meet spiritually. Gonna miss ya buddy! We never met
face to face, but I love ya." End
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Clinics in Italy by
Roberto Nardini
The Italian methadone situation is really complex; if you forgive my sluppy English,
I will try to give you an idea what is going on here in Italy. In our Country, by
law there must be a service for drug addiction every USL (Unit=E0 Sanitaria Locale).
There are about 600 Ser.T. (Servizio Tossicodipendenze) nationwide. Each of them,
by law must provide the most known modalities, methadone included. And for that purpose
the USLs have been provided with funds.
So you would say, "Where is
the problem?" Well, the problem is pretty Italian, in that what has been stated
by law seldom gets done. People (doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists)
get paid anyway--there must be 22 operators every 150 patients, but patients seldom
get real treatment. Why? First of all, the Italian information in this field has
been monopolized by the religious organizations.
Many priests started treatment
centers years ago and have conditioned the whole policy, getting most of the funds
and achieving tremendous power. They show ads on TV, they publish in magazines and
newspapers, just bombarding the public opinion with their awful propaganda. Thus,
most addicts and their families don't ask for MMTP, and when they do, many doctors
don't listen to them. A great part of the public clinics are devoted to
detoxification as main treatment or as previous practice before sending patients
to a treatment center. There are clinics that provide MMTP, but only those who accepted
the right protocols which we introduced in Italy years ago. Those clinics are growing
in number and quality, and we really work hard on this project through meetings and
conferences, disseminating materials and so on. After 1993, following a successful
referendum promoted by ourselves along with some radicals, every doctor, even a G.
P. out of the public clinics can, by law, provide a methadone treatment to an addict
Coordination and cooperation with the local public clinic is recommended
by the guidelines issued by the government (1994). Again, only on the law because
most doctors don't even want to talk to an addict. By the way, we are the only non-public
clinic in Italy providing MMTP and assistance to anyone who needs it. We often assist
patients who are not able to get a treatment in their clinic. We write letters, we
send faxes, etc. We are, for many inefficient services, a classic pain in the ass.
We are a non profit association founded in 1978, just with the main purpose of helping
this weak part of our society. It's a long, long story.
Whatever you get
here in Italy, good or bad treatment, methadone or treatment center, is completely
free. We also have referred many American traveling patients to the appropriate local
services to be dosed as per the recommendations of their doctors. We haven't done
much of this job since TRIP (organization which arranged dosing for traveling patients)
no longer exists, but we are ready and perfectly organized to do it again. So, whoever
plans to take a trip to Italy will be welcome, and we will be glad to refer him/her
to the right service(s) accordingly with their particular schedule. Wherever you
go in Italy, there are clinics in close proximity. The problem is whether those clinics
respect and follow the directions from the original foreign clinic. Of course they
should, but not always do they. Therefore, I suggest you get in touch with us before
leaving, so that we can contact the Italian doctors and make sure they will dose
properly any traveling person.
Foreigners, when they show up at the Italian
clinic are supposed to present a letter signed by their doctor, stating the dose
and the eventual take home privilege (which is not always respected here in Italy).
We will be glad to previously announce the visit of any American friend to any Italian
clinic, so that when they get here, everything is already settled. And, of course,
this will be a free service.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate
to write to:
R. Nardini - Gruppo S.I.M.S. Tel/fax +39 584 72600 Segreteria
24h E-Mail: simsnr@versilia.toscana.it http://www.citinv.it/associazioni/SIMS/ sims.htm
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Is A Course in
Methadone Maintenance Feasible? by Ken T.
What is methadone? What is methadone maintenance? Can the many truths really be
told to our friends or families, or doctors even, about a treatment that almost no
one understands--yet the use of which can save an addict's life? Many addicts' lives.
Imagine yourself a reporter interviewing the general public about methadone. You
want to know what methadone maintenance means to them. You would certainly come across
these and many other opinions:
"Oh, I don't know--never really thought
about it much", or "It's trash, just a substitute for heroin--legal dope",
or maybe "Methadone is fantastic; it has changed my life, helped me so much!"
the opinion, one thing is certain. As a result of methadone, many lives have been
saved and transformed for the better. Over the years, it has touched thousands of
lives. So, many of us profess to believe in our chosen treatment for our addictions.
