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Miscellaneous Statements on Drug Policy |
Miscellaneous Items on Drugs and Drug PolicyItems not elsewhere classified Drug Policy Reform in Connecticut References on Drugs and Driving Selectivity of Sources: Reporting the Marijuana Controversy by R. Gordon Shepherd - Journal of Communication Spring 1981 p129-137 The "Scientific" Justification for Urine Testing - Part 1 The "Scientific" Justification for Urine Testing - Part 2
Chemical Dependency and Drug Testing in the Workplace - John D. Osterloh, M.D. & Charles E. Becker, M.D.- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 22(4), Oct-Dec 1990: 407-417 The Demand for Illicit Drugs, by Henry Saffer and Frank Chaloupka, National Bureau of Economic Research, August, 1995 - An economic analysis of how the demand for drugs changes with a change in price. (PDF File) Economics of the Narcotics Industry, Conference Report, Sponsored by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, US Department of State The organization and measurement of the international drug trade By Peter Reuter, Professor, University of Maryland November 21-22, 1994 Illicit Drugs and Crime Benson, Bruce L., and David W. Rasmussen. Independent Policy Report: Illicit Drugs and Crime. Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, 1996. Effectiveness of NEPs for Prevention of HIV infection -- THE LANCET June 21, 1997 Violence and Drugs - Dr. Robert L. DuPont, 1997 Drugs in the Workplace - Overstating the Problems and the Cures, 1992 Perceptions of Drug Control Problems and Policies: A Comparison of Scotland and Holland in the 1980's - The Scottish Office Central Research Unit, by Sally Haw, BSc Jason Ditton, BA PhD, 1995 NORMALIZATION OF THE DRUGS PROBLEM: AN OUTLINE OF THE DUTCH DRUGS POLICY by Otto Janssen Test Negative A look at the "evidence" justifying illicit-drug tests, by John Morgan, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1990, p. 18 Federal Panel Says Value of Workplace Testing Unproven-- Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor Vo. 7 (1) January 1995, p.6 The Drug Test Scam by Ian Goddard Drugs and Accident Risk in Fatally-Injured Drivers by Olaf H. Drummer, Ph.D. - Victorian Institute of Forensic Pathology, Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University, 57-83 Kavanagh Street, South Melbourne 3205, Australia Urinalysis or Uromancy? The Untold Costs of Drug Testing Abuse by Dale Gieringer, Ph.D.,
Meta-Analysis of Adolescent Crime and Substance Use, 1981-1995 by Gordon E. Kenney, Ph.D. The University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee 1994 American Management Survey on Workplace Drug Testing Report on the Utah Power and Light Company and the Georgia Power Company Studies. Scientific American, Mar 1990 -- an analysis of the effects of drug use in the workplace. Relative Addictiveness of Various Substances In Health, Nov/Dec 1990 Simple Way to Beat Urine Tests - Just Drink Water, Report from American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor, Vol. 6, Issue 3, March 1994 Testimony of Marc Mauer, Assistant Director, The Sentencing Project
Criminal Justice System Reform by Judge Thomas M. Stark America Held Prisoner, by Hugh Downs - A radio show by Hugh Downs, about the author of these web pages. PCP and Violence - excerpted from : Drug Abuse and Drug Abuse Research, an annual report to congress by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, pg. 153. (1991) Marijuana - The Insidious Drug A summary of some of the major points in Pot Safari and Marijuana Alert by Peggy Mann, McGraw Hill. A modern version of Reefer Madness. The Dollar Cost of Punishment This file contains miscellaneous notes and references regarding the costs of punishing people for drug offenses. Lots of interesting tidbits. Originally posted on DRCNet. A Review of the Scientific Literature Re Amotivational Syndrome This is an excellent synopsis of the information regarding the "amotivational syndrome" and marijuana. Complete with citations for further reference. Contributed by Brian of DRCNet. Cannabis Control in Canada: Options Regarding Possession - A Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse policy discussion document prepared by the CCSA National Working Group on Addictions Policy - Ottawa May 1998 DRUGS AND THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY by HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON OF NEW YORK in the House of Representatives, Thursday, October 6, 1994 A speech by Gerald Solomon. He is upset because people are using the internet to promote drug policy reform. Free speech must be stopped before it ruins America. DRUG DECRIMINALIZATION IN HOLLAND HAS INCREASED CRIME AND ADDICTION by HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON OF NEW YORK in the House of Representatives Thursday, March 2, 1995 Another diatribe, full of misinformation, by Gerald Solomon. What he doesn't know about the subject has filled libraries. Drug Laws in South America - A synopsis of the drug laws in various South American countries. Pharmacology of Marijuana: Just Another Sedative by Frederick H. Meyers, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, Ca. This is an excellent document discussing the effects and pharmacology of marijuana. The Drug Policy Foundation's Forum on Legislative Policy State Capitol, January 27, 1992 by Frederick H. Meyers, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, CA This paraphrases the report of the Research Advisory Panel. Facts About Marijuana Marijuana: Drug of Deception, A publication of the Lions Club Beer Versus Drugs Why beer is good and the illegal drugs are bad - from Anheuser-Busch. Three articles on the Drug Problem, From the Economist May 15 -21, 1993 ABC News WAR ON DRUGS: SEARCHING FOR SOLUTIONS: A Summary by Jim Hoffman Your Child and Stimulants by the Netherlands Institute on Alcohol and Drugs. This file consists of excerpts from a publication directed at parents in the Netherlands. Contributed by Mario Lap. Drug Bibliography -- A listing of articles and other materials on drugs. The latest article listed is 1990. (Note: This file is more than 300K) The Acid Tattoo Scare - Why do people persist in believing that children are under threat from psychedelic transfers? From Fortean Times Magazine Philosophy - Sources from the field of Philosophy related to drug policy. |
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