countless ideas and suggestions and occasionally a valuable lead
towards books or authors he has never heard of. I have been very
lucky, in this respect; finding myself more than once in possession
of a scrap of paper with some reference on it, and remembering
only that I had received it from some chance acquaintance at a
party. To all those who have helped me in this way, my thanks;
and especially to Frances Fitzgerald, Dr. Griffith Edwards, Professor
Max Gluckman, Professor Bernard Lewis, Dr. Jonathan Miller, Dr.
Neal E. Miller, Professor Michael Shepherd, Dr. Gerry Stimson,
Frances Verrinder, R. G. Wasson, and Lyall Watson. Francis Huxley
made some suggestions about the section on drugs in primitive
societies which I was glad to incorporate; Raye Farr, and Bill
Grundy read a preliminary draft (I hope I have profited from their
astringent comments) and, along with Bernard Levin (I wish I could
have included some of his asides) somehow also found the time
to do the invaluable chore of proof-reading. I am also grateful
to Jasper Woodcock and his team at the Institute for the Study
of Drug Dependence; but my chief debt is to the London Library,
for the help from its staff, and for the access to its shelves,
where I could browse at random in theto meoften unfamiliar
territory into which the research so often lured me.
to boast that he had collected 600 titles of articles and books
on that drug alone. The bibliography compiled a few years ago
by the U.N. Economic and Social Committee on Narcotic Drugs listed
nearly 2,000 sources of material on cannabis. In its interim report
on drugs in Canada, the Le Dain Committee stated that there were
already some 3,000 reports on LSD in scientific journals. When
Joseph Robert wrote his history of tobacco, in 1949, the standard
research guide contained over 6,000 titles; when he came to revise
the book in 1967, he found that the guide, which was also being
revised, was expected to include a further 4,000 titles. Nobody,
so far as I know, has tried to keep count of the works on opium
and its derivatives, but they would certainly reach five figures.
As for alcohol, the library at Rutgers University, which specialises
in the subject, is reputed to contain 40,000 items.
The writer of any work purporting to be a history is ordinarily
anxious that his bibliography should display the extent and depth
of his research; in admitting that mine has been far from comprehensive,
I can only plead these figures in mitigation. And there has been
another difficulty. As my concern had been mainly with the social
rather than the pharmacological effects of drugs, several academic
disciplines have been involved. Information about attitudes to
drugs can be found not only in many social histories, but in works
on anthropology, ethnology, mythology, theology, phenomenology,
ecology, etymology and archeology, as well as in the descriptions
of travellers, explorers and botanists. It has consequently been
an enormous advantage when some professionalor an inspired
amateur, like R. G. Wassonhas already researched some part
of the territory, and published his findings; but such ventures
have been regrettably few.
There are also some gaps, which cannot be filled until moreor
more reliableinformation becomes available; drug use behind
the Iron Curtain, for example. So the structure of the book, with
each chapter devoted to a theme, is designed as far as possible
to make use of the material which is available, to illustrate
developments in attitudes, to, and legislation about, drugs, rather
than to try to cover all the historical ground.
Where I have quoted from early sources, I have where necessary
translated the text into modern English; standardized spelling
(sometimes to personal preference: peyotl rather than the now
more common peyote); and occasionally modified punctuation or
grammar, for clarity.
For the sake of brevity, I have omitted standard histories, biographies,
journals, etc.; nor have I listed the individual state papers
which are the chief source of material for the later chapters.
The place and date of publication refer to the edition I have
consulted, which is not necessarily the first edition.
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