The word "methadone" has been used, misused, and abused in the name of
countless causes over the course of many years. But in spite of the successful use
of methadone in treating narcotic addiction, it is an enigmatic source of treatment.
It has been totally misunderstood since day one. Can the masses, in general, be educated
as to the usefulness of methadone maintenance? The simple answer--yes! But how?
We, as addicts, are equally misjudged, but we need to educate people and proceed
slowly to your friends, family, and on through your doctor. Many people have never
even met someone on methadone--not that they knew of anyway! A high percentage (90%)
of the time, when I talk to a doctor, dentist, attorney, a nurse, or even a friend
who doesn't know I'm on methadone, I am met with questions and much curiosity. Most
are very receptive and ask questions such as: Does methadone really work? How long
have you been on it? How does someone get into a clinic? Most are well-intentioned
questions or comments, and I have discovered that most are very curious about the
"demon-drug" methadone. The fears and concerns that people may have had
about an addict quickly disappear! The wild-eyed, crazed, methadone-drinking moron
image just as quickly fades away. Most are gracious listeners and so thankful for
enlightening them that they become apologetic for their former beliefs. It is a wonderful
feeling to be able to see the negative stereotypes and images of a methadone patient
disappear within a smile!
But, on the other hand, I've been told that any
connections to methadone, even in a subtle manner, would be "political suicide."
"Not worth the trouble", and "Is of no interest to me." Please,
don't let the attitude of the ignorant few deter you in any way. The ignorant will
always be out there and set in their ignorant ways, ready to pounce upon anyone whom
they see as "different" from themselves.
Don't give up hope, for
hope is eternal! Peace!
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Thanks From
a Patient by Dennis D.
I would like to commend your organization (DONT) and NAMA in attempting to enlighten
both the treatment community and the general public on the truth about MMT by taking
a proactive role in dispelling the myths, ignorance, and stigma associated with the
most effective treatment modality available for opiate addiction.
I have
suffered from and struggled with opiate addiction for over 20 years. During this
time I have gone through the gamut of traditional abstinence-oriented treatment programs,
group and individual therapy, and 12-Step fellowships in an attempt to stop using
opiates and have failed each time. This treatment failure was not from a lack of
wanting to stop nor from not "working the program." I desperately wanted
to stop but simply couldn't despite the threat of severe consequences if I resumed
active addiction. The reason was simple: I could not live a single day where I was
not besieged with constant dysphoria and depression despite over 3 years of continuous
abstinence from all mood-altering substances. These manifestations could not be relieved
to any noticeable extent no matter what Step I worked, how many meetings I attended,
what antidepressant I was on, or how often I confided in my sponsor and therapists.
There was only one thing that would end this torment. My body was screaming for the
substance that would return it to stability. I eventually gave up. It had the better
of me.
After much research of the literature and talking with fellow narcotic
addicts, I am convinced that opiate addiction is a psychological manifestation of
a physiological abnormality. There is only one form of treatment that addresses this:
Methadone maintenance. It has been proven that psychotherapy alone as a treatment
for depression is almost universally unsuccessful. Only when appropriate pharmacological
intervention is introduced does significant progress ensue. This also appears to
be true for narcotic addiction.
After having attempted abstinence-only treatment
numerous times only to eventually relapse, I have enrolled in a MMT program for the
first time. What a long, drawn-out process this is! I applied over a month ago, and
I finally have a meeting with the board of directors next week to determine my eligibility
even though I successfully met all acceptance criteria. This is madness! What is
the suffering addict, who desperately seeks help, to do during the interim? A week
seems unbearable, let alone a month. I had to begin treatment in an intensive outpatient/detox
program while I wait to be accepted (I pray!).
The reason it's taking so
long to get into this program is twofold:
(1) As you mentioned, I must "prove"
that I'm a narcotic addict who has had a several year history of opiate addiction.
This does not seem to be too difficult to ascertain to me, but I guess they want
to be careful. Again, too much governmental red tape.
(2) The intake process
consists of first completing some general paperwork. This is followed by an assessment
meeting with one of the counselors 1 to 2 weeks later, depending upon their schedule.
