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The Many Ways to Grow Medical MarijuanaAn Overview to the Major Methods of Growing Marijuana. There are many different ways to grow medical marijuana. Which method is right for you depends upon your circumstances and what you can manage to do. This guide will give you a good summary of the various methods and a short summary of their advantages and disadvantages. Any of these methods will yield good results for a dedicated gardener. However, what you get out of it will depend upon what you put into it. A crop is subject to all kinds of threats, ranging from lack of water, to improper fertilizer, to bugs and animals that will eat it. If you really want good, high-grade marijuana you will have to put a little work into it, no matter which method you use. The first step, of course, is to get some seeds or clones to get you started. See How To Get Marijuana Seeds and Clones. The growing methods are: 1. Plain dirt
2. Coco Fiber/Rock Wool Instead of using soil as a medium to hold the roots, you can use an inert medium -- something that does not have the quality problems found with ordinary soil.
3. Hydroponics Hydroponics consists of growing the plants in something such as gravel, with no soil or vegetable matter in the mix. The gravel will be contained in pots or troughs. Water with a light mix of special fertilizers will be either poured through the gravel, or the troughs will be flooded with the fertilizer several times throughout the day. If you view roots grown in hydroponics versus those grown in plain soil, you will see an immediate difference. While roots grown in soil have a big tap root, the roots grown in hydroponics will have no major tap root, but will consist of a huge bunch of small, clean white hairs.
4. Aeroponics Aeroponics consists of growing roots in plain air. The plants are held in a mesh basket, hanging out in the air, and the water and fertilizer is continuously sprayed over the roots. This method produces roots that are even more amazing than hydroponics.