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Your guide to making money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry

The New York Times September 28, 1891, p. 2



All the Chinese resorts in the Sixth Precinct are closely watched to note visits of girls of tender age, who are, in a certain sense, wards of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. So last evening, when a girl of twelve years halted in front of Lee Young's opium joint, 104 Park Street, looked up and down the street in a half- scared way, and went swiftly into the place, which is one step down, Detective Joseph Schirmer was alert, and when, ten minutes later, she came out she was followed until out of sight of those who were lounging about the den, and then accosted and taken to the Elizabeth Street Station House.

She began to tell a number of stories and endeavored to make Capt. Brooks believe that she was enticed into the place. No harm befell her, she said, but a Chinaman chatted with her while she watched a number of his countrymen who were smoking opium. This was evidence enough to warrant a raid, and the reserve force of the precinct was called out and a descent was made on the den.

Lee Young and fourteen other Celestials were arrested and locked up. Eleven pipes, 15 bowls, 8 pots, and 5 boxes of opium, 6 "lay outs," 4 trays, scales, 2 revolvers, and $82 in money were seized. Then the girl, who is Catherine Schuyler of 123 Monroe Street, was again questioned and she admitted that she was sent to the den to buy 10 cents worth of opium for Annie Golden of Jefferson and Monroe Streets. No such person was found and after Catherine's parents had been visited the police were of the opinion that a woman in their house sent the child for the drug.

Catherine was sent to the headquarters of Mr. Gerry's society, and will be at the Tombs today, when the prisoners are arraigned.

Young's "joint" was raided a short time ago, when it was kept by Hung Lung. Nineteen persons were arrested, and six of them who were found smoking opium were fined $25 each. No one was smoking when the police burst into the place, which is about 8 by 14 feet.

[NOTE: The article from which this file was excerpted may include additional text and accompanying illustrations.]


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