If you still meet the requirements of the program, you then meet with the intake
panel for final disposition. Again this can take 1-2 weeks following the assessment
interview. After having successfully completed this, then you meet with the physician
who will usually begin treatment that day. The major hassle in all of this is that
intakes are only done on certain days of the week, and the number of open slots depends
upon the number of applicants at the time. As it is, the MD is only available on
certain days, and the intake panel only meets once or twice a month, etc.
MMT is the only treatment modality that makes sense to me. Its neuropharmacological
approach to treatment is sound--unlike much of the current psycho babble and inner-child
nonsense that is so pervasive in the treatment community today. I simply cannot comprehend
the attitudes of treatment professionals and government policy makers alike who scoff
at and dismiss MMT only to praise abstinence-only programs despite the fact that
MMT is substantially more effective and less costly than abstinence programs will
ever be. During my numerous attempts at recovery, at no time was MMT discussed as
a potential option. This is truly a disservice to the thousands who needlessly suffer
relapse after relapse in abstinence programs and eventually lose hope. When will
they ever learn? If methadone was not a controlled substance, I wonder if this disparity
in philosophies would exist? If the medical and treatment community truly believes
that narcotic addiction is a disease process, why don't they finally treat it as
one and end this inane prejudice and narrow-mindedness? Perhaps this may be one positive
outcome of the HIV epidemic. It is sad to think that it takes this kind of motivation
to grease the wheels of policy reform in this day and age of supposed enlightenment.
Thank you again for your interest, support and helping to break the barriers to responsible
and ethical MMT. I look forward to becoming a member of NAMA and participating in
this crucial endeavor.
My only hope is that this program treats us with some
amount of dignity and truly views narcotic addiction as a disease entity, rather
than just giving lip service to it. We are not bad people. We are simply sick, with
an incurrable disease, trying one day at a time to get well. If methadone helps to
facilitate this, I cannot ask for more! Thanks again for your interest and support.
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Did You Know?
The goal of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is to reduce illegal heroin
use and the crime, death, disease, and other negative consequences associated with
addiction. Methadone can be used to [withdraw] heroin addicts, but most heroin addicts
who [withdraw]--using methadone or any other method--return to heroin use. Therefore,
the goal of methadone maintenance treatment is to reduce and even eliminate heroin
use among addicts by stabilizing them on methadone for as long as necessary to help
them keep their lives together and avoid returning to previous patterns of drug use.
The benefits of methadone maintenance treatment have been established by hundreds
of scientific studies, and there are almost no negative health consequences of long-term
methadone treatment, even when it continues for twenty or thirty years.
is cost effective. MMT, which costs on average about $4,000 per patient per year,
reduces the criminal behavior associated with illegal drug use, promotes health,
and improves social productivity, all of which serve to reduce the societal costs
of drug addiction. Incarceration, by comparison, costs $20,000 to $40,000 per year.
Residential drug treatment programs cost $13-20,000/year. Furthermore, given that
only 5-10 percent of the cost of MMT actually pays for the medication itself, methadone
could be prescribed and delivered even less expensively, through physicians in general
medical practice, low-service clinics, and pharmacies.
Source: The Lindesmith
Center, "Methadone Maintenance Treatment" A Project of the Open Society
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Briefly Speaking
1650 - The use of tobacco is prohibited in Bavaria, Saxony, and In Zurich,
but the prohibitions are ineffective [emphasis mine]. Sultan Murad IV of the Ottoman
Empire decrees the death penalty for smoking tobacco: "Wherever the Sultan went
on his travels or on a military expedition his halting-places were always distinguished
by a terrible rise in executions. Even on the battlefield he was fond of surprising
men in the act of smoking, when he would punish them by beheading, hanging, quartering
or crushing their hands and feet. . . .Nevertheless, in spite of all the horrors
and persecution. . .the passion for smoking still persisted" (Brecher et al,
Licit and Illicit Drugs, p. 212).
Hmmm! Sound familiar? It should--just
substitute a little--ergo, drug policy USA today--INEFFECTIVE!!! Why?
It's not a criminal justice (?) problem. Duh!